Madeline Albright's state dept. in other words. Why not simply give us the url for Joseph Goebbels take on naziism?? Here, try this:
The world generally recognizes that there was nothing resembling ethnic cleansing or genocide going on in Kosovo prior to 1999. Reapolitik reasons for the NATO operation, at least according to some backers included:
- Yugoslavia represenging a salient in an otherwise solid block of NATO territory; the idea was to dismember Yugoslavia to the point at which it could be turned.
- George Soros wanting those Trepca mines in the nroth of Kosovo.
- Fear of Albanians spilling over into NATO countries to a sufficient extent to destabilize them, particularly Italy. This fear was madethe worse by the known tendency of Albanians to "rabbit breed" their way to power. In other words, ensconce themselves in some little corner of of the other guy's country, do their thirteen-children-per-family thing for 20 years, and then try to break that little corner off into "Greater Albania". Albanians are universally hated for this.
- A pipeline for caucasus oil needed to pass through Albanian territory and Albania's stated price tag for this was Kosovo. That MIGHT have seemed to make sense to somebody unaware that the Russians had an alternative plan for a pipeline which the major oil companies preferred at the time.
- Milosevic having pulled Yugoslavia out of the IMF in 94.
And there might have been a couple of others like that, again, the Pentagon added it all up and it did not add up to a case and they told SlicKKK not to do it. Nonetheless SlicKKK had his own agendas at the time.
During the decade of the 90s NATO and KKKlintonista propaganda organs tried to paint Serbia and Serbs as the world's most major a$$holes, and as a tribe of murderous villains. As far as I have ever been able to tell doing my own research on the subject, all of the various claims we have read were fictitious. The worst case of all was that of the Bosnian Serb "death camp" at Trnopolja:
The basic question you have to ask is, after that, what part of this bullshit am I supposed to go on believing?
Jared Israel's website continues to be the best source for information about NATO's conduct in the balkans during the 1990s: