Arnold is muscly and all, but I think Coleman's Catch Phrase is better.
Wonder if he'll give the crowds "What choo talkin' 'bout, California?" It will probably be good for a few votes.
I bet the GOP machine has told Issa that the money and the names are behind Arnold.
Issa wept during his news conference. He'd bought himself the most expensive footnote in history ever, I'd guess...
This is reeally something. This Issa thing is something else!
I thought you were all joking about Gary Coleman, but just found out it's true. How could I have had any doubts that Gary Coleman would run, under the circumstances
Arnold showed some political savvy, and muscle, announcing his candidacy on the Tonight Show with hordes of reporters gathered in the back room. He played them all like a fiddle.
He showed his ass.
What candidate hoping to be taken seriously would announce their candidacy on a variety show?
Just more of the joke you folks are falling for.
Fools usually do weep in their misfortune...brought on not by providence but by their own stupidity.
He's an entertainer Pdid. Where the hell do you think he's gonna do it, standing next to some cactus in Bakersfield?
Get real. Arnold is.
I like the fact that Arnold is in. He will either 1) look like a real idiot and entertain us all and/or have something horrific in his background; or 2) turn out to be a centrist and thus sending DeLay home to change his panties. At the level of pop culture we're all obliged to enjoy, those aren't bad options.
cjhsa wrote:Get real. Arnold is.
Arnold is "real"? The man's an actor, dude. Unless the word "real" has changed meaning with the advent of Reality TV...
D'artagnan wrote:cjhsa wrote:Get real. Arnold is.
Arnold is "real"? The man's an actor, dude. Unless the word "real" has changed meaning with the advent of Reality TV...
Seems to me that the "actor" card is just an easy out. Why not wait for him to reveal his platform and then feel free to tear it to shreds. Most politicians started out in some other line of work. Acting is just another profession, and Arnold must be a savvy and a hard worker to get to where he has, so I suspect he has more on the ball than most people.
I just seem to be missing the rote Republican moral outrage usually expressed for candidates who smoke pot, grope women, and represent the worst (i.e., onscreen violence) of Hollywood.
No hypocrisy there...
Arnold has also spent a great deal of his time, talents and money making life better for disabled and disadvantaged youth. He hasn't gone around trumpeting his community service, but he has definitely made it his business to pay back to this country.
Yes, he's real. Just as real as the next guy. He came to this country by choice, because America is where anybody has a chance to make it. He's an American success story. Too often, immigrants appreciate this country more than those who are born into it's privilege.
PDiddie wrote:I just seem to be missing the rote Republican moral outrage usually expressed for candidates who smoke pot, grope women, and represent the worst (i.e., onscreen violence) of Hollywood.
No hypocrisy there...

Clinton and Gore changed all those passe rules. Anything goes, now. Gore and Tipper tooted pot. Dean's son robbed a Country Club liquor stash. At least the twins PAID for their drinks.
Sofia wrote: At least the twins PAID for their drinks.
No, they didn't. Didn't you read that full account of their bust at Chuy's in Austin? Dear me, Sofie...
Sofia wrote:Clinton and Gore changed all those passe rules. Anything goes, now. Gore and Tipper tooted pot. Dean's son robbed a Country Club liquor stash.
How conveniently disengenuous of you.
So the groping is OK with you now? I suspect Dr. Dobson, Orrin Hatch, haven't changed
their minds about the movies.
Cue the organ grinder. Send in the clowns.
Groping was OK for Clinton--
Stealing is OK for Dean's son--
Pot smoking is OK for Clinton and the Gores--
I think we'll all play by the same rules.
well sure its all ok now and with Bush we can add several DUI's/an aledged back alley abortion, drug use (not pot) possible AWOL, looking more and more like Hollywood everyday. And then there's congress where it really gets exciting. Oh yeah almost forgot Cheney's two DUI's to get him in as VP.
Quote:Calif. Recall Leader Says He Won't Run
The Associated Press
Thursday, August 7, 2003; 3:42 PM
SAN DIEGO - The millionaire congressman who largely funded the effort to recall Gov. Gray Davis abruptly pulled out of the race to replace him Thursday, a day after actor Arnold Schwarzenegger jumped in.
Republican Rep. Darrell Issa, who made his fortune selling car alarms and pumped $1.7 million of his own money into the recall effort, announced he would not run in a tearful news conference.
© 2003 The Associated Press
Gee, and I was on the verge of no longer believing in poetic justice for thieves. The car thief attempts to swipe the governorship from the duly elected and gets his ill-gotten gains pickpocketed by an actor who thrives on roleplaying as government agents and military men.
I think it was you who posted the list of bad check writing, wife beating, lawsuit dodging, and otherwise carnal and illegal activities of our esteemed Congress members. Yep. All scurrilous.
Which is why I'm amazed people are still trying to throw some lame groping and pot puffing from the 70's out, thinking it makes any difference.