Elizabeth Edwards Confronts Ann Coulter

Reply Fri 29 Jun, 2007 08:11 pm
Cycloptichorn labels anyone who disagrees with him as a troll, a bully, a jerk.

Cycloptichorn has also labeled the terrorists who flew the planes into the WTC and Pentagon as "brave".

Cycloptichorn has also advocated blowing up illegal aliens who try to cross our border, and then justified it again by saying if they don't want to get blown up they don't have to cross. Their choice.

Yet, Cycloptichorn complains of Ann Coulter.

Cycloptichorn is scared shitless by Ann Coulter. That's his real problem.

He just won't admit it.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 29 Jun, 2007 08:12 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
HokieBird wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
It isn't only lefties that find her to be abhorrent, but many across the spectrum.


That's my point. But it is only lefties who will give Bill Maher a free pass. It's a guarantee that Maher calling for the death of the Vice-President will only be met with silence from you and your ilk.

Yet you expect everyone to go after Ann.

There is a substantial difference between making a joke about a sitting politician, and making fun of a person's dead son. I guess it takes a sense of decency to see the difference.

Not sure where you came up with this one Clyclo.

Maher made one of his angry comments (disguised as a joke) about the benefits of the VP being killed in Iraq. I guess someone might that funny, and I would never argue he should not be able to make the crack.

On the face of it, Coulter's was precisely the same comment, except with a different target: Edwards, not Cheney. It had nothing to do with the death of Edwards son. Wipe the froth from your lips and take another look. O'Bill brought up Edwards' son, but not in a disparanging way. He crticized Edwards for trying to captilize politically on the death of his own son --- somewhat like what Gore tried to do with the death of his sister.

In reality, Coulter's was, from any honest assessment of humor, the much more wry quip. She managed in the one line to get deeper digs into Maher and the folks who found his Kill Cheney crack OK, then Edwards while still leaving the impression that somehow she was ridiculing Edwards.

I'm sorry if you folks can't see the comic talent of this woman.

I don't expect everyone to go after Ann. After all, plenty of mouth-breathers (productive conversation?) buy her books, so she does have a market. You can't legislate taste and decency, so some folks will never have it.

I think that Rosie is hateful at times (she was making fun of chinese folks on TV a while back, which isn't too cool) and I certainly don't support everything she says. She has the right to say it, just like Coulter has the right to say her piece. But you don't see Libs reposting Maher or O'Donnell pieces here to get a rise out of Conservatives, because it just isn't as appealing to us to do such things as it is to Republicans.

I could be wrong but I don't think BBB, who started this thread, is a conservative. Cool
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Reply Fri 29 Jun, 2007 08:15 pm
God darnit, Mr. dBuzz, you use your tongue prettier than a twenty dollar whore. You turn that baseball cap around so that the bill is in the front and I bet you could offer a reasoned speak.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 29 Jun, 2007 08:19 pm
snood wrote:
No, now that's not quite right, Thin D'Abilge. Ann Coulter is pretty universally known as nasty ass. Even some of her rightwing employers have distanced themselves from her nasty ass ways. Its only the objectivity-challenged like yourself who can't see her for the nasty ass she is.

What's not quite true snood? (By the way that play on my username was real clever.)

The point is not really whether or not Coulter is a nasty ass, it is the way you and your confreres find it perfectly acceptible to be nasty ass in comments that degrade someone for being nasty ass. Not to mention how you find the nasty ass comments of liberal nasty asses to be A-OK. If you can't see the irony then it seems clear you are, in fact, the one who is perceptually challanged.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 29 Jun, 2007 08:20 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

I beg your pardon, but I don't delight in seeing just anyone get mad, I am quite particular about the people I like to anger and see get angry.

I have no problem with calling a troll a troll, and I don't give a damn what your opinion is, so yeah - it's productive conversation. I've decided not to sit back and let bullies and jerks like you and McG just say whatever you want without me saying whatever I feel like saying back. You're not coming to A2K to engage in political discussion and haven't for a long time, but to instead pick fights and attack people constantly.

The fact that you are a jerk to selective people, and not to the world at large, is immaterial. You think Coulter is funny because you share many of the same despicable qualities - at least, you display them in an anonymous internet forum with frequency.


You go girl!
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 29 Jun, 2007 08:21 pm
HokieBird wrote:
Cycloptichorn labels anyone who disagrees with him as a troll, a bully, a jerk.

Cycloptichorn has also labeled the terrorists who flew the planes into the WTC and Pentagon as "brave".

Cycloptichorn has also advocated blowing up illegal aliens who try to cross our border, and then justified it again by saying if they don't want to get blown up they don't have to cross. Their choice.

