JPB wrote:Are there other things not going well, issy?
I am just having a hard time getting back in the swing of things, one of the girls I work with is pregnant and due in June, she was giving me all sorts of tips and now she kind of ignores me, I feel such tension around her, she never said a word to me, which is her choice.
My stress level has risen way above my head and I am thinking about talking to a therapist now because I get so sad so much now and it is hard for me to focus. I am not scared to talk to someone now and I think I would benefit from it very much given the situation.
My insurance company keeps sending me hospital bills and it is making me really mad.
Both of my grandparents keep getting sick (I was raised by them)
I just requested a vacation for my dads wedding and he called me today to tell me he needs to change the date.
I don't know, I think it is because I am so negative now that I am blind to the postive.
I am not trying to complain, I still love life and I know that somewhere out there somebody has it so much worse than me, but right now I feel I have a right to feel somewhat bad.
I dunno