What's YOUR Overriding Political Issue in the Next Election?

Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 08:19 am
Asherman wrote:
1. Prosecution of the war on Radical Islamic terrorism.
2. Reclaim a majority in the Congress.
3. Defeat whichever candidate the Democrats pick to run for the Presidency.

While the nation is under attack from an enemy determined upon our destruction, all other issues are secondary. The National Debts is an important issue, but wars always are expensive and the alternative is unacceptable.

How did Jim Jones miss you?
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Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 08:21 am
Asherman wrote:
1. Prosecution of the war on Radical Islamic terrorism.
2. Reclaim a majority in the Congress.
3. Defeat whichever candidate the Democrats pick to run for the Presidency.

While the nation is under attack from an enemy determined upon our destruction, all other issues are secondary. The National Debts is an important issue, but wars always are expensive and the alternative is unacceptable.

Yes, what better way to fight those who want to destroy us than to do the job ourselves, thereby depriving them of the pleasure.
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Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 08:23 am
1. Prosecution of the war on Radical Islamic terrorism.
2. Reclaim a majority in the Congress.
3. Defeat whichever candidate the Democrats pick to run for the Presidency.

My concern with winning the Congress and Executive is because I fear that the Democrats would adopt policies and measures that would harm the nation
s security, while increasing the National Debt to pay for items that are of lower priority than winning a war. While the nation is under attack from an enemy determined upon our destruction, all other issues are secondary. The National Debts is an important issue, but wars always are expensive and the alternative is unacceptable. While the war lasts, every other Federal expenditure needs to be curbed.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 08:26 am
I agree with Asherman. There are those out there who are hell bent on destroying the US, and they need to be contained. As such, it is imperative that we secure our borders. Like it or not, we are long past the time where it was ok for foreigners to breeze in and breeze out of the US.

We have too much at stake to become complacent about who is entering the US.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 08:26 am
Asherman wrote:
1. Prosecution of the war on Radical Islamic terrorism.
2. Reclaim a majority in the Congress.
3. Defeat whichever candidate the Democrats pick to run for the Presidency.

My concern with winning the Congress and Executive is because I fear that the Democrats would adopt policies and measures that would harm the nation
s security, while increasing the National Debt to pay for items that are of lower priority than winning a war. While the nation is under attack from an enemy determined upon our destruction, all other issues are secondary. The National Debts is an important issue, but wars always are expensive and the alternative is unacceptable. While the war lasts, every other Federal expenditure needs to be curbed.

well take a look around Sluggo, are we in great shape today as a result of the current morons and criminals policies?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 08:29 am
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
Asherman wrote:
1. Prosecution of the war on Radical Islamic terrorism.
2. Reclaim a majority in the Congress.
3. Defeat whichever candidate the Democrats pick to run for the Presidency.

My concern with winning the Congress and Executive is because I fear that the Democrats would adopt policies and measures that would harm the nation
s security, while increasing the National Debt to pay for items that are of lower priority than winning a war. While the nation is under attack from an enemy determined upon our destruction, all other issues are secondary. The National Debts is an important issue, but wars always are expensive and the alternative is unacceptable. While the war lasts, every other Federal expenditure needs to be curbed.

well take a look around Sluggo, are we in great shape today as a result of the current morons and criminals policies?

Bi- There is more than one way to skin a cat. The present admistration has done a horrible job. I am sure that other strategies can be undertaken to accomplish the same ends, intelligently. Goes back to that great old saying, "you don't throw out the baby with the bathwater!"
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old europe
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 08:32 am
Asherman wrote:
1. Prosecution of the war on Radical Islamic terrorism.
2. Reclaim a majority in the Congress.
3. Defeat whichever candidate the Democrats pick to run for the Presidency.

Leave it to Asherman to make a one-party system the overriding political issue.....
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 08:34 am
this winning the war bullshit is just retarded. Who is the enemy? An idea. A constantly shifting and moving target that, like a virus mutates and changes everytime you think you have it. If "winning" is the only concern then break out the nukes right this f**king second and kill them all. Of course that will kill "us" in the process but hey.... you can't make an an omelette.....
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 08:39 am
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
this winning the war bullshit is just retarded. Who is the enemy? An idea. A constantly shifting and moving target that, like a virus mutates and changes everytime you think you have it. If "winning" is the only concern then break out the nukes right this f**king second and kill them all. Of course that will kill "us" in the process but hey.... you can't make an an omelette.....

bi- I understand your frustration. The problem is that we are fighting a war with people who have been pissed off at the West for over a thousand years. Recently, they have become more organized, and have the cash to back them up. Also, they are raising a generation of idiot children who think the greatest thing in the world is to die for Allah, and become a martyr.

