House in Disarray - Democrats Dazed

Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 11:39 am
The latest big accomplishment of the Democrat Congress. They are spending their time condemning what was done a hundred years ago with Turkey, ha ha, now making Turkey mad, great, Nancy, what a genius of a move. Are any of those Turks that did that still alive, obviously not. Where does California find these people to send to Washington?

0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 12:01 pm
I thank God every day for Nancy Pelosi and I'm sure GW does too. You cannot help but look like a genius with her as a co-worker.
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Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 12:16 pm
Yeah, but what we really do not need right now is a war between the Turks and the Kurds in northern Iraq.
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Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 01:17 pm
It is a ploy to get us out of Iraq. No Turkey, no war on Iraq.
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Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 01:27 pm
We don't need ditzy SoH's playing games with our national security and security of our troops. What is the equivalent of impeachment for the SoH? Beheading? Hanging?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 01:39 pm
okie wrote:
Congress hits a new low with a flaming 14% approval and 83% say Congress is fair to poor. Bush's numbers puts Congress numbers to shame with 34 and 66:


"But the marks for Congress, mired in gridlock over a series of partisan political battles after Democrats took power in the 2006 elections, continued to drop,'' Reuters reports.

okie wrote:
We're talking 14% approval rating for Congress, namely Nancy, Harry, and the boys, talk.

OK Okie, explain me something.

If it's Nancy and Harry's fault that Congress's popularity is so low, like you say -- then how do you explain that according to every single poll out there, the Republicans in Congress are more impopular than the Democrats?

Here - look at these approval ratings*:

  • Harris Poll, Oct 5-8:
    Democrats in Congress 29%;
    Republicans in Congress 19%

  • ABC News/Washington Post, Sep 27-30:
    Democrats in Congress 38%;
    Republicans in Congress 29%

  • Harris Poll, Sep 7-10:
    Democrats in Congress 24%;
    Republicans in Congress 21%

  • ABC News/Washington Post, Jul 18-21:
    Democrats in Congress 46%;
    Republicans in Congress 34%.

  • Harris Poll, Jul 6-9:
    Democrats in Congress 31%;
    Republicans in Congress 21%

  • Fox News, Jun 26-27
    Democrats in Congress 36%;
    Republicans in Congress 30%.

  • ABC News/Washington Post, May 29 - Jun 1:
    Democrats in Congress 44%;
    Republicans in Congress 36%.

  • Harris Poll, Apr 20-23:
    Democrats in Congress 35%;
    Republicans in Congress 22%

  • ABC News/Washington Post, Apr 12-15:
    Democrats in Congress 54%;
    Republicans in Congress 39%.

  • USA Today/Gallup, Feb. 9-11
    Democrats in Congress 41%;
    Republicans in Congress 33%.

  • CBS News Poll. Feb. 8-11
    Democrats in Congress 54%;
    Republicans in Congress 41%.

  • Harris Poll, Feb 2-5:
    Democrats in Congress 41%;
    Republicans in Congress 26%
* Taken from the overviews on Pollingreport.com, Republican numbers, Democratic numbers
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 02:56 pm
okie wrote:
The latest big accomplishment of the Democrat Congress. They are spending their time condemning what was done a hundred years ago with Turkey, ha ha, now making Turkey mad, great, Nancy, what a genius of a move. [..]

Perhaps you would also like to address your complaint to:

  • George Radanovich, Republican (CA), one of the two lead sponsors of the resolution;

  • Joe Knollenberg, Republican (MI) and co-chairman of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, who was one of the four (two Democratic, two Republican) Congressmen who introduced the Resolution;

  • Ed Royce, Republican (CA) and senior member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, who praised the passage of the Resolution;

  • Frank R. Wolf, Republican (VA), who sent around a "Dear Colleague" letter urging fellow Congressmen to sign on;

  • The 8 (out of 21) Republicans on the Committee who backed the resolution;

