Obama placed under Secret Service protection

Reply Wed 23 May, 2007 11:57 pm
gungasnake wrote:
What is intolerable with the dems is the gangsterism.

duke cunningham ring a bell?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 01:04 am
So, then we're all in agreement? For whatever reason, it is a good thing that Senator Obama now has Secret Service protection.

Great! Glad we could clear that up.
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Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 05:27 am
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
gungasnake wrote:
What is intolerable with the dems is the gangsterism.

duke cunningham ring a bell?

Not really.

Gangsterism to me means selling H-bomb secrets to the chicoms, sealing a trillian-dollar American coal resource for the benefit of your LIPPO buddies who own the world's only other such resource in exchange for a paltry few million in DNC cash, trying to start a civil war by manufacturing 60,000 flori-duh votes in the last half hour of an election, allowing/causing rogue govt agencies to incinerate 90 innocents in a little Texas town rather than nab the one guy they actually were interested in on his daily trip to the 7/11, bombing an innocent Christian nation into dust for 80 days and nights including Easter sunday to take a rape allegation off the front pages of our own stupid newspapers, conducting a fire sale on presidential pardons as you're going out the door of the whitehouse, and **** like that.

I don't think Duke Cunningham, whoever he might be, ever even dreamed of doing anything like that.

If we ever get into an atom bomb war, the most likely cause will be computer foulups. It stands to reason that if you absolutely have to sell H-bomb secrets, you should at least have the decency not to sell them to somebody who has just entered the computer age fifty years late and whose use of computers is hampered by their entire culture being based on picture writing.

See what I mean?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 09:03 am
Gungasnake, there are so many issues of corruption from that sad chapter of history, it is impossible to even remember them all. But don't forget the FBI files and IRS auditing of political enemies. Either one of those should have brought impeachment as well.

Duke Cunningham was abandoned by his party, rightfully so, and he is gone. He also expressed being sorry for what he did. Hmmm, that is unusual these days. Reminds me of pointing out the overcharges of car repair to a mechanic not long ago. He was not only not sorry, but proud of it. Where do we see that attitude today?

By the way, what is William Jefferson up to these days?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 09:33 am
Duke Cunningham was abandoned by his party, rightfully so, and he is gone. He also expressed being sorry for what he did. Hmmm, that is unusual these days.

He was also convicted of a crime and sent to jail.

He certainly wasn't contrite before that and certainly wasn't abandoned before that.


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Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 11:25 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Duke Cunningham was abandoned by his party, rightfully so, and he is gone. He also expressed being sorry for what he did. Hmmm, that is unusual these days.

He was also convicted of a crime and sent to jail.

He certainly wasn't contrite before that and certainly wasn't abandoned before that.



yup. cyclo, i do believe we may be wasting our time here, dude.

i remember when the republicans were kinda okay. good with money and stayed out of people's personal lives. the gop of today is so changed as to be unrecognizable. that started with dan quayle and his family values crap.

now the motto of the republican party has become "it's somebody else's fault".

now that's what i call leadership. Rolling Eyes
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 12:16 pm
DTOM, Isn't it just amazing that so many still can't see all the contradictions and problems created by Bushco, and continue to apologize and make excuses for him?

I'm just wondering when will enough dead and maimed soldiers and innocent Iraqis number when they learn this war was a failure from day one? This war has been going longer than WWII, and promises at this juncture to be one of the longest in human history at this rate. Bush wants to continue, and congress agrees.

We must also not forget that we had the world's largest demonstration against this war before Bush attacked Iraq.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 12:18 pm
Republicans don't stand up for their own?

During Goodling's testimony yesterday, she admitted to:

-illegally considering politics for non-political positions
-violating the Hatch act
-illegally particiapting in the politicization of the DoJ

and the Republicans kept thanking her for her testimony and talking about how 'brave' and 'courageous' she was. Makes ya want to puke.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 01:45 pm
okie wrote:
Gungasnake, there are so many issues of corruption from that sad chapter of history, it is impossible to even remember them all. But don't forget the FBI files and IRS auditing of political enemies. Either one of those should have brought impeachment as well.....

