Advocate wrote:I hate the police with respect to the vast majority of police auto chases.
They seem to be oblivious to the death and destruction in which a large percentage of these chases result. Moreover, they seem like cowboys who glory in the chase.
You, like the majority of Americans, have lived a peaceful life. Good for you!
Someday, however, your peaceful life may intersect with the foul underbelly of our society.
My bet is that if and when this happens you will not only be bleating for protection from the police, you will abuse them if they don't preserve your ass in exactly the fashion you expect.
Hate the police. It's your right. It is also your right to call upon them in your need, and guess what? Most times they will be there.
What does it say though about someone who calls upon the help of someone they publicly deride?
What a wonderful country we live in when citizens feel it is OK to abuse the institutions that protect them from chaos.
How insipid is this attitude when compared to the notions and concerns of people in truly lawless lands --- a very large number of such people.