  • The 61 Republicans in the House who co-sponsored the Resolution, eg: Renzi (AZ), Radanovich, Herger, Nunes, McCarthy, McKeon, Dreier, Lungren, Doolittle, Royce, Miller, Calvert, Bono, Rohrabacher, Campbell, Issa, Bilbray, Hunter (all CA), Musgrave (CO), Lamborn (CO), Shays (CT), Lincoln Diaz-Balart (FL), Mario Diaz-Balart (FL), Bilirakis (FL), Kingston (GA), Kirk, Weller, LaHood, Roskam (all IL), Souder, Miller, McCotter, Camp, Walberg, Rogers, Knollenberg (all MI), Bachmann (MN), Frelinghuysen, LoBiondo, Smith, Garrett, Ferguson (all NJ), Porter (NV), McHugh, Walsh, Kuhl (all NY), LaTourette (OH), Dent, Pitts, Gerlach (all PA), Fortuno (PR), Wilson (SC), Wamp (TN), McCaul (TX), Marchant (TX), Wolf (VA), Cantor (VA), McMorris (WA), Reichert (WA), Ryan (WI), Sensenbrenner (WI) (see here);

  • Republican presidential candidate and Senator Sam Brownback, who is co-sponsoring a similar resolution in the Senate; and

  • Republican Senators Allard (CO), Collins (ME), Snowe (ME), Coleman (MN), Sununu (NH), Dole (NC), and Ensign (NV), who are also co-sponsoring the Senate resolution (See here).
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 03:09 pm
nimh wrote:
okie wrote:
Congress hits a new low with a flaming 14% approval and 83% say Congress is fair to poor. Bush's numbers puts Congress numbers to shame with 34 and 66:


"But the marks for Congress, mired in gridlock over a series of partisan political battles after Democrats took power in the 2006 elections, continued to drop,'' Reuters reports.

okie wrote:
We're talking 14% approval rating for Congress, namely Nancy, Harry, and the boys, talk.

OK Okie, explain me something.

If it's Nancy and Harry's fault that Congress's popularity is so low, like you say -- then how do you explain that according to every single poll out there, the Republicans in Congress are more impopular than the Democrats?

If your polls are halfway accurate, it isn't hard to explain. Democrats are not happy with their representatives and Republicans are just as disappointed at theirs because they are not standing up to the Democrats. People are generally frustrated at Congress for not doing anything worthwhile. Add to this a very poor job by the media to inform the people, and I think most people really have a very poor idea of what is going on. Most of them don't care. For the ones that do pay attention, they see corruption continue without anything being done, and the Republicans don't seem to care either, example William Jefferson. Democrats oppose the war but do not do anything about it.

That is not based on a poll, just a general assessment from the people I know.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 03:12 pm
Advocate wrote:
It is a ploy to get us out of Iraq. No Turkey, no war on Iraq.

A pretty gutless and self defeating ploy, don't you think, Advocate?

I am fairly surprised the Congress even spends time on such worthless causes. Is this a normal thing to do, dig up historical events and pass resolutions to condemn them? Have we condemned ourselves for killing thousands of Indians yet?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 03:17 pm
okie wrote:
Advocate wrote:
It is a ploy to get us out of Iraq. No Turkey, no war on Iraq.

A pretty gutless and self defeating ploy, don't you think, Advocate?

I am fairly surprised the Congress even spends time on such worthless causes. Is this a normal thing to do, dig up historical events and pass resolutions to condemn them? Have we condemned ourselves for killing thousands of Indians yet?

No worse then condemning ads in newspapers. Wouldn't you say?

0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 03:28 pm
okie wrote:
If your polls are halfway accurate

Well, considering I was replying to a post in which you showed no hesitation going on the data in one single (Zogby) poll, I dont see why you'd be hesitant about something shown in a whole array of polls by five different pollsters... :wink:

okie wrote:
Democrats are not happy with their representatives and Republicans are just as disappointed at theirs because they are not standing up to the Democrats. People are generally frustrated at Congress for not doing anything worthwhile. Add to this a very poor job by the media to inform the people, and I think most people really have a very poor idea of what is going on. Most of them don't care. For the ones that do pay attention, they see corruption continue without anything being done, and the Republicans don't seem to care either, example William Jefferson. Democrats oppose the war but do not do anything about it.