True, but the thing about the hydrogen bomb is what sort of got to me. This is a hydrogen bomb:


Can you believe that the self-same losers who worry about me wanting to own a hunting rifle would be out selling that to the chinese communists for DNC cash??
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Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 02:43 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
DTOM, Isn't it just amazing that so many still can't see all the contradictions and problems created by Bushco, and continue to apologize and make excuses for him?......

man, i keep wondering about that. just what is their reasoning behind this continued lips out (if nothing else,,) support for a guy that is very clearly not doing his job well..

is it that they cannot admit that they voted for the wrong guy and are happy to wrap themselves in the flag and jump off a cliff with him.

is it party trumps all ?

surely, there are a few who are either so misguided, or plain stupid as to still be a true believer? i just can't believe that there are that many of those. Shocked

c.i., hand on heart i swear that my dad the lifelong republican (his surgery went well btw..) is so p.o.ed at bush that he turns the channel if the goat roper from crawford shows up on t.v.

so whatever it is with these other dead enders, i don't get.

probably scare the hell outta me if i woke up one day and did. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 03:09 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
DTOM, Isn't it just amazing that so many still can't see all the contradictions and problems created by Bushco, and continue to apologize and make excuses for him?

Maybe part of the reason is because the alternative is so hideously bad, imposter. And half of the contradictions the libs have concocted are their own. Plus Bush is no conservative on at least half of the issues, so there you have it.

And speaking of contradictions, I thought your beloved party was going to cut off funding to Iraq? Isn't that they were voted in for?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 03:13 pm
Yes, and that's why those who voted them in are so pissed.


Maybe part of the reason is because the alternative is so hideously bad, imposter

Empty, meaningless statement. Accused badness versus a record of incompetence and idiocy.

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Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 03:16 pm
After eight years of KKKlintler, I was willing to settle for merely having the government back under adult supervision. Yeah, it would have been nice if we'd gotten a bit more than that, but there's no way we aren't better off now.
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Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 03:17 pm
gungasnake wrote:
After eight years of KKKlintler, I was willing to settle for merely having the government back under adult supervision. Yeah, it would have been nice if we'd gotten a bit more than that, but there's no way we aren't better off now.

Empty, meaningless statement. Accused badness versus a record of incompetence and idiocy.

Can't you guys try harder than this?

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Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 03:49 pm
gungasnake wrote:
After eight years of KKKlintler, I was willing to settle.....there's no way we aren't better off now.

right... tell that to these guys;


right.. bush is sooo adult that he accepts no responsibility for anything. to the point that he has these men and women's bodies snuck back into the country for burial.

it's disgusting
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 04:42 pm
You're right about that. It is pretty disgusting.
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Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 08:07 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:

right... tell that to these guys;

Several points which would be obvious enough to normal people....

  • Those guys all volunteered. Moreover, they all believed in thier mission enough to go into harm's way for it. The last pure demokkkrat war (Kosovo) by way of contrast was so flagrant a case of dog wagging that nobody in our military had any illusions about asking soldiers to go into harms way for it and it was conducted entirely from the air, which is why Europeans still refer to it as the "cowards' war". They went for three or four weeks bombing targets in Kosovo from 25000' or higher and when they discovered they could not harm the Serbian military from that altitude, they embarked upon a wholesale campaign of war crimes and bombed out the entire Serbian civilian infrastructure.
  • Yugoslavia had given us no cause for offense. Saddam Hussein on the other hand had provided the 9/11 hijackers with the weaponized anthrax which was used in attacks on government facilities including the US senate office building which took place a week following 9/11, i.e. as soon after 9/11 as the US mail system allowed.
  • The "war" in Iraq lasted three weeks. What has been going on since then amounts to US soldiers playing the role of cops and fighting AlQuaeda forces which could easily be doing their business here if they weren't there.
  • This work has been necessary because the alternative would be handing a country with the oil resources of Iraq over to AlQuaeda, to use those resources to attack us. Allowing that would be insane.
  • While casualties to US servicemen are all regrettable, the total number of such in Iraq after three years of fighting has been about what the first two hour's worth of the island invasions in the Pacific war in 42-44 used to produce.
  • Many if not most of those GIs were from demokkkrat-infested cities like Baltimore, LA, and Detroit. They were statistically at least as safe in Iraq as they would have been at home. The one variable which correlates most perfectly with every sort of urban pathology including violence in American cities is demokkkrat investation. I.e. it is precisely the cities which are still run by old-fashioned demokkkrat machine politics in which you find all of the grief.

