It all sounds like one of those comedy plays which get so bad critics ...
If it wasn't these damned sugeries ...
In an effort to be fair, 2 of the involved Docs have, on their own inititive, called me to express their dismay at the ongoing process and have taken upon themselves to advocate on Lady Diane's well-being which has resulted in positive events occurring.
Good news.
Feed her porridge when she comes out.
Am I gonna hafta come over there and do it myself?
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((D and D)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Just remember Phoenix, you little squirt who are much, much shorter than I, to be careful since I know where you live.
And....I'm, the only one who dug deeply enough to actually see those blue roots.
Hah, cackle, cackle.
Oh, and by the way, has Dr. Oz ever been bitch slapped? I have never seen him so if he looks like Sanjay Gupta, maybe I'll reconsider.
So what's the story? Did they find Vitamin K? Did Diane get the plasma infusions? Is the surgery still scheduled for tomorrow?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Yeah Dys. What the hell is going on?
It does appear that Diane's personality has not yet been suppressed by all the difficulties.
Still wishing you well.
She is, at the moment, getting blood tests, scheduled for Vid K, plasma infusion and surgery beginning 7 a.m. tomorrow. Plan on having her home tomorrow evening so I can ignore her complaints once again.
I never liked her anyway.
georgeob1 wrote:It does appear that Diane's personality has not yet been suppressed by all the difficulties.
I agree. That is the only bright spot in all of this!
But..... surgery tomorrow morning? Is everything now ahead of schedule?
dyslexia wrote:She is, at the moment, getting blood tests, scheduled for Vid K, plasma infusion and surgery beginning 7 a.m. tomorrow. Plan on having her home tomorrow evening so I can ignore her complaints once again.
I never liked her anyway.

I am sure Diane is looking forward to the prospect as well - however, very likely for different reasons.
Dys, I think it is the years of tolerating us that makes them so wise.
I am feeling very optimistic about your surgery. I have to hand it to you, you are one fiesty lady.
I know all will go well.
dyslexia wrote:She is, at the moment, getting blood tests, scheduled for Vid K, plasma infusion and surgery beginning 7 a.m. tomorrow. Plan on having her home tomorrow evening so I can ignore her complaints once again.
I never liked her anyway.
Neither did I, which is probably why I'm coming late to this thread. Sometimes, though, I do dislike her a little less than other times. This is such a time. Is it too late to send some not-too-negative vibes?
Tomorrow? Excellent news.
Please, please, please keep us posted.
update, after many phone calls yesterday, all was setup for Lady Diane to be at hosp early this morning for plasma infusion and then into surgery at 2 p.m.. She arrive exactly on time for infusion but she was not on the schedule, the surgery was moved from one hosp to another with scheduled time changed to ?.
Our street is closed due to re-paving so I can't get out of the driveway until after 6 p.m. this evening.
Did someone mention Murphy already?
Both Osso and I are available to drive to the end of Dys' street and drive him anywhere he wants to go. Dys said schedule changes, doctor changes, location changes, etc. are not making things easier. Diane is sleep deprived, food deprived, and generally tired of the whole thing, just wants it over.
Why don't you get her back to the east coast and get her into a hospital with competent staff and doctors that are on top of what they are doing.
One of the reasons I am in Boston is medical. Nothing life threatning, but I want the best that Pill Hill (Harvard, Beth Israel, Massachusetts General, Deaconess, Brigham & Womens, et al) has to offer.
I have had mutiple surgeries and I have never had to deal with this kind of incompetence. I'm sorry, but that is a scary message from the medical profession in Albq.
update, Lady Diane is now getting the infusion and surgery schedule is again moved to the main hosp surgical unit. 2:30 p.m. Mountain Time. Lady Diane's son who is here visiting went camping in my truck so when he gets back here he and I will go to the hosp. In the meantime Osso is keeping Lady Diane company as she gets infused.