happycat wrote:Regarding Walter's quote from the Telegraph...
I've always wondered at parents that can appear calm when something like this happens. I'm facinated whenever I see a mother who is supposedly living the most horrific nightmare for a parent, appear on camera dressed tastefully, hair fixed and makeup on.
I wonder how did she open her jewelry box and choose a necklace? How did she decide what earrings to wear??
If I was in that situation, I doubt if I'd be able to dress myself, much less style my hair. Address the media? I probably wouldn't be able to form complete sentences. 
I don't know, happycat, they (parents) have been in the public media for
the last few months, and if your picture would be blasted all over the world
press and you looked like hell, you probably would mind too.
I remember the parents of Elisabeth Smart, who were both very reserved,
impeccable dressed and rather calm when they spoke to the media. In public they put on a good front cover, who knows how desperate they were behind closed doors?
Remember Susan Smith who drowned her two little boys? She cried, and
cried in front of the camera, was completely distraught and seemed to
be close to a nervous break-down. She played well, didn't she?