Sorry to disappoint you all....
So last night the contractions were at 4-5 minutes apart and my husband said screw it, we need to know whats up so we went to the hospital....and they sent us home.
I was almost 1cm dilated but my contractions were 1-2 minutes apart on the machine.

Still, not a lot of pain so they sent me home.
I went to my docs today for a checkup....I am at almost 2cm but the baby seems to be at -4,-3 station, which means she isn't very low at all.

However, the contractions have not let up at all and it feels like they might be getting more painful. Course having 2 internals in less than 24 hours has made my insides like ground round so maybe the contractions aren't more painful just feels that way because I am SO sore.
My doctor must feel sorry for me though because he, ahem, stretched my cervix during my exam to hopefully help me along a bit. I have another appt at 8:45 tomorrow morning if I don't go into labor tonight and if I have to go to the doc, I hope I am at 3cm.
Apparently, we can't be concerned with timing's when I am in tears that we need to go to the hospital. Fun.
For almost certain, this baby will be here by the end of the weekend but nothing is for certain and we all know how this can go.