Insulting people in lieu of reason/logic is the liberal way.

cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 11:47 am
I just think the Liberal camp has a lot fewer of these than the Conservatives do.

Nothing like an unbiased opinion. LOL
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 11:50 am
Foxfyre wrote:
I just think the Liberal camp has a lot fewer of these than the Conservatives do.

I'm not convinced. What say you do an informal study. How will you quantify it? Number of posters who tend to be insulting rather than arguing a point? Number of insulting posts by posters who do this? Number of explicit insults? Do generalities count or do they have to be specifically insulting -- you know, directed at the individual rather than a blanket insult. Choose one, then do a thorough examination of all of the threads in politics and tally these up and then lets run some numbers to see if it's true. And of course, if it is true then you will still need to qualify your statement to "the A2K liberal way".

I look forward to seeing your results.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 11:54 am
FreeDuck wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
I just think the Liberal camp has a lot fewer of these than the Conservatives do.

I'm not convinced. What say you do an informal study. How will you quantify it? Number of posters who tend to be insulting rather than arguing a point? Number of insulting posts by posters who do this? Number of explicit insults? Do generalities count or do they have to be specifically insulting -- you know, directed at the individual rather than a blanket insult. Choose one, then do a thorough examination of all of the threads in politics and tally these up and then lets run some numbers to see if it's true. And of course, if it is true then you will still need to qualify your statement to "the A2K liberal way".

I look forward to seeing your results.

Naw, I have neither the time nor interest. You might just use a sampling from this thread though to see how many actually argued that my statement was right or wrong vs those who appear to be arguing that I was wrong to make the statement and try to assign an ideology in each case.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 11:58 am
And fox never uses "ideology" to make her point. Got that?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 12:05 pm
Are You Insulting? FreeAnalysis
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 12:08 pm
This thread has progressed, and will end, entirely predictably.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 06:06 pm
FreeDuck wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
I just think the Liberal camp has a lot fewer of these than the Conservatives do.

I'm not convinced. What say you do an informal study. How will you quantify it? Number of posters who tend to be insulting rather than arguing a point? Number of insulting posts by posters who do this? Number of explicit insults? Do generalities count or do they have to be specifically insulting -- you know, directed at the individual rather than a blanket insult. Choose one, then do a thorough examination of all of the threads in politics and tally these up and then lets run some numbers to see if it's true. And of course, if it is true then you will still need to qualify your statement to "the A2K liberal way".

I look forward to seeing your results.

She'd have to correct for numbers from each "camp", too.

But she won't.

She'll prefer to slur and run.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 06:09 pm
Well, I guess I missed most of the fun. I don't know if it's even worth it, seeing the responses so far, but I'll jump in just to point out a couple things I noticed here.

Foxfyre wrote:
I generally make uncomplimentary observations in such a way that anybody can easily opt out if they choose to do so.

This sentence makes absolutely no sense. If you say something that is insulting to someone, how is the person who is insulted supposed to "opt out" of being insulted? You can't choose to not be insulted by something.

Foxfyre wrote:
The distinction comes in the 'loophole' of allowing some Conservatives to opt out of some Conservative issues and some Liberals to opt out of some Liberal issues. As Wandel said, probably none of us are 100% anything. So to say that most Liberals are this or that would not necessarily be a criticism of you personally. To say that something is 'the Liberal way' is a generalization that allows for a lot of loopholes for those willing to allow them.

Sounds to me like you're saying that if one makes an unflattering statement about a group it shouldn't be taken as a personal insult because nobody specific is targeted. By that logic, people who are insulted by the statement, "Most Mexicans smell funny," "Most women are weaker than men," and "Most people who live in the ghetto are criminals," are just missing the point.

My uncle used to say that black people are lazy and stupid. Using your logic, if he'd said that to a black person and that person got upset and called my uncle an insulting name, it would be the black person who would be in the wrong.

Foxfyre wrote:
...in the context of the quote Kicky lifted from another thread, I did not apply the generalization to ALL liberals.

Yes you did. The fact that you have backed away from that now that you've been called on it is encouraging. It shows me that you actually do see the folly in your statement. Good for you. You're learning.

Foxfyre wrote:
I hear "conservatives love war and death" and "conservatives hate people" all the time with no qualifications whatsoever. I think such comments to be completely stupid, inane, uncreative, and ignorant but not related to me personally in any way.

Another example of you agreeing with me that your original comment was silly. Or in your words, "stupid, inane, uncreative, and ignorant."

I'm so glad you've come around to see things the way they are.