Yet, Cycloptichorn complains of Ann Coulter.

Cycloptichorn is scared shitless by Ann Coulter. That's his real problem.

He just won't admit it.

He's just Cyclo being Cyclo.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 29 Jun, 2007 08:22 pm
dyslexia wrote:
God darnit, Mr. dBuzz, you use your tongue prettier than a twenty dollar whore. You turn that baseball cap around so that the bill is in the front and I bet you could offer a reasoned speak.

Now that's the Good Ole Dys I love, but I'm still at a loss as respects what the hell this backwards cap thing might be.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Jun, 2007 08:45 pm
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:

I beg your pardon, but I don't delight in seeing just anyone get mad, I am quite particular about the people I like to anger and see get angry.

I have no problem with calling a troll a troll, and I don't give a damn what your opinion is, so yeah - it's productive conversation. I've decided not to sit back and let bullies and jerks like you and McG just say whatever you want without me saying whatever I feel like saying back. You're not coming to A2K to engage in political discussion and haven't for a long time, but to instead pick fights and attack people constantly.

The fact that you are a jerk to selective people, and not to the world at large, is immaterial. You think Coulter is funny because you share many of the same despicable qualities - at least, you display them in an anonymous internet forum with frequency.


You go girl!

Stunningly witty. You should stop posting after the third martini and save yourself the embarassment the next morning.


Cycloptichorn is scared shitless by Ann Coulter. That's his real problem.

I'm only scared of the bulge in the front of her dress.

As for her opinions, or words - they don't scare me. They help me. You think Coulter does favors for Conservatives, that she is an asset to the Republican cause? Laughing

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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 29 Jun, 2007 08:55 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:

I beg your pardon, but I don't delight in seeing just anyone get mad, I am quite particular about the people I like to anger and see get angry.

I have no problem with calling a troll a troll, and I don't give a damn what your opinion is, so yeah - it's productive conversation. I've decided not to sit back and let bullies and jerks like you and McG just say whatever you want without me saying whatever I feel like saying back. You're not coming to A2K to engage in political discussion and haven't for a long time, but to instead pick fights and attack people constantly.

The fact that you are a jerk to selective people, and not to the world at large, is immaterial. You think Coulter is funny because you share many of the same despicable qualities - at least, you display them in an anonymous internet forum with frequency.


You go girl!

Stunningly witty. You should stop posting after the third martini and save yourself the embarassment the next morning.

I can't abide martinis.


Cycloptichorn is scared shitless by Ann Coulter. That's his real problem.

I'm only scared of the bulge in the front of her dress.

As for her opinions, or words - they don't scare me. They help me. You think Coulter does favors for Conservatives, that she is an asset to the Republican cause? Laughing

0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Jun, 2007 08:56 pm
By the way,

Cycloptichorn labels anyone who disagrees with him as a troll, a bully, a jerk.

You're completely wrong, not that there's any surprise there.

I disagree with Okie all the time.
I disagree with GeorgeOb all the time.
I disagree with Woiyo all the time.
I disagree with Mysteryman all the time.
I disagree with Ican711nm ALL the time.
I disagree with OCCOM Bill all the time.
I disagree with High Seas all the time.

I disagree with a lot of people here on many different topics, yet don't label them a troll, bully or jerk. Because they don't act that way. Some members do act that way with frequency, on both sides of the isle. They don't even attempt conversation, except maybe 1/20 posts. The rest of the time it is insults, snark, provocation, jerkiness, trolling.

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Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2007 12:33 pm
EhBeth, Channeling the baby was overturned because there could be no question scumbaggery; not reason was employed to win it (though I erroneously substituted DownS for Cerebral Palsy). Unfortunately; the amount was all that changed… so the horrendous precedent of forcing Doctors to perform unnecessary C-Sections continued... continues. Along with higher insurance costs; this is the scumbag's legacy. Scores of cases followed the blueprint, dramatically altering the way Doctor's choose to practice medicine... and the resulting statistics show NO CHANGE whatsoever in the frequency of CP. Millions of Dollars for Edwards, millions of unnecessary scars for woman; and millions of Americans paying more for less. John Edwards is a parasite; not a hero.

Nimh; I answered the former as well. I think the woman is making a valid point; and you damn well know it because we've argued about it before.

As for it being funny to watch the Left lose their minds over a political satirist? Hell yes it is. When I read the names Coulter was being called on this site the other night I laughed out loud. When asked why; I briefly explained that the Edwards family and Coulter were sparring, and quoted some of the names Coulter was being called by the over-reactors. This was met by a round of laughter (mostly by lefties who don't lose their minds over total nonsense). My 16 year old nephew was shocked that anyone would take Coulter seriously enough to be enraged by her humor or lack thereof.

