Asherman wrote:My concern with winning the Congress and Executive is because I fear that the Democrats would adopt policies and measures that would harm the nation
s security, while increasing the National Debt to pay for items that are of lower priority than winning a war. While the nation is under attack from an enemy determined upon our destruction, all other issues are secondary.
Also, what I don't understand is this idea that the war in Iraq and the "War on Terror" are supposed to be the same thing. That people seem to believe that the guy with the most nervous finger on the nuclear trigger is the one who can protect America in the most effective way against terrorism. That a willingness to invade other nations is a key element in protecting America against another 9/11.
Just look at all the terrorist attacks or attempts to attack Western nations since 2001. How many, exactly, where planned or perpetrated by people from Iraq or Afghanistan? I think the current number is about zero.
The attempt to wreak havoc upon New York by attacking JFK airport? Not connected to Iraq. Not connected to Afghanistan. Not connected to Al Qaeda. Not financed by any "terrorist network".
The sheer idea of being able to stop these kind of attacks by killing people in Iraq seems to be so ridiculous that it's hard to believe that somebody would actually fall for that. No massive military intervention has ever stopped the threat of terrorism, in any country.
And then think of the hundreds of billions of dollars poured into that misadventure... Doesn't that make you wonder how effective the control of American ports, of American borders, of cooperation between the various agencies could be today if all that money had been invested in some
actual homeland security measures?
Of course, now you're stuck with the war in Iraq, and, again, the situation will have to be handled carefully. Merely declaring "we're outta here" won't do it. You'll need somebody who will be able to extricate the nation from that quagmire in a way that doesn't
hand over Iraq to the extremists. But that won't be done by someone declaring "Well, if in doubt, we can still nuke Tehran."