Since I've met c.i., Francis and Jane, george perfectly avoided to meet me twice - why should I go there? :wink:
Walter, Because you "promised" to visit us on the west coast.
Well, that shall be considered then
CalamityJane wrote:I'd attend, just to finally meet Francis

Well, this is one additional reason for me to attend.
Walter Hinteler wrote:Since I've met c.i., Francis and Jane, george perfectly avoided to meet me twice - why should I go there? :wink:
So, because we met three times, Walter, you will avoid me?
Walter Hinteler wrote:Since I've met c.i., Francis and Jane, george perfectly avoided to meet me twice - why should I go there? :wink:
I didn't avoid you. I missed the SF gathering because I got the flu. Now that I am on the West Coast I am less subject to the claims on my time from the company & can do these things morre easily.
It is up to you now !
No, no! I'll certainly come to SF - but only together with Mrs. Walter.
And this can't happen due to our personal situation just now.
Well, when you do come please let me know.
We now have 1962 hits on this thread, but we still lack dates and times.
Well, I'll be around late August..
Francis wrote:Well, I'll be around late August..
And so will Seaglass and I.
Merry Andrew wrote:And so will Seaglass and I.
That's just great, MA! I' ll be glad to meet you and Seaglass.
I now have late August and early September open on my calendar.
How late is late August? I have a wedding to attend to on the 25th, and
need to be there.
A wedding - seems to become the latest fashion on A2K :wink:
Hah? Not mine, Walter

but this one I can't miss, nor do I want to, in additon to having committed
to it already.
CalamityJane wrote:Hah? Not mine, Walter
So I had to delete my new thread ...
Walter, You know what they say when you assume something....
(as a total aside, S, one of my employees is in the fourth and final week of the "Great American Male Bonding Tour." He and his 14 and 15 year old sons. Heading south and then west and then back.
We gave them a bunch of 26 cent postage stamps-the post card rate- with instuctions to use them all up before they got back. And we have been getting about 2 or 3 postcards per week from "S." Many deliberately chosen to amuse us. Elvis in Memphis; bare-butted ladies in New Orleans; jackalopes mating, etc.
But the one from SF was of the Golden Gate Bridge. And his message was about how SF is unlike any other city in the US. He wrote: 20 years ago I came here on vacation and ended up staying for four years.)
rjb, You're due for a visit here too!