I have been dealing with contractions all weekend again. This time, they were kinda painful (nothing against "real" labor pains, I'm sure) and about one every hour. Nothing to call the doctor about and nothing to run to the hospital over. But enough to piss me off and wake me up all night.
Not to mention, I have this spot on the right lower part of my belly that is oh so sore and hurts if my belly stretches even slightly one way. So sleeping was just fantastic last night. Just freaking fantastic.
I have one more week til I am considered full term so....in a week, I will up my complaining to at least 20 times a day.
On the flip side....
The good news is that my baby is healthy, to the best of my knowledge. And someone on another forum I visit (I know, perish the thought!!) had her baby early (10 weeks) and the little girl passed on over the weekend.
So now here I am, wanting this baby out out out and feeling so damn selfish. I mean, someone else got her baby early and now she is gone. I guess I should be grateful my little one is staying put so that I don't have to make the decision this poor mom and dad had to make.
I wanted to note this here just for those of you who believe in prayer so that you could keep this family in your thoughts. They had their girl for 2 short weeks.
Makes me sad.