I don't often remember my dreams, which is probably just as well as it doesn't do to know too much about the sources of how we each came to be what we are, and, I imagine, it's likely dreams are one of them, but I remember one of the two I had last night. The other one partakes of a vague impression.
I dreamt I had nits. I scratched my head and in doing so felt this little fuzzy lump. I extracted it with care in case it was one of God's creatures, not easy to do with my matted hair, and it fell onto the table and astonished me by setting off in a determined walk, I don't think nits can run unless you poke their backend with something prickly, towards my keyboard underneath which it couldn't get as my keyboard sits snugly flat on my desk. As it began exploring along the front, first one way and then the other, it dawned on me that I had nits. I stood up and leaned forward and shook my hair over the desk using my fingers to shake and comb it, lugs notwithstanding, in a beta minus panic. And they started dropping out like paratroopers drop out when it's for real, as it is for the little things. They were all over the desk and the keyboard. One was head jammed between the Y and the U with its legs flailing the air. And a baby one was wandering around on the Enter button: if Mommy nit had been there long, one that had entered life about my person.
Then I started coshing them with a glass object of a blue, greenie transluscence which might have been a paperweight or an ashtray but an Art-deco one if it was. And they splattered out into little shimmering pools of clear liquidity.
I woke up then. The first thing I thought was "I'll remember that and I'll put it on the "What did you dream last night?" thread. I then began composing in my head sentences of various sorts to put into such a post and tittered myself off back to sleep after I had relieved my distended bladder which is when the tittering got started.
I had heard two people discussing nits the previous day. They showed me pictures of them. What fantastic creatures I thought.