Pictures of the last demokkkrat war are not difficult to find:


Like I say, they bombed the place for 80 days and nights, killing thousands of people including many little slavic orthodox Christian children.

But then again, demokkkrats seem to enjoy killing Christians, particularly children.

This little girl's name was Milica Rakic:


At three years of age when she was killed by a NATO/KKKlintlerista bomb hundreds of kilometers from anything which anybody could call a military target of any sort, Milica likely has the dubious distinction of being Slick KKKlintler's youngest female victim.

Another picture of Milca which you find on the web is this:


In other words, Milica has apparently been designated as at least a martyr of the orthodox church. Unlike the case in the world of the Albanian Kosovars for whose nominal benefit all of this happy horseshit took place, the term "martyr" in the Christian world does not mean somebody who pulls on a belt with 30 sticks of dynamite and committs suicide in a public place.

This means that SlicKKK KKKlintler's ultimate place in the history books could easily end up being on the same page as the dickheads who burned Joan of Arc.

I mean, any sort of a problem I might have telling it to soldiers who have died in Iraq kind of pales beside the task of telling it to the parents of Milica Rakic and the other Serbian children who died to take that Juanita Broaddrick rape allegation off the front pages of American newspapers.
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Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 08:12 pm
the action is kosovo was a nato mission, not a democrat mission. and you do understand that the mission was to end ethnic cleansing right?

and yet you can find not a thing wrong with bush's war or his complete lack of responsibility.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 08:15 pm
Here's another neat story about another of SlicKKK's child victims:


SlicKKK was a bit more generous in this case inasmuch as Sanja Milenkovic was allowed to live to 15 or thereabouts:


"Don't be crazy, mum. Who's going to drop bombs on a small town?"

These were the last words Sanja Milenkovic spoke before she left for a walk Sunday, May 30, 1999. No ordinary day. Day 68 of the NATO attack on Yugoslavia.

It was a sunny, busy shopping day, Pentecost. Young people strolled on the streets, some went onto the local bridge they liked so much because it offered a magnificent view of the Morava river and surroundings. The roar of warplanes cut short the life of the bridge and of those residents including Sanja Milenkovic.

Sanja and her family, whom she loved most in the world besides math, led a quiet life. As a gifted child, who had been given many awards, she came from her native village of Donji Katun near Varvarin, to the capital, Belgrade, to enroll, without an entrance exam, in the Mathematics High School.

There were, as publicized in numerous interviews, no insolvable math problems for her. She had won many Yugoslav and international prizes, and she was preparing for the Mathematics Olympiad and surely for another of her trophies of world importance. She could explain everything logically or in terms of mathematics. The New York Times and the Washington Post wrote about our Sanja, a Serb girl from Varvarin, describing her as the greatest math talent of today, killed by NATO bombs.

Sanja was very close to her mother Vesna. Vesna was 21 when she gave birth to her first child. At fifteen, Sanja was a pretty and bright girl. "Sanja was like younger sister to me; she was also my best friend," says Vesna.

When the NATO aggression against our country started, Sanja traveled back to Varvarin to be with her parents. Vesna and Sanja's dad, Zoran, believed Sanja would be much safer in a small place in the country where there were no military installations.

But NATO targets included hospitals, schools, kindergarten, roads and bridges. Cynical news of "collateral damage" came out of NATO headquarters every day. So Sanja was one of several thousand ordinary Serbian people who died of missiles targeting even insignificant bridges in small towns throughout Yugoslavia.

One of them was the bridge in Varvarin. It led to the local Christian Orthodox church and therefore innocent civilians, who happened to be on it that sunny May day, on the Christian holiday of Pentecost, were killed. Sanja and two of her friends were among the victims.

