Yes, muscles that look like walnuts and a show-biz background are all very interesting. I'm sorry to say that theater seems to be the basis for most people's vote. Anybody read info about Arnold's politics? His ideas and policies towards:
1) Budget and economy
2) Education
3) Environment
4) Prison, three strikes, drugs, rehab
5) Abortion, gay marriage, religion in schools
6) Business practices and regulation
7) Public services
His revamped website outlines his platform
I'm not sure if these issues are relevant when voting for a candidate, but
I'm curious for any analysis and comparisons anyways.
(Going beyond Bustamante's
racism gossip, some analysis of his platform would
be useful too, if you accidentally bump into any).
Just fishin for data,
From :
Quote:"I never lived my life to be a politician. I never lived my life to be the governor of California," he told Sacramento station KFBK Wednesday night. "Obviously, I've made statements that were ludicrous and crazy and outrageous and all those things, because that's the way I always was. I was always that way, because otherwise I wouldn't have done the things that I did in my career, including the body building and the show business and all those things."
If Arnold is not a real politician, maybe that's his best asset! Politicians tend to politic and grub for power, rather than address community problems that need solving. I would trust an "I don't care what mud you sling" direct, crass attitude -- long before the traditional shyster in a suit.
Also, a Hollywood personality is 100% contrived. When interviewed for a hardware magazine, use the hardware lingo and attitude. When interviewed by OUI, use the language of that audience. Connect with them on their terms. Every movie, competition, and media gossip is a presentation, not the actual person. I have no way of telling who Arnold really is as a person any more than Madonna, Iacocca, or Bush. I don't care what kind of accent or personality an employee has, as long as they get the job done! I'd rather look at a candidates business plan, resources, and (supposed) agenda.
Also, Hollywood already owns our minds. It's influence greatly exceeds national borders, in very calculated ways. As one of the top-grossing actors in history, the governor's job might actually be a step down in power for Arnold. He would be
the richest governor ever, of the
richest and most populous state. Is this good or bad, dunno? Again, what is he actually trying to accomplish? Even if he takes clumsy small steps, are they at least in the right direction?
Also, much of the job is about the governor's connections, who they can get together to research and work on things. Fame, name recognition and motivational ability (show business) seems quite relevant, no?
I'm not really as blustery and opinionated as I sound ... just trying to figure things out wherever I can.