What would you suggest? Just ignore it, and hope it goes away? Pandora's box has been opened, and we must deal with it, or we will be destroyed.
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old europe
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 08:50 am
Phoenix32890 wrote:
bi- I understand your frustration. The problem is that we are fighting a war with people who have been pissed off at the West for over a thousand years. Recently, they have become more organized, and have the cash to back them up. Also, they are raising a generation of idiot children who think the greatest thing in the world is to die for Allah, and become a martyr.

What would you suggest? Just ignore it, and hope it goes away? Pandora's box has been opened, and we must deal with it, or we will be destroyed.

Well, look at Iran, for example. The premise here seems to be: either allow them to acquire nuclear weapons, mount them on ballistic missiles and threaten the Middle East, Europe and America with them. Or go to war, launch a massive attack, and, if it is "necessary", nuke them. Black or white. Everything or nothing.

That's the same rethoric we have heard before the invasion of Iraq, and at least in hindsight it should be obvious to everybody that Iraq had nothing to do with the "War on Terror", that the invasion reduced America's ability to react to real terrorist threats, that it allowed Al Qaeda to reorganize, and that it created a quagmire in the Middle East where thousands of Iraqis are dying every month. Yes, talk about a "breeding ground for terrorists".

Sure, that is a situation that will have to be handled carefully. But I don't think that it can be handled by people with the same neocon mindset like those who were responsible for the quagmire in the first place.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 08:52 am
We had absolutely no call to invade Iraq. We had already subdued that nation. We had absolute control over the air and could crush their military any time we chose. They could not have ran a nuclear program without its being detected. This was an elective war, that exacerbated the friction between us and muslims. It is being fought over control of oil, not combatting terrorism. There is no way to finess this effort with a new president. It's either persue it stupidly, or bring the operation to an end. No in between is possible.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 08:53 am
I suggest we pull in our horns and use out tremendous resources to establish a homeland security that makes us virtually impenetrable without violating the basic rights of our citizens. No profit in that though huh?

I suggest we tell the world that if they want to slice and dice each other, if they want to live in ways we find repugnant, it's their business not ours and to go ahead and slaughter themselves. Less toxic emissions and more resources for us eventually. No profit in thatthough huh?

I suggest that the next time someone pulls a 9/11 or something like it in our borders we press a few buttons and bomb them into the stone age as it's so popular to say and that's it. No aid, fix yourslef, F88k yourself but don't f**k with us and see you in hell if you don't like it. I think people would get the message pretty damn quickly. No profit in that though huh?

I suggest that if we go to every single place where there are people who hate the West and the USA in particular and declare war on them we'll be declaring war in every single country, territory, state and hovel on the face of the earth. Since that's not practical I suggest we do something about that and start by getting out of the baby sitting business and getting in to the keeping a clean house of our own business. No profit in that though, huh?
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 08:55 am
old europe wrote:
Phoenix32890 wrote:
bi- I understand your frustration. The problem is that we are fighting a war with people who have been pissed off at the West for over a thousand years. Recently, they have become more organized, and have the cash to back them up. Also, they are raising a generation of idiot children who think the greatest thing in the world is to die for Allah, and become a martyr.

What would you suggest? Just ignore it, and hope it goes away? Pandora's box has been opened, and we must deal with it, or we will be destroyed.

Well, look at Iran, for example. The premise here seems to be: either allow them to acquire nuclear weapons, mount them on ballistic missiles and threaten the Middle East, Europe and America with them. Or go to war, launch a massive attack, and, if it is "necessary", nuke them. Black or white. Everything or nothing.

That's the same rethoric we have heard before the invasion of Iraq, and at least in hindsight it should be obvious to everybody that Iraq had nothing to do with the "War on Terror", that the invasion reduced America's ability to react to real terrorist threats, that it allowed Al Qaeda to reorganize, and that it created a quagmire in the Middle East where thousands of Iraqis are dying every month. Yes, talk about a "breeding ground for terrorists".

Sure, that is a situation that will have to be handled carefully. But I don't think that it can be handled by people with the same neocon mindset like those who were responsible for the quagmire in the first place.

well put and certainly more eloquent than anything this bear said.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 08:58 am
Uhm, not to bag on Phoenix, but the poll reads like a list of Republican priorities.

Where's health care/health insurance? Education? Global warming?

Restoring a semblance of respect in the world should be a main priority for the next President: coalition-building instead of bullying and blackmailing. So: international relations.

