CodeBorg wrote:Side note: I've spoken with a few women who have participated in gang-bangs. It may tweak your mind to think that women sometimes initiate sex, but in each of their cases they made the event happen with energy and gusto. To them it was a power trip, being able to attract a number of men, and use all of them, at the same time, for her pleasure. If you claim it is degrading, be sure to get that information from the woman involved. A woman deserves that respect.
Pardon my Freedom, but I think this is a crock of ****. And I sincerely don't say that to be impolite.
You need proof of my contention that gang-bangs in general, and specifically the one in which Schwarzeneggar recounts his participation(
"everbody jumped on her and took her upstairs"...that sounds consensual, right? I mean, she came out naked, right? What'd she expect? It's not like she wandered out of the dressing room looking for the showers...) are
not rape. I take note that one of the female posters to this thread also contended my description, so this merits some discussion. Perhas a digression worthy of another thread.
But to bottom-line it: I'm perfectly willing to have my mind changed if
you can actually provide some independent, perhaps even professional substantiation of your contention, or even if some women who have experienced said circumstance and are reading this thread will post in agreement with your, ah, 'conversations'. Until then I'm going to remain convinced that gang-bangs are, primarily and overwhelmingly, initiated by men for the
mens' pleasure.
A bunch of porno websites don't count as proof. Unless you can also prove that nobody got paid.
Listen, maybe it
is me that's all wet, and since my personal group sex experiences total zero, I have to be open-minded enough to accept the possibility that I don't have a clue about the mindset of women who engage in this behavior, but until then it's your opinion vs. mine.
More importantly, do you actually expect someone to agree that because it was the Seventies that Arnold's behaviour was...what, exactly? Acceptable?
Code Borg wrote: What kind of vocabulary and stories would you expect someone to talk about (in 1979's culture, not ours!) when interviewed by a popular and influential moderately-adult magazine? Could you do better than Arnold did?
Yes...and I did. Call me Prudie, if you like.
See, I have this quaint, possibly unrealistic expectation that candidates for public office
simply not brag about participating in gang-bangs.
Is that so wrong?