Ok, ok ok....sheesh people...you leave for a few months without so much as a word and everyone gets their panties in a bunch. :wink:
Yes, I am tired and back to work and life is....different. It's crazy, fun, tiring, amazing, boring, everything I expected it to be and nothing I expected it to be. I am settling into work now so perhaps I will have a little more time for A2K. I definitly don't have time at home.
Ade is doing well. 3 months old and still a peanut. Daycare is hard. Last night I had to go in and hold her while she was sleeping because she fell asleep an hour after we got home and I didn't get to spend any time with her.
I am doing ok. Feeling super fat and hating my post preggo body.
But enough about me.
On to the promised pictures.
Birth Day
Tiny Fingers, Tiny Toes
First Smile Caught on Camera

Zoe Loving on Ade

My Little Sleeping Beauty

Tummy Time