Carry on.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 06:12 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
dlowan wrote:
dagmaraka wrote:
What about the rest of us that are neither liberal nor conservative? When I call someone a moron does that make me a liberal? Who knew.

a. There's only two types of folk...conservative, and wrong.

b. Yes.

Foxfyre wrote:
Foxfyre wrote
If puerile crap is a disqualifier, however, half the members of
A2K would be disqualified at some point during every day.

dlowan wrote
Fox denies Ccjhsa's modus operandi as being full of insult and
attempts at vicious attack.

Enough said.

One only needs to see this crushing example of partisan blindness on her
part to evaluate her comment accurately.



YOU see what you want to, as do we all, I suppose...but you have chosen
to make an insulting sweeping statement about ALL your opponents.

Cjhsa consistently insults and denigrates his opponents.

If you do not see that, you have to be being wilfully blind.

The quality of your sweeping generalisation can be deduced from your
refusal to acknowledge the ongoing opposite behaviour from that which
you attribute to your side from a member of it...one amongst many.

The quality I attribute to your seeeping generalization is untruth.

How is noting the untruth of your claim, and its partisanship, as
evidenced by your refusal to acknowledge cjhsa's ongoing behaviour as
just one example, insulting?

You are the one attempting to denigrate all your opponents, and yet you
dare to call refutal of your claim insulting?

I take it, then, that your definition of insult is the failure to
acknowledge your claims to be true?

I agree with whoever said all sides do it.

The ridiculous partisanship comes in when someone like you claims that
only "they" "do it."

Doubtless, similarly blind folk from the progressive side would also
claim that only your lot "do it".

Folly always has company.

First, I generally make uncomplimentary observations in such a way that anybody can easily opt out if they choose to do so.

Second, all my opponents are not liberal.

Third, in the context of the quote Kicky lifted from another thread, I did not apply the generalization to ALL liberals, nor would I likely ever do that at least intentionally.

But, it has been my observation that it is generally those of liberal leanings who would make a quote such as you did, who would post for the intentional and specific purpose of denigrating another member, and who resort to direct personal insults and ad hominem inferences in lieu of making a rational argument.

Do all liberals do that even on A2K? Nope. And those that don't have my respect, admiration, and I actually read their posts knowing they have something significant to say whether or not I agree with them.

But your post here, Rabbit, is such a beautiful illustration of the point I was making when Kicky opted to use my post as the subject of this thread.

Justify that comment, Fox.

Just saying it doesn't make it true.

Post a logical explanation of why my comment ios a personal attack on you and not a scathing and accurate assessment of your argument.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 06:20 pm
Wabbit you ignorant slut . . .

I find this entire discussion hilarious. In those cases i which one eschews personal comment, and picks to pieces the theses of conservatives here, many of which are breathtakingly stupid (such as MM saying the United States did not enjoy a single victory in the Pacific in World War II until more than a year had passed--apparently, his history teacher left Midway out of the picture), it still doesn't make a difference to the lock-step conservatives. In the case of MM's remark, i refuted it twice, and in detail. He didn't comment the first time, and when i pointed it out to him, he denied having seen it--claimed he was to busy "refuting" other members (i've never yet seen him refute anything). So i pointed out that he had not responded, and told him i'd post it again. He has never yet commented on my response after i'd posted it a second time, at his request.

McG has sunk further and further into the insult game, and rarely has anything substantive to contribute. Fox and MM post the most egregious bullshit, and either ignore it when their horseshit is picked to pieces, or run around claiming they've been personally attacked (credit where it's due, that's more Fox's technique than MM, whom seems to have a thicker skin, and seems to better able to handle the rough and tumble).

I'll get into detailed discussions with someone such as O'George, and occasionally in the past did so with the Big Bird. But most of the small fry who are left aren't worth the candle. They dodge tough questions, whine about being insulted, and often seem incapable of forming a coherent argument, and supporting it. Why bother?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 06:25 pm
setanta wrote:
They dodge tough questions, whine about being insulted, and often seem incapable of forming a coherent argument, and supporting it. Why bother?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 11:29 pm
cjhsa wrote:
Agreed, having Roxxxanne is like getting two bangs for your buck.

More like 3 or 4.
0 Replies
reverend hellh0und
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 07:04 am
Dookiestix wrote:
reverend hellh0und wrote:
Dookiestix wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
There is a difference between hit and run quips and/or successful or unsuccessful attempts at humor and personally directed insults. If that quote was a personally directed insult it must have been an inside joke between you and CJ because I just don't see it.

If puerile crap is a disqualifier, however, half the members of A2K would be disqualified at some point during every day.

