nimh makes good points as usual, underscoring the need for me to hear it from the horse's mouth (no offense to the fairer gender intended) as well as the fact (the fact IMHO :wink: ) that candidates for high public office ought to behave throughout their lifetime as if their mother is watching them.
The American people didn't elect Clinton twice because they thought they were installing the Pope.
I think Ahnold is vacillating on clearly tackling the issue of the California deficit. He's going to ask for an audit of ever department -- that's already done. He's going to slash spending but rescind the car tax. He doesn't realize that California doesn't have the borrowing power it had and certainly not anything like the national borrowing power which is fueling the borrow and spend policy of the Bush Aministration. What did Ahnold work on to spend the California tax dollar? Answer: the after school program. What did Davis spend the California tax dollar on: education. Even though I still have misgivings about the size of the contribution from Enron to the re-election campaign of Davis, I can't see placing all the blame of the energy crises and the billions of dollars that it ate up out of the state funds. The deregulation fiasco falls straight on the shoulders of Pete Wilson, who's now an advisor on Ahnold's campaign.
This isn't weird California politics as it is mirroring the state of the national economy and the Administration's machinations in energy policy.
LW, Does that mean you don't have a problem with Davis signing the driver's license bill for illegal aliens - to get the Hispanic vote?
I don't think it will guarantee the Hispanic vote and Ahnolds sinking on that already with Bustamante capturing a great deal of that vote.
Agree with Nimh (yet again). I've been long enough on this planet to have experienced directly, and heard friends tell about, pleasurable "rape" and was even "gang-banged" once (neither pleasurable nor horrible -- just sort of pathetic). The wishes of the "liberated" American woman are at odds with sex itself often precisely because among the mysteries and joys of sex is the willingness -- desire -- to lose control. Liberated in quotes because American women as a cultural group, IMO, aren't there yet. Perhaps the often edgy, controlling attitude towards sex (and often towards men) is one of the main barriers.
The reason why candidates for office shouldn't brag about it (agreed!) is that we really do need candidates for office who are above the mental and emotional age of 14.
Gee, Tartar, that would leave most candidates and office holders in that "emotional age of 14" group. We're all sh*t out of luck.
I'd have to agree with that, CI! Maybe more office holders should be women -- let us work out our control issues that way!!
Tartar, I've been leaning that way for many decades; especially when all the candidates are unknowns. I prefer women legislators; they're more apt to protect those that can't protect themselves, because they understand fully what discrimination is all about.
Here's the latest poll on the California recall: Bustamante at 30 percent, and Ahnold at 25 percent. However, McClintock has 13 percent, and if he withdraws from the race, Ahnold gains most of McClintock's votes.
Uber Alles has ducked out.
David Lee Roth should have run. The Uber Dude Roth doesn't play at all, and doesn't have any silicone chicks for the capitol victory concert.
Give California a guitar and we'll rock the world!
Ahem, sorry. Politics is only rock'n'roll but I like it, show business, yes I do.
Too bad Ted Nugent doesn't live here.
He'd have to run in Michigan--isn't that where Ted does his bow hunting these days? He'd make a colorful candidate, for sure...
I wouldn't be surprised if Ted ran for office one day.
Surprised he hasn't already. Or gotten a show on Fox. He could co-star with Ann Coulter.
Now that's entertainment for the Red Meat crowd!
D'artagnan wrote:Surprised he hasn't already. Or gotten a show on Fox. He could co-star with Ann Coulter.
Now that's entertainment for the Red Meat crowd!
Who is "the Red Meat crowd"?
Red Meat crowd: Those who savor the slabs that Coulter and her ilk serve up. Such as her latest effort, the idea that Joe McCarthy was an American hero, done in by the enemies of America.
Even O'Reilly blanched when she told him about on Fox the other night!
Ann probably thinks Hitler was a misunderstood, allright guy.
Yes, the Jews really misunderstood Hitler. I'm not sure about "allright guy," but Hitler had many supporters, which proves he was an okay guy.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Ted Nugent run for office either. A lot of people would like to see him run for governor of Michigan. He has a similar sexual history to Arnold but has been a lifelong teetotalar, no booze, no drugs, not your typical R&R.
Unfortunately, he has (temporarily?) relocated his family to a drier climate (Texas) after discovering a huge black mold problem at his home in MI. His wife is very sick from exposure to the mold.