That is not based on a poll, just a general assessment from the people I know.

Well, there you go. I agree with all your observations here. And taken together, they sure make a hell of a lot more sense to explain Congress's overall low approval ratings than what you've been saying before -- namely, that the ratings just show how disgusted Americans are with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. That one's disproven by how the Republicans in Congress are even more impopular than the Democrats.

And you havent actually answered my question about that: how do you explain that according to every single poll out there, the Republicans in Congress are more impopular than the Democrats?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 03:32 pm
Pelosi and Reed are the leaders of the controlling party of Congress, nimh, so I think they are a big part of the equation. They are the current icons of Congress. And it is my understanding that Reed's popularity in Nevada is pretty dismal, as I heard today. I don't know what his numbers are, but I doubt they are too hot.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 03:34 pm
okie wrote:
Pelosi and Reed are the leaders of the controlling party of Congress, nimh, so I think they are a big part of the equation. They are the current icons of Congress. And it is my understanding that Reed's popularity in Nevada is pretty dismal, as I heard today. I don't know what his numbers are, but I doubt they are too hot.

The Dems are not popular in Congress b/c they have been unable to stop the unpopular positions of the Republicans.

The Republicans are unpopular b/c they champion unpopular positions.

Reid in particular gets low marks b/c he doesn't play hardball with the Republicans, preferring to wait things out. Not popular with the activist base, but probably a savvy move in the long run.

You do realize that '08 is going to be a horror movie for Republicans? I mean, seriously. Things look worse every week.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 04:34 pm
okie wrote:
Pelosi and Reed are the leaders of the controlling party of Congress, nimh, so I think they are a big part of the equation. They are the current icons of Congress.

So how do you explain that according to every single poll out there, the Republicans in Congress are even more impopular than the Democrats?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 06:45 pm
nimh wrote:
okie wrote:
Pelosi and Reed are the leaders of the controlling party of Congress, nimh, so I think they are a big part of the equation. They are the current icons of Congress.

So how do you explain that according to every single poll out there, the Republicans in Congress are even more impopular than the Democrats?

If you wish to dissect the polls, which is not that interesting, but first, I would look at who was polled, how many Democrats vs Republicans. Do you have that information? Unless it is fairly split between the parties, the polls are going to be skewed.
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Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 07:48 pm
Yeah. You didn't think of that did you, statistics man.
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Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 07:59 pm
But you only have to grow a half a brain to realize that demonrats represent the societal leeches - the entitled and lazy. For someone who's worked in business since he was 12, never received a dime of government assistance, it's more than a little hard to take a wealthy bitch like Pelosi who's just as dumb as her constituents. Effing retarded dumb.
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Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 08:04 pm
Hey, I am about to join the entitled, if that includes Social Security, so go easy on us lazy retired folks. We heard today about the first of those to start drawing it, and we will probably start hearing about what a drag the baby boomers are on the fictional trust fund and the budget. I paid in, so I expect some back.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 08:07 pm
okie wrote:
Hey, I am about to join the entitled, if that includes Social Security, so go easy on us lazy retired folks. We heard today about the first of those to start drawing it, and we will probably start hearing about what a drag the baby boomers are on the fictional trust fund and the budget. I paid in, so I expect some back.

Even though part of the illusion of the "great society", social security was never supposed to be an etitlement program. What you draw is supposed to be based on what you earned over the years. Unfortunately it has been managed like welfare and thus it has earned the dreaded moniker. That is why many, like me, would prefer they do away with the FICA tax altogether and let us invest that 11% of our pay in our 401K. Too bad the small minds of the day could only envision a pyramid scheme.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 08:16 pm
Same here, but the Democrats shot down even a small portion of privately invested Social Security as proposed by Bush. By the way, its more like 12% plus for SS, and over 15% for Medicare and Social Security. These two taxes hurt more people alot more than income tax, if they only realized it. If the people's money had been invested to earn a decent return instead of stolen by the government, they all would be alot better off.
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