Just to get back to basics about the Schwarzenegger candidature again, I may be a darned European, but I
still dont get where Americans get the idea from that an
actor, for some reason, would be especially well qualified to take up a top political post. I mean, to be fair - Schwarzenegger, of course, has involved himself in State politics already before, so its not
just his actor's fame that does it. But still - waging a single-issue campaign is something different from taking a top political position.
Is it perhaps a fundamental egalitarian belief that anyone can do such a political job well, provided he can reasonably be considered smart enough - the less a professional the better, actually? Or is there really a specific trust in actors as being specifically qualified?
The latter is the part that would baffle me, and I only come back to it because I saw this poll:
Quote:CBS News Poll. Aug. 11-12, 2003.
"Which of these comes closer to your opinion?
(1) Hollywood celebrities are inexperienced about political issues and should stay out of politics. OR,
(2) Hollywood celebrities can offer a new perspective on political issues and should get involved in politics if they choose."
Stay Out 38%
Get Involved 54%
Don't Know 8%
54% think Hollywood celebrities can offer a new perspective on political issues. There's a missing figure there, of course (apart from the questionable phrasing): how many people think plumbers, or lawyers, or masseurs can offer a new perspective on political issues? If that would also be 54%, then nothing strange is going on - just a desire to see more of a layman's voice in politics, which is normal. But if its specifically Hollywood celebrities that are expected to be able to bring something to the political world, what on earth is the deal about that?
Just to give an indication of how improbable it sounds to a Dutchman, after Schwarzenegger announced an opinion poll here asked about which people those polled would consider voting for, if they'd stand for an election here. The question included a range of some 20 celebrities: singers, actors, TV-presentors, DJ's, comedians and the odd writer. 65% replied, "none of the above". Not one of the celebrities polled over 11%.
(And asked if they'd vote for Schwarzenegger as PM 6% said yes, 83% no.)