Aperson, I take it live in New Zealand? If so, the posters in the US need to understand that NZ police don't carry guns on their hips (I'm lead to believe they keep them locked in their vehicles).
Of course NZ police don't face the same dangers as US police, where lots of people both criminal, insane, and decent carry guns on their person. I would hazard a guess that US police are much more strict about the behaviour allowed towards them (without the power to enforce such?), because of the greater likelihood of them getting shot.
About the only people I ever hear about getting guns pulled on them in Australia, are the victims of armed robberies, or people with drug related dealings.
I've met good cops in my time. I've met far, far more bad cops.
all of the dealings i've had with the police have been negative
I'm wondering why you meet so many cops. In 36 years, I received 3 traffic tickets, been pulled over for Random Breath Tests, talked to them twice when my house was broken into, and had virtually no other dealings with them (while they were on duty anyway).
A police officer has to go to egregious extremes to get in deep trouble. They develop an "Us against them" mental outlook that can make them turn on us without good cause.
that they do, the difference is simple. when a rogue firefighter gets around to starting fires, the other firemen back away and let society devour him. there are some damned fine firemen. now that's a brave, selfless job.
My brother is a paramedic, who thought about being a police officer. A friend was a fireman who did become a police officer. Perhaps such people are just attracted to the emergency services. And my other brother is a police officer also - I don't know if he's ever thought about joining one of the other emergency services, never thought to ask him.
Quote:Find dAbuzz
Cops who break the law should pay the same penalty as anyone else who breaks the same law.
In Australia they pay a higher penalty. One cop just got three years for breaking a female prisoners nose and then perjuring himself (the newspaper didn't report if there was any reason for breaking the prisoners nose)