dadpad wrote:Climate change, nothing else matters if climate change is not addressed.
Does this mean that you believe "climate change" (within the context of how it is generally defined) can put an end to civilization and humanity, and will if not properly addressed.
Granted, if "climate change" were to result in duplicating the Venusian environment here on earth, the End Days would, most certainly, arrive, but I have yet to see anything approaching such dire predictions outside of the Al Gore propoganda flick.
Even if we accept that the worst predictions might prove true, certainly no one believes the Apocolypse will arrive for decades yet to come, and certainly not before 2008, or even 2012 if we get it wrong this time around.
In the meantime do we expect those without health insurance, small business owners, Islamist terrorists, Mexican immigrants (legal or otherwise), gays and lesbians, bible thumping evangelists, and any number of other groups to put their interests and concerns on hold?
If The World announced tomorrow it was making "climate change" its #1 concern tomorrow, would Al Qaeda announce on one of its websites that it was suspending operations to allow the infidels time to save the planet?