au1929 wrote:Blatham
Quote:Like that "700" figure up there. But it is a good round number and is, by coincidence, the same number of times Newt has told wives suffering cancer that its time for a divorce because he's humping his secretary.
The fact that he is a degenerate does not make him wrong about bi-lingual education. Millions came from all over the world and succeeded in turning out a better product than we have with it.
Necessity is a better motivator than indulgence
Gingrich is an amoral and power-thirsting demagogue. He's as bad as american politics gets (he's smarter than McCarthy).
He is not expressing a rational argument here, he is merely counting on a deep vein of racism and xenophobia present in American culture to raise fears and hatred for his own political gain.
Canada, as you may know, is bilingual as a matter of law. I have not met a European who does not speak at least three languages fluently. Vancouver now is close to 50% of Asian descent and all the ATM machines, for example, have Mandarin as well as English while the can of peas you buy is french on one side and english on the other.
The quintessential comment by an American on this English matter was a Congresswoman from the last century who stated, "If English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me."