"The perception that [Brulte] is involved in the recall would give the impression that the White House is involved in the recall, and I don't think he wants that," said Sherry Bebitch Jeffe, a senior scholar at the USC School of Policy Planning and Development."
Breaking NOW
The Federal appeals court has delayed the election for at least 7 days.
Stay tuned.
Because of the punch card ballots, the Federal Appeals Court in San Francisco has delayed the election. This would for all practical purposes kill the October 7th election date until this makes it's way to a higher court.
(Here we go with "equal opportunity under the law" which put Bush in the White House, only this time in reverse).
KFWB saying that this court is the most overturned by the US Supreme court.
They've been gunnin' for that court a lot lately, haven't they. "Packed with liberals."
I don't think the USSC will touch this one.
Lightwizard wrote:Because of the punch card ballots, the Federal Appeals Court in San Francisco has delayed the election. This would for all practical purposes kill the October 7th election date until this makes it's way to a higher court.
Aren't these the same punch card ballots that put him in office??? Or do they want to have time to train the new latino voters? Or is it to kill the momentum of the Recall?
That's one of the most racist responses I've seen on this forum.
Lightwizard wrote:That's one of the most racist responses I've seen on this forum.
It is illustrating a seemingly racist move to stall the Recall, one could take It that they are saying this sector is 'too stupid' to vote, no?
You left out the elderly -- you might take a pot shot at them, too.
Quit calling me names. I am pointing out that this is another case where courts are asserting their power to supercede what should be left to the public, voters in this case, to form the outcome. Rights are slip, slip, slippin' away. The voting system was perfectly fine to elect the guy, it should be now, no?
I didn't call you any name. I said it was a racist statement. The voting system was deemed flawed to vote for anybody, conservative Republican or liberal Democrat, or Anarchist or...
The constitutionality of the recall law is also being questioned. That they can initiate this shortly after someone is voted into office is being questioned. That the California law is to modernize the voting machines and get rid of the flaky punch cards (and I've seen some of them and would testify that many people who aren't Latino, African American or the elderly would have problems with them). Almost people are used to ATM's which is how the electronic voting machines are designed and it give one a review of their voting ballot. Punch cards with their hanging chads and built in margin for error are antiques. I don't think you are driving around in a fifty year old model car and I don't believe anyone should have to vote on methods that are even older than that.
(And I suppose the Florida election wasn't the court taking over what should be decided by the voters).
Close, I have one that is seven years old.
I realize the final decision is a week a away and may end up in a higher court. Also that this is about the last piece of ammo Davis can grab onto, given illegals can get drivers license and vote etc. I also realize our voting methods are like our infrastructure, getting old and 'Gray'.
Yes, I realize the entire infrastructure of the U.S. is now the responsiblity of Gray Davis. There's someone in the White House that has been there long enough to take the blame. Perhaps another blackout will wake everyone up.
True dat, that wasn't what I meant by putting 'Gray' in my post, but I like the way you took it.
(Excuse me, you have a seven year old who is an Anarchist or an African-American?)
It was a racist statement and I'm kind of surprised to see it coming from Brand X.
One could describe the difficulties of being a first-time voter, a first-time voter not voting in one's first language, an elderly person, etc. etc. But my understanding is that punch-card ballots are no longer in use, that there are areas which have not yet been given updated voting machines, and that, residents of those districts will not be able to vote in their area. Right?? That's disenfranchisement whether one is young or old, greyish pink or light tan, respectable name brand or dubious Brand X.