What did you dream last night?

Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 02:33 am
I dreamt this dream this morning because I woke up really early- too early - and then went back to sleep. Yesterday (while awake) I read about and looked at the picture of the man who had the first total face transplant - I think that's what triggered my subconcious to dream this dream.

So this morning - this is what I dreamt:

I dreamt that I was walking into a store and there was this young girl - a teenager- walking in just within my peripheral vision beside me. She had light brown long hair and she was wearing it in a pony tail. She tugged on my sleeve and said, 'Miss, will you please check something for me? I just got this prosthesis to wear on my face and it feels like it's slipping - can you tell me if it's in place on the sides or not?'
So I looked at the sides of her face and could see that there was this skin -toned fabric that was bunching up ar the sides where it was affixed near her hair line. I started to flatten and straighten it for her and she bit my hand. I was finally able to pull the side of my hand from between her teeth and I said, very firmly, in my mother/teacher voice, 'Just because you've been hurt doesn't mean you should try to hurt other people - especially other people who are trying to help you.'

Then I woke up.
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Joe Nation
Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 04:37 am
Long dream last night which is always a good thing.
I was at a large house arranging for some kind gathering (it was never clear, but it flowed from feeling like a funeral to feeling like someone's wedding.) I was rehearsing the band and checking with people to see if they were getting things done. My uncle came in carrying something really big. Someone said to me that he was bringing in extra bass drums and sure enough he staggered up the aisle (the big room had theatre seating and an open area we were using as a stage.) "But we don't need anymore bass drums" I thought. When he got to where I was seated I could see that what he was carrying were some kind of 4-string lutes or balalaikas.
There was some kind of commotion. A woman came in and was talking with one of the people helping me.
She came up to me and sat down in front of me. She looked odd. Bloated, puffy, doughy---you pick. I remember thinking that I needed to be nicer to people, so I that the I was sorry if I seemed to be too busy to talk to her, that I really liked her and wasn't trying to avoid her.
Then the dream evaporated.
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Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2010 01:58 pm
I was talking to a woman, who I apparantly knew, in the dream.

She was a mix of Black and Vietnamese (I knew it was Vietnam in my dream. I knew it because of an episode of "Julia", with Dianne Carrol, that I saw as a child, with a little girl who as that mixture. She was rejected in her country because her father had been a black GI, and she was being adopted here in the States....sorry for the segway)

This woman was telling me that when she decided to get married and have children, it was very important for her that the childs father be of the same culture as she.
I asked her "Don't you think it will be hard to find a man that's black and asian?"

She replied "I meant Canadian."
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2010 02:38 pm
Even your dreams are funny!
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Reply Wed 11 Aug, 2010 04:13 pm
I had a romantic encounter with Sting last night.

We only got to 2nd base, but still....
Reply Wed 11 Aug, 2010 08:52 pm
very nice.

I dreamed of my father this morning just before rising. I put my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. I can still remember his scent, Old Spice cologne and El Producto cigars.
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 04:27 am

I had, er, somewhat earthy dreams a few nights ago about an artist I met (for real) maybe a week, 10 days ago.
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 09:14 am
I don't often remember my dreams, which is probably just as well as it doesn't do to know too much about the sources of how we each came to be what we are, and, I imagine, it's likely dreams are one of them, but I remember one of the two I had last night. The other one partakes of a vague impression.

I dreamt I had nits. I scratched my head and in doing so felt this little fuzzy lump. I extracted it with care in case it was one of God's creatures, not easy to do with my matted hair, and it fell onto the table and astonished me by setting off in a determined walk, I don't think nits can run unless you poke their backend with something prickly, towards my keyboard underneath which it couldn't get as my keyboard sits snugly flat on my desk. As it began exploring along the front, first one way and then the other, it dawned on me that I had nits. I stood up and leaned forward and shook my hair over the desk using my fingers to shake and comb it, lugs notwithstanding, in a beta minus panic. And they started dropping out like paratroopers drop out when it's for real, as it is for the little things. They were all over the desk and the keyboard. One was head jammed between the Y and the U with its legs flailing the air. And a baby one was wandering around on the Enter button: if Mommy nit had been there long, one that had entered life about my person.

