Arella Mae wrote:Diest TKO wrote:What good would he be? He'd infinitely more effective! God proving its own existance doesn't mean that God answers dares, but at bare minimum it should at least have a REAL presence, NOT an implied one. Why should man have to translate it's actions, why can't God speak for itself.
Now, ask yourself another question. Who are YOU to define what God SHOULD BE and DO? He's God. You ain't. :wink: [/color]
The kitten shows its claws. Snappy! If this is true, I suppose I can't tell my boss when they're not doing their job. I could never be critical ov anyone "above" me. The fundamental concept of "God," isn't written by me, I just feel that the way Christians a promoting God is a gross overstatement of what it does. I'm not god, but I am real. :wink:
Quote:Sure. What good is infinite power in the univesre; ALL the power in the universe, what good is infinite knowledge; absolute perception and clarity, what good is infinte resourses if you are going to pick and choose. You may know he can make a rock, but it's meaning less unless he DOES it. If God gave man the ability to choose, he hasn't demonstrated "choice" in his actions, excluding the choice of inaction.
Did you know that when He created Adam and Eve they were perfect? PERECT! They made the choice to sin. We make that choice. But He started the human race out perfect. So, let me see, you would have God make everything perfect? Hmmm, you want to be a robot, do you?
While being a totally awesome robot has been a fantacy of mine since childhood, no I plan on making myself into a robot by non-god means.
Would I ake everything perfect? Hmmm... Well you did just argue that perfect was the original plan right? It doesn't matter if I want it anyway, I'm just pointing out that it is an abitrary choice for a god to make to punish everyone by being inactive. Adam and Eve make have been perfect, but the tree, the fruit, and the serpent obviously weren't. I question how Perfect the original plan you propose actually was, assuming of course (because you have to) that adam and eve existed.
Quote:Entertain the notion that these unnamed "miracles" have happend, and further that they are unexplainable by mans understanding. Does that mean that they were manifested by a being above the rules of the universe? Perhaps man's knowledge of natural law is still blossoming.
If you think they are unnamed then you lead me to believe you don't even read the Bible. The Bible DOES name them.
So then because the Bible's miracles are written down, I then assume that any relgions mircles that are documented are also credible? If I saw Mary's likiness in a potato chip, I'd still eat it.
Quote:The world used to be flat.
The Sun used to orbit the Earth.
wait... they never were! We only accepted them as being such. The same goes for miracles. God recieves far too much credit for the amazing things that happen in our lives.
All I can tell you is to ask God for the truth. He'll give it to you if you honestly and diligently seek it from Him. If you don't, well, the day you stand before Him and He asks you why you don't believe, make it easy on Him, just give Him the link to A2K! :wink:
I can ask myself thank you. I can look around, I can observe. I can do plenty myself while waiting for your God to get off his coffee break. And given that I stand before him, I won't post a link to A2k, I'll post a link to Earth.
Quote:You can't have your cake, and climb K-2. lol.
When good things happen in this world, it's God. When bad things happen, it's Man. Man does many great things without God.
The Bible says, "Without Faith, it's impossible to please God."[/color]
Who said anything about pleasing God. Maybe I want to do great things for my fellow man to please them. Maybe I don't care about pleasing anyone. I am drawn to help people, but not for some need to please god. It's simply not a goal of mine. God is NOT concerned with pleasing me (based on his actions), I will continue to keep my old motivation, I don't need faith for strength, I believe in myself.