The simple fact is; blow for blow, Bill Maher delivers more scathing attacks on Righties than Coulter is capable of against Lefties. Granted; he's probably funnier but that is an opinion; not a fact. It is hysterical that the Left would lose their minds over Coulter's parody of Maher's joke, and naked hypocrisy to defend the overreaction. As for respecting the family's sorrow over the dead son? Forfeited almost immediately after the Death when the head scumbag sleazily exploited the tragedy to line his own pockets with ill gotten gains from yet another innocent party. For an hour and a half he blathered on, mesmerizing the jury into losing their collective mind. Thanks to this shameless dog and pony show; they decided that Sta-Rite was responsible for a tragedy because there was no warning label on the a drain cover that had never been correctly installed and had, in fact, been completely removed. That makes about as much sense as blaming the manufacturer of a bullet proof vest because someone got shot while they weren't wearing it.

Hero of the people? Laughing What else has our hero done? According to Wiki: 3 times he sued those Bastards at the American Red Cross… and we all know what a hateful organization that is. Rolling Eyes If the mind-losers would settle down long enough for their respiration to return to normal… and actually read what the Devil (I mean Coulter) actually wrote in her own defense; the reasonable among them would likely find it, well, reasonable. Hokie quoted it here. It's a given that those who lack the ability to reason will continue to not get it; but the thinking majority from both sides of the ball should have no trouble at all understanding (if not agreeing) with Coulter's actual point. This was not a case of "Ha ha, your son is dead." It is a case of "what kind of scumbag would exploit the loss of his own son?"

Pick a better man to call hero. Idea

High Seas wrote:
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
uh high seas... my buddy snood was referring to that souless stick Ann Coulter.... do try to keep up :wink:

How can you tell, you a telepath? Pls refer to link I just posted.
Laughing Is there a second person out there who thought Snood was insulting Edwards? Rolling Eyes

Advocate wrote:
Of course we have our own Ann Coulter in O'Bill.
I should be so pretty or witty.
Lightwizard wrote:
I don't believe Bill is a soulless stick of a woman or a pathetic cadaverous harpy.
LW, you are just too kind... :wink:
snood wrote:
I was talking about BPB! I'd THINK that was obvious!!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2007 12:54 pm
Oh, but you are prettier and wittier than Madam Coulter. Comparing Coulter to Maher is like comparing George Bush to Ghandi. She has literally no sense of humor but knows how to flash that crooked smile. Actually, when she was guesting on his old show, she'd laugh profusely at Bill's jokes, even if they were at aimed at her conservative heart. If you were really watching his new (and better) program on HBO, you'd know he doesn't viciously attack conservatives, he attacks what they do. He also attacks what liberals do -- when it's wrong, or in most cases, it's their milquetoast recoiling. Watch his new comedy special on HBO -- it is incredible and nothing Coulter could come close to. Coulter on a stage delivering his satirical, curmudgeonly comedy -- no way, Jose. She be seeing vegetables flying her way and a cane coming from offstage to drag her out.

BTW, watch your pronouns -- it was hard to tell when you were writing about Bill Maher or John Edwards. You almost had be searching on Google. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
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Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2007 12:57 pm

Pps. It is true that Cyclops is generally on the wrong side of right, but I do not recall him accusing me of being a bully, a jerk or a troll (Not recently, anyway).

Aww, Bill Embarrassed

You're the only person here who has ever sucessfully argued my position around (immigration), yaknow?

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Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2007 12:59 pm
Jeez -- will you stop this troll stuff? One of them might start throwing balls of moss at you. It wouldn't physically hurt but the bacteria might kill you.
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Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2007 01:08 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Pps. It is true that Cyclops is generally on the wrong side of right, but I do not recall him accusing me of being a bully, a jerk or a troll (Not recently, anyway).

Aww, Bill Embarrassed

You're the only person here who has ever sucessfully argued my position around (immigration), yaknow?

Smile 3 Cheers for reason!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2007 01:35 pm
You would really have to have a good case to win a negligence suit in NC, where there cannot be any negligence by the plaintiff.

Here are two cases that exemplify cases won by Edwards.