Then I started coshing them with a glass object of a blue, greenie transluscence which might have been a paperweight or an ashtray but an Art-deco one if it was. And they splattered out into little shimmering pools of clear liquidity.

I woke up then. The first thing I thought was "I'll remember that and I'll put it on the "What did you dream last night?" thread. I then began composing in my head sentences of various sorts to put into such a post and tittered myself off back to sleep after I had relieved my distended bladder which is when the tittering got started.

I had heard two people discussing nits the previous day. They showed me pictures of them. What fantastic creatures I thought.
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mister kitten
Reply Tue 17 Aug, 2010 06:56 pm
Concerning the immediate night before today and the early morning of today, I cannot say; that is to say I can't remember. I do remember being awoken by my sister. I ignored her and went back to eye closing, but, when I shifted my hand towards the top of the bed, I felt a hand almost as if it belonged to a corpse. I was freaked out but unmoved. Turns out it was my own hand, asleep. Still freaky.

The night before last night I had two different dreams. The first was a nightmare. I was in an unusual house being chased by a light-sucking phantom. That was the first night terror I've had in a long while. I don't remember waking after it, and I'm a heavy sleeper; afterwords my dream was of the first day of school. Not in school, but situated in the getting-to school...via bus. I missed it. There were light sabers, my friend, and an annoying kid - who I once walked home altogether with my friend and that kid.

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Joe Nation
Reply Wed 18 Aug, 2010 09:51 am
One of those 'I can't get this work done" dreams.
I was making keys but the workspace was a jumble of lock packages, papers, pieces of metal, bad keys and much more. Struggling, because it was taking so long, I finally got the four keys made, but then the customer was looking askance at the price ($100.00 for a Multilok lock) He paid anyway.
I went back into the work room determined to clean up the mess but when I got there someone has already done it. It was immaculately clean. The floor was cleared and swept, the work bench had nothing on it but all the tools arranged in perfect order.
I couldn't see who was doing the cleaning but I did see a woman I didn't recognize working in the corner of the room.
Before I could go see who see was ..... .I opened my eyes.
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Reply Wed 18 Aug, 2010 06:33 pm
I dreamed a dreamscape I haven't been to in a long time. I used to dream this place when I lived away from New England and thought of it as representing NE. But, not it's different, more modern, more busy. It's actually a restaurant setting. But, this time I lost a bag of groceries and couldn't find it for all the take out bags (shrug).
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Reply Sun 22 Aug, 2010 10:00 am
I had an odd, twisting, drawn-out dream last night.

It started with me visiting with an old friend, "why don't we hang out anymore?" and being sort of ignored. There was a band playing. Then I was dog-sitting. The dogs kept running off where I couldn't see them. I got most of them back into the house. I was standing at the back door when I noticed my dead cat and my sister's living cat outside, too. I went in to get my shoes. The next time I looked (it was getting dark), I saw what I thought was my sister's cat in two pieces. I was putting on my shoes and so was my mother. I told her to stay inside. She also ignored me. I got more insistent, thinking she'd mess everything up (I'm at my parents' house, and mom and I tend to fight). I (having apparently reverted to 15 years old) was yelling, "Just stay away!" She, of course didn't.

By the time I got to the cat, the scene had changed (the cats seemed to be ok). There were people parking their cars - arriving to see the band. There was a pile of junk where the half-cat had been. Over all the junk was a blanket. my mom was walking all over it, I was starting into some odd forensic activity. A van parked on the pile of stuff and I asked them to move their car, which they did. I took a piece of junk away and saw some bones, I took another layer of junk up and found a baby.

I stood up to look around, my mother picked up the baby which was in an arm sling and hung it around her neck. I said, "it needs to be wrapped up, it's cold." She told me he'd be fine. I took the baby and wrapped it in my jacket, trying to think of what to do with the abandoned baby. Mom said, "we don't know it's been abandoned." I retorted, "Right, it was left under a pile of junk in a parking lot. It had a van parked on it. Maybe it's not abandoned." I think I rolled my eyes.