Well, like I said, I'm just curious what constitutes personal insults vs. personal attacks vs. peurile commentary.

But I'd agree with you that there's enough peurile crap on this forum to throw half the lot out. Although, something as peurile as what cjhsa said and using my name in directing it specifically to me seems akin to a juvenile comment, especially if one wishes to at least make a point one way or another.

Of course, like this and many other forums, it's all rather arbitrary.

its "puerile"[/i]....... I know people have told you this before. Laughing

I see the grammar Nazis have nothing better to contribute, as usual.

Peurile. There, happy? Rolling Eyes

You could at least show some gratitude. The Good Reverend saw how much you love to use that word over and over again and all I did was try to help you out.....

0 Replies
reverend hellh0und
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 07:05 am
Dookiestix wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
CoastalRat wrote:
Dookie, had you gone to school with me at the Ozark Hillbilly Academy, you would have known that without being told. But now that you know, you will have 5 points deducted from your next post if you misspell that word again. Sorry, but that's the only way you will learn.

I looked up the word when Dookie first used it to avoid misspelling and he (she?) had spelled it correctly the first time. The second time s/he typoed it. I absolutely positively refuse to let the typo police get a foothold here, however, because I would then have to quit A2K (though that would no doubt make some very happy. Smile)

Thanx, Fox. At least you get it.

Oh, and I'm a he (for future reference). Very Happy

He mispelled it at LEAST 5 times that day.,.... And many times in the past. Its not the first time someone brought it up.... Laughing
0 Replies
reverend hellh0und
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 07:06 am
Dookiestix wrote:
CoastalRat wrote:
Dookiestix wrote:
CoastalRat wrote:
Dookie, had you gone to school with me at the Ozark Hillbilly Academy, you would have known that without being told. But now that you know, you will have 5 points deducted from your next post if you misspell that word again. Sorry, but that's the only way you will learn.

And another grammar Nazi chimes in.

Boy, don't you guys have anything more substantive to talk about on Foxfyre's thread? I mean, seriously... Rolling Eyes

Sorry if my being a bit silly escaped you there Dook. I think it is silly to point out someone's spelling errors, which could indeed be a typo as Fox wrote. I was actually pointing out the silliness of the poster who brought it up.

Golly, we get a thread about insults and suddenly everyone gets sensitive. What is a clown to do?

My bad, then. Glad to see the Reverend HellH0und getting called out on this stupid tactic.

What tactic? You used it so much, I was trying to help you out. Jeesh paranoid much? Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 07:29 am
kickycan wrote:
Well, I guess I missed most of the fun. I don't know if it's even worth it, seeing the responses so far, but I'll jump in just to point out a couple things I noticed here.

Foxfyre wrote:
I generally make uncomplimentary observations in such a way that anybody can easily opt out if they choose to do so.

This sentence makes absolutely no sense. If you say something that is insulting to someone, how is the person who is insulted supposed to "opt out" of being insulted? You can't choose to not be insulted by something.

Foxfyre wrote:
The distinction comes in the 'loophole' of allowing some Conservatives to opt out of some Conservative issues and some Liberals to opt out of some Liberal issues. As Wandel said, probably none of us are 100% anything. So to say that most Liberals are this or that would not necessarily be a criticism of you personally. To say that something is 'the Liberal way' is a generalization that allows for a lot of loopholes for those willing to allow them.

Sounds to me like you're saying that if one makes an unflattering statement about a group it shouldn't be taken as a personal insult because nobody specific is targeted. By that logic, people who are insulted by the statement, "Most Mexicans smell funny," "Most women are weaker than men," and "Most people who live in the ghetto are criminals," are just missing the point.

My uncle used to say that black people are lazy and stupid. Using your logic, if he'd said that to a black person and that person got upset and called my uncle an insulting name, it would be the black person who would be in the wrong.

Foxfyre wrote:
...in the context of the quote Kicky lifted from another thread, I did not apply the generalization to ALL liberals.

Yes you did. The fact that you have backed away from that now that you've been called on it is encouraging. It shows me that you actually do see the folly in your statement. Good for you. You're learning.

Foxfyre wrote:
I hear "conservatives love war and death" and "conservatives hate people" all the time with no qualifications whatsoever. I think such comments to be completely stupid, inane, uncreative, and ignorant but not related to me personally in any way.

Another example of you agreeing with me that your original comment was silly. Or in your words, "stupid, inane, uncreative, and ignorant."

I'm so glad you've come around to see things the way they are.

Carry on.

