Well, I guess I missed most of the fun. I don't know if it's even worth it, seeing the responses so far, but I'll jump in just to point out a couple things I noticed here.
Foxfyre wrote:I generally make uncomplimentary observations in such a way that anybody can easily opt out if they choose to do so.
This sentence makes absolutely no sense. If you say something that is insulting to someone, how is the person who is insulted supposed to "opt out" of being insulted? You can't choose to not be insulted by something.
Foxfyre wrote:The distinction comes in the 'loophole' of allowing some Conservatives to opt out of some Conservative issues and some Liberals to opt out of some Liberal issues. As Wandel said, probably none of us are 100% anything. So to say that most Liberals are this or that would not necessarily be a criticism of you personally. To say that something is 'the Liberal way' is a generalization that allows for a lot of loopholes for those willing to allow them.
Sounds to me like you're saying that if one makes an unflattering statement about a group it shouldn't be taken as a personal insult because nobody specific is targeted. By that logic, people who are insulted by the statement, "Most Mexicans smell funny," "Most women are weaker than men," and "Most people who live in the ghetto are criminals," are just missing the point.
My uncle used to say that black people are lazy and stupid. Using your logic, if he'd said that to a black person and that person got upset and called my uncle an insulting name, it would be the black person who would be in the wrong.
Foxfyre wrote:...in the context of the quote Kicky lifted from another thread, I did not apply the generalization to ALL liberals.
Yes you did. The fact that you have backed away from that now that you've been called on it is encouraging. It shows me that you actually do see the folly in your statement. Good for you. You're learning.
Foxfyre wrote:I hear "conservatives love war and death" and "conservatives hate people" all the time with no qualifications whatsoever. I think such comments to be completely stupid, inane, uncreative, and ignorant but not related to me personally in any way.
Another example of you agreeing with me that your original comment was silly. Or in your words, "stupid, inane, uncreative, and ignorant."
I'm so glad you've come around to see things the way they are.
Carry on.