Reply Sun 22 Aug, 2010 10:23 am
great dream.

lot's of things to consider, as far as things that are going on in your life.
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Reply Sun 22 Aug, 2010 10:56 am
I had one of those long dreams too.
It seemed to contain everything plus the kitchen sink, as far as my psyche.
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Reply Sun 22 Aug, 2010 11:00 am
oy indeed. wonder what the abandoned newborn means.... something new that fell into your lap? or is about to? it's definitely quite rich.

i dream nothing these days, for the longest time i haven't had any dream that i know of.
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Reply Sun 22 Aug, 2010 11:02 am
I was working on top of some sort of really tall masonary wall or unfinished building, and could not find a safety harness. (not even a rope)

I'd wake up and vow to dream something less gut clenching, but eventually I was back up there working again...

(I do the falling thing a lot in dreams, it seems)
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Reply Sun 22 Aug, 2010 12:31 pm
Most of my dream is pretty obvious to me. I will be dog sitting next weekend - happily they have a fenced in yard. I am currently with my parents and my little sister who has 2 small children. I am handed the children often as Sis goes about her day. I also am worried about her cat who seems to have a death wish (attacking my parents' dog). In general, I feel like my mom is starting to lose her mind a little and is doing really weird things (imo). And she has ALWAYS frustrated me. Finally, I just saw that my old friend (a musician) was online and was wishing I had caught him to catch up a little.
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Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2010 10:09 am

God was teaching a young man, about 20 years old, in a hall whose walls were mirrors.
God was a slender, older Englishman, a Conservative.
He then duplicated the young man (perfect duplicate, in every way)
and made more perfect copies of Himself and of the young man,
such that the lad woud experience how to get along in a society
of people all of whom were himself, with his values, his desires,
his emotions, his reasoning processes, his personality, his social paradigm and dressed exactly the same.
The lad was going to experience how it woud be to get along with exact copies of himself. Coud he take
advantage of any of them? Exploit any of them?
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Reply Mon 30 Aug, 2010 08:10 am
I dreamed that I met Danny DeVito at some sort of fund raiser - it was a somber sort of thing. We had a great conversation and he was hitting on me. He asked if I minded short fat guys. I told him he was funny and I liked his humor.

It was really odd and creepy as some one I knew was injured that had to do with this fund raiser with bandages all over her face.

Believe it or not it was a good dream.
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Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2010 06:53 pm
Danny Divito? Why?

I just had a long, crazy, rambling dream.

My living conditions were different. Dasha was living here again as well as someone else. Dasha and the other one were getting ready to go out somewhere together. i was miffed no one asked if I wanted to go. I asked where they were going (to see a movie). There were random people in my apartment milling around. I had a stuffy nose (did in reality, too). I went to find some decongestant. I opened a door and there was a group of maybe 6 having group sex. I saw that Dasha was next door at a party, so I went out and yelled over, "what's with the group sex? Who are those people?" She said she didn't know. I went back inside and everyone was more or less dressed and leaving, apologetically.

time passes

I was driving in the rain. Beautiful ominous clouds over dark, winding roads. I saw several small funnel clouds touching down by a bridge at the crest of a hill. Cool picture - I pulled over. A cop pulled up behind me. Got out and knocked on my window (knuckles through rain streaked window glass). Did I know I went through a red light. No I didn't.

Cop's in the car with me and we're driving and talking. He's hot and out of uniform. I do a California-Roll through a stop sign and he says, "see that! You did it again." I pull over and stop completely. We start making out and end up having sex in the car. It was hard to get comfortable. While I enjoyed it, I was upset we hadn't used a condom. Oh look, we had used a condom - a red one! Good. I sit up. There are cop cars and traffic all around us.

time passes

Now I am somewhere with the cop and another guy. We're looking for my car in a big parking lot. We see a tall guy who is stumbling around talking/singing to himself. The cop goes to talk to him. I wonder aloud, again, where is my car? The tall guy, by the end of the dream, has thrown up on all of us - me down my back.

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