What about poverty and living wages? Massive majorities voted for an increase in the minimum wage where there was a ballot initiative last year, so its obviously a concern for many.

Then there's the Patriot Act, rule of law, habeus corpus. Torture and Guantanamo Bay! That would definitely be a make or break point for me.

And the booming budget deficit / exploding government (pork) spending.

I mean, I know, I know, you can only put up 10 points, so you have to make a selection.

But seriously, this poll reads like a list of subjects for a Republican Party debate. Who outside the hard right really considers gay marriage and gun control a priority right now?
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old europe
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 09:17 am
Asherman wrote:
My concern with winning the Congress and Executive is because I fear that the Democrats would adopt policies and measures that would harm the nation
s security, while increasing the National Debt to pay for items that are of lower priority than winning a war. While the nation is under attack from an enemy determined upon our destruction, all other issues are secondary.

Also, what I don't understand is this idea that the war in Iraq and the "War on Terror" are supposed to be the same thing. That people seem to believe that the guy with the most nervous finger on the nuclear trigger is the one who can protect America in the most effective way against terrorism. That a willingness to invade other nations is a key element in protecting America against another 9/11.

Just look at all the terrorist attacks or attempts to attack Western nations since 2001. How many, exactly, where planned or perpetrated by people from Iraq or Afghanistan? I think the current number is about zero.

The attempt to wreak havoc upon New York by attacking JFK airport? Not connected to Iraq. Not connected to Afghanistan. Not connected to Al Qaeda. Not financed by any "terrorist network".

The sheer idea of being able to stop these kind of attacks by killing people in Iraq seems to be so ridiculous that it's hard to believe that somebody would actually fall for that. No massive military intervention has ever stopped the threat of terrorism, in any country.

And then think of the hundreds of billions of dollars poured into that misadventure... Doesn't that make you wonder how effective the control of American ports, of American borders, of cooperation between the various agencies could be today if all that money had been invested in some actual homeland security measures?

Of course, now you're stuck with the war in Iraq, and, again, the situation will have to be handled carefully. Merely declaring "we're outta here" won't do it. You'll need somebody who will be able to extricate the nation from that quagmire in a way that doesn't hand over Iraq to the extremists. But that won't be done by someone declaring "Well, if in doubt, we can still nuke Tehran."
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 09:38 am
You should edit the poll to include "Absolutely, Positively no Billary".
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 09:40 am
cjhsa wrote:
You should edit the poll to include "Absolutely, Positively no Billary".

you should go back to fellating Unca Ted and sitting on your rifle and let the grown ups talk...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 10:01 am
I think I hit a nerve - surprised any of 'em still work...
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 10:05 am
cjhsa wrote:
I think I hit a nerve - surprised any of 'em still work...

are you using a longer barreled rifle? That could explain it....
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 10:53 am
old europe wrote:
Asherman wrote:
My concern with winning the Congress and Executive is because I fear that the Democrats would adopt policies and measures that would harm the nation
s security, while increasing the National Debt to pay for items that are of lower priority than winning a war. While the nation is under attack from an enemy determined upon our destruction, all other issues are secondary.

Also, what I don't understand is this idea that the war in Iraq and the "War on Terror" are supposed to be the same thing. That people seem to believe that the guy with the most nervous finger on the nuclear trigger is the one who can protect America in the most effective way against terrorism. That a willingness to invade other nations is a key element in protecting America against another 9/11.

Just look at all the terrorist attacks or attempts to attack Western nations since 2001. How many, exactly, where planned or perpetrated by people from Iraq or Afghanistan? I think the current number is about zero.

The attempt to wreak havoc upon New York by attacking JFK airport? Not connected to Iraq. Not connected to Afghanistan. Not connected to Al Qaeda. Not financed by any "terrorist network".

The sheer idea of being able to stop these kind of attacks by killing people in Iraq seems to be so ridiculous that it's hard to believe that somebody would actually fall for that. No massive military intervention has ever stopped the threat of terrorism, in any country.

And then think of the hundreds of billions of dollars poured into that misadventure... Doesn't that make you wonder how effective the control of American ports, of American borders, of cooperation between the various agencies could be today if all that money had been invested in some actual homeland security measures?

Of course, now you're stuck with the war in Iraq, and, again, the situation will have to be handled carefully. Merely declaring "we're outta here" won't do it. You'll need somebody who will be able to extricate the nation from that quagmire in a way that doesn't hand over Iraq to the extremists. But that won't be done by someone declaring "Well, if in doubt, we can still nuke Tehran."

Hear, hear. Eloquent, passionate, and very, very true.
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