Until he moved to the Senate, Edwards was a personal injury lawyer---the kind people most love to hate---and a very talented one. More than half his cases were medical malpractice suits. Many involved infants born with brain damage or other serious conditions that entail a lifetime of expensive medical care. Edwards also won cases against hospitals, cities, and corporations. "As a lawyer, he was the whole package," says Mike Dayton, editor of North Carolina Lawyers Weekly. "He's prepared, he's smart, and he's very personable." And he continued winning massive verdicts. In 1990, he was the youngest member inducted into The Inner Circle of Advocates, an invitation-only group of the nation's top 100 trial lawyers. By the mid-1990s, Edwards had become legendary. "After trials," recalls Howard Twiggs, a Raleigh lawyer and former president of ATLA, "jurors would approach Johnny and ask him for his card." It is said that insurance companies would suddenly become interested in settling when Edwards' name was added to a plaintiff's team. Edwards won a $7 million verdict for the parents of a 16-year-old who'd killed himself the day after being dismissed from a psychiatric hospital, an incredibly difficult case to win, Dayton says, because in North Carolina the plaintiff must prove that the entire burden of negligence lies with the defendant. In 1997, Edwards successfully sued a doctor for $23 million on behalf of the parents of a baby severely brain damaged by oxygen deprivation during labor.

The defining case in Edwards' legal career wrapped up that same year. In 1993, a five-year-old girl named Valerie Lakey had been playing in a Wake County, N.C., wading pool when she became caught in an uncovered drain so forcefully that the suction pulled out most of her intestines. She survived but for the rest of her life will need to be hooked up to feeding tubes for 12 hours each night. Edwards filed suit on the Lakeys' behalf against Sta-Rite Industries, the Wisconsin corporation that manufactured the drain. Attorneys describe his handling of the case as a virtuoso example of a trial layer bringing a negligent corporation to heel. Sta-Rite offered the Lakeys $100,000 to settle the case. Edwards passed. Before trial, he discovered that 12 other children had suffered similar injuries from Sta-Rite drains. The company raised its offer to $1.25 million. Two weeks into the trial, they upped the figure to $8.5 million. Edwards declined the offer and asked for their insurance policy limit of $22.5 million. The day before the trial resumed from Christmas break, Sta-Rite countered with $17.5 million. Again, Edwards said no. On January 10, 1997, lawyers from across the state packed the courtroom to hear Edwards' closing argument, "the most impressive legal performance I have ever seen," recalls Dayton. Three days later, the jury found Sta-Rite guilty and liable for $25 million in economic damages (by state law, punitive damages could have tripled that amount). The company immediately settled for $25 million, the largest verdict in state history. For their part, Edwards and Kirby earned the Association of Trial Lawyers of America's national award for public service.
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Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2007 02:47 pm
Laughing So, you finally decided to do the unthinkable and actually Google a topic for information instead of just talking completely out of your ass. Miraculously; you are rewarded by coming up with a site that references the very same two cases you were whining I didn't source while criticizing Edwards... though not surprisingly; you don't seem to recognize them. And you post the link as if it's actually news to anyone else who's been opining on same. Scratch yourself a little note: "I must try to remember to learn at least a couple of relevant details about a subject BEFORE running my mouth like an idiot." Repeat as often as possible and someday you may actually contribute something to the conversation beyond obvious shortcomings and an appearance of illiteracy.

Ps. Now that you've discovered the magical power of Google; see if you can prove to yourself that Desalination on a large scale is, and has been for quite some time, already a reality. :wink: You may just find that learning new things is more interesting than spouting nonsense from ignorance.
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Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2007 03:03 pm
Have you been drinking, Bill?
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Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2007 03:08 pm
He's probably in Washington at a drinking party with all the lawyers in the Congress and Senate. They're not chasing ambulances right now, they need an ambulance.
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Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2007 03:15 pm
Laughing So, you finally decided to do the unthinkable and actually Google a topic for information instead of just talking completely out of your ass. Miraculously; you are rewarded by coming up with a site that references the very same two cases you were whining I didn't source while criticizing Edwards... though not surprisingly; you don't seem to recognize them. And you post the link as if it's actually news to anyone else who's been opining on same. Scratch yourself a little note: "I must try to remember to learn at least a couple of relevant details about a subject BEFORE running my mouth like an idiot." Repeat as often as possible and someday you may actually contribute something to the conversation beyond obvious shortcomings and an appearance of illiteracy.

Ps. Now that you've discovered the magical power of Google; see if you can prove to yourself that Desalination on a large scale is, and has been for quite some time, already a reality. :wink: You may just find that learning new things is more interesting than spouting nonsense from ignorance.

You sure talk a lot of shyt. When you first cited Edward's cases "from memory", your bias was evident. The families for whom he's won millions probably see him differently than you. Just as there are two sides in any legal argument, opinions can vary about Edwards. And just like as*holes, you just have your one.
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