How long will christians take this???

Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 10:28 am
What's the point? All you are going to do is what you have already done; wave your book and say "The bible contradicts everything in that article." You dismissed a Talmudic scholar saying that he must not have read the bible. You are not looking for a discussion on this, so yeah, I'm going to the next topic.

if you remember correctly u began this convo by making outrageous claims about the teachings of christianity and you pasted an article to give those opinions credence. All i have done is counter those claims by showing that the bible (which was supposedly used by that "scholar") contradicts what he said. You are going to the next topic bc you have nothing. Those "opinions" on christianity that you gave are false. And when the debate is on teachings in the bible, I have every right to use the bible to prove or disprove something that is being discussed.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 11:10 am
Arella Mae wrote:
kate4christ03 wrote:
I think there is a lot of evidence of God. Romans says that God has revealed himself through nature to all men. I can see God's footprints in his creation. When i get up in the morning and see the sun rising over the peaks of the mountains, I see the glory of God. When i see the vast array of flowers and watch the sunset, I see that God is an artist. And when i hold my little boy and he hugs me and smiles up at me, I see that God is a father. I know there is a battle right now between creation science and evolution. And while i am not that knowledgable in science, I believe there is a God and he created all things.

I couldn't agree with you more here Kate. I should have clarifed my statement. From posting here on A2K, I have gotten kind of used to the proof meaning "empirical evidence" as I have often been reminded.

It is troubling to me that between the time of timberlandko's passing and the announcement of it on this forum that you two return after a long absence to resume in concert your mindless drivel without any sign that you have learned one iota from your interaction with him. What a squandered opportunity.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 11:32 am
mesquite wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:
kate4christ03 wrote:
I think there is a lot of evidence of God. Romans says that God has revealed himself through nature to all men. I can see God's footprints in his creation. When i get up in the morning and see the sun rising over the peaks of the mountains, I see the glory of God. When i see the vast array of flowers and watch the sunset, I see that God is an artist. And when i hold my little boy and he