DontTreadOnMe wrote:gungasnake wrote:okie wrote: Remember one thing, the Clintons have lived their entire lives aimed at power, and they are not casual about it. The game is serious, and they are very serious about this game. Believe it.
The basic reality you need to understand about the Clintons is that they kill people who get in their way. It is that simple.
and as usual, you have not one shred of proof. not one. and please, do us all a favor and don't start doing the ol' "c & P" from every foam at the mouth right wing barf blog you can find. it's boring...

You can do your own google searches on 'jim mcdougal" but, then again, some people insist on getting all their news from the NY Times and assume that everything they ever see on the internet is BS.
In this particular case, for my own purposes at least, I do not need to make any assumptions about info coming from websites, one way or another.
They say that the world is smaller than most assume and that there are no more than six or seven degrees of connection between any two people in it, and it happens that I know a person, not exactly a close friend but a friend of close friends, who was in a federal prison in the late 90s, in fact along with one James McDougal. How my own acquaintance happened to be in such a place is a long and complicated story which I won't bore you with.
This gentleman basically told me the same story you read on the websites, i.e. that a week and a half or so before McDougal was scheduled to testify in some sort of a thing involving the KKKlintons, prison officials took the guy's heart medicine away from him and that they heard him screaming into the night and found him dead in the morning.
There were only three people in the room when I heard this story and the guy had zero reason to fabricate such a tale for the sole benefit of me and my other friend.
One version of the tale on the internet is here:
States of denial are not healthy for anybody. It would be good for democrats to get over their little denial state regarding the KKKlintons and deal with the reality.