It was a little past noon. The shopping day attracted more crowds than usual. The memorial liturgy was in progress at the Church of the Holy Mother at that moment. No one knew that up in the skies there were warplanes that already had the bridge in their sights and were ready to rain down death.

In the 68 days of the aggression, people were used to being bombed by night. So, very few believed that the 52-year old bridge that was the town's lifeline and that did not straddle any of the major transport routes, would be picked. It is a three-hour drive to Kosovo and Metohija from there.

It was exactly five minutes past one p.m. Vesna and Zoran were fixing lunch for their daughter when they heard a strong blast nearby. Vesna's mum immediately picked up the phone to check if it was still working. The telephone lines ran across the bridge. The phone was dead. She dashed into the car and headed for the bridge. She looked through the window searching for the loved face.

The river bank was deserted. The crowd had run away fearing another strike. Vesna stood alone on the bank, calling out her daughter's name. And then she saw Sanja. She lay on a broken slab of the bridge, motionless.

It was much later that she was told what had happened and how Sanja died. As the first missile hit the bridge, its footpath collapsed into the river. Sanja and her friends fell into the water, as well. Sanja was unharmed, while one of her friends had her arm broken and the other a leg.

Like the rest of the pedestrians, Sanja could have reached the bank, but she chose to help her friends. Ten minutes after the initial attack, the NATO pilot came back to finish his job. The explosion had cut the bridge in half. The religious service in the church stopped and everyone rushed to help the wounded. The explosion stopped them in the process. Another seven people were killed.

Sanja was struck in the back by a shrapnel. They put her into an ambulance. Her eyes were open for a few more minutes. Her father encouraged her to fight for her breath. A couple of minutes later Sanja's eyes closed. "I knew it was for ever," said her dad Zoran, "I was hopeful, nevertheless."

The fight for Sanja's life went on in hospital, where she was injected with adrenaline shots. But death got the upper hand. Sanja lay motionless in the pink T-shirt that she had put on that morning. She was 15 and a half. The following day Jamie Shea held his regular press conference in faraway Brussels, as he did every day.

Sanja Milenkovic will not dream out her dreams. However strongly she felt about numerals and the logic of life, there can be no explanation for her premature death. Sanja's teachers and peers believe that, if it had been according to the laws of mathematics, Sanja's name would have been predestined to become famous and be inscribed in international yearbooks of the greatest mathematicians.

Those who died early and whom we were indebted to during their lifetime oblige us to remember them always. The name of Sanja Milenkovic will always be in the minds of those talented like herself. That was the reason why a Fund, named after her, was set up. The Fund serves to award scholarships/fellowships to young gifted secondary school students and university undergraduates in the field of math and technical sciences.

The Fund was established at the initiative of Mr. Zivadin Jovanovic, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of the FR of Yugoslavia, and Mr. Milutin Mrkonjic, Director-General of the Country Reconstruction Directorate.

Sanja's granddad, Ljubomir Milenkovic, was appointed an honorary member of the Fund.

Twenty young people were awarded scholarships from the Fund on November 5, 1999. In addressing them, Minister Jovanovic said that this Fund was set up to keep the memory of Sanja alive and by keeping it alive to demonstrate our attitude towards the highest achievements and greatest successes in learning and studies.

The talents now financed and yet to be financed by the "Sanja Milenkovic" Fund will keep alive the memory of a youth cut short prematurely and of wishes and dreams left unfulfilled.

They will also keep alive the name of Sanja Milenkovic.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 May, 2007 08:20 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
the action is kosovo was a nato mission, not a democrat mission. and you do understand that the mission was to end ethnic cleansing right?.

Wrong. That accusation turns out to be total BS and the pentagon knew it at the time. There were a half dozen or so realpolitik kinds of reasons for doing Kosovo and none of them had anything to do with "albanian kosovars" who nobody could feel sorry for; the pentagon did the numbers and determined that there was no rational case for action and advised SlicKKK not to do it. The overriding concern however was getting chinagate and the Juanita Broaddrick story off the headlines.

German state government reports indicated that nothing resembling "ethnic cleansing" was going on in Kosovo prior to the KKKlinton/NATO action:

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