LOL. Again, my comment was made to a specific individual within a specific context within a specific conversation. You lifted it and posted it as if it was a blanket statement and indictment of all liberals. Turned out to be a topic a lot of liberals jumped on though didn't it?

We all use generalities. Saying that something "is the American way" or "the Texas way" or "the Italian mother way" or "the Army way" will always refer to a particular circumstance and is not intended to be an indictment of all things American or all things Texan etc. etc. So for a liberal to extrapolate an extreme point of view from a "the liberal way" phrase only reinforces the appropriateness of the phrase.

I'll offer you the same suggestion that I made Freeduck. Just analyze the posts in this thread and see who actually argued whether the statement as you posted it is right or wrong versus those who were criticizing/insulting me for making the statement. Then assign an ideology to each one as best as you can. I'll bet you a cup of coffee and a doughnut you'll be able to make my case for me.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 07:41 am
Foxfyre wrote:
I'll offer you the same suggestion that I made Freeduck. Just analyze the posts in this thread and see who actually argued whether the statement as you posted it is right or wrong versus those who were criticizing/insulting me for making the statement. Then assign an ideology to each one as best as you can.

If this is your idea of unbiased, empirical research then I will have difficulty taking you seriously in the future.

Here's some advice, Fox: when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 07:45 am
DrewDad wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
I'll offer you the same suggestion that I made Freeduck. Just analyze the posts in this thread and see who actually argued whether the statement as you posted it is right or wrong versus those who were criticizing/insulting me for making the statement. Then assign an ideology to each one as best as you can.

If this is your idea of unbiased, empirical research then I will have difficulty taking you seriously in the future.

Here's some advice, Fox: when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

As further illustration of my observations and point here, I think probably only a liberal would extrapolate my friendly suggestion to Kicky into "(my) idea of unbiased, empirical research". I think a conservative would be less likely to do that. What do you think?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 08:02 am
Foxfyre wrote:
DrewDad wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
I'll offer you the same suggestion that I made Freeduck. Just analyze the posts in this thread and see who actually argued whether the statement as you posted it is right or wrong versus those who were criticizing/insulting me for making the statement. Then assign an ideology to each one as best as you can.

If this is your idea of unbiased, empirical research then I will have difficulty taking you seriously in the future.

Here's some advice, Fox: when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

As further illustration of my observations and point here, I think probably only a liberal would extrapolate my friendly suggestion to Kicky into "(my) idea of unbiased, empirical research". I think a conservative would be less likely to do that. What do you think?

Well of course a conservative would be less likely to "extrapolate (your) my friendly suggestion to Kicky into "(my) idea of unbiased, empirical research". However, there are some honest conservatives out there who might go against the a2k party lines.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 08:17 am
Foxfyre wrote:
LOL. Again, my comment was made to a specific individual within a specific context within a specific conversation. You lifted it and posted it as if it was a blanket statement and indictment of all liberals.

Wrong again. Whether or not you were talking to one person or fifty, it was a blanket statement.

And again, since you conveniently failed to respond to these points.

Foxfyre wrote:
I generally make uncomplimentary observations in such a way that anybody can easily opt out if they choose to do so.

This sentence makes absolutely no sense. If you say something that is insulting to someone, how is the person who is insulted supposed to "opt out" of being insulted? You can't choose to not be insulted by something.

Foxfyre wrote:
The distinction comes in the 'loophole' of allowing some Conservatives to opt out of some Conservative issues and some Liberals to opt out of some Liberal issues. As Wandel said, probably none of us are 100% anything. So to say that most Liberals are this or that would not necessarily be a criticism of you personally. To say that something is 'the Liberal way' is a generalization that allows for a lot of loopholes for those willing to allow them.

Sounds to me like you're saying that if one makes an unflattering statement about a group it shouldn't be taken as a personal insult because nobody specific is targeted. By that logic, people who are insulted by the statement, "Most Mexicans smell funny," "Most women are weaker than men," and "Most people who live in the ghetto are criminals," are just missing the point.

My uncle used to say that black people are lazy and stupid. Using your logic, if he'd said that to a black person and that person got upset and called my uncle an insulting name, it would be the black person who would be in the wrong.

Foxfyre wrote:
I hear "conservatives love war and death" and "conservatives hate people" all the time with no qualifications whatsoever. I think such comments to be completely stupid, inane, uncreative, and ignorant but not related to me personally in any way.

Once again, this shows that you agree with me that your statement was silly. Unless you think that only generalities pertaining to conservatives are stupid. But that would be completely idiotic, don't you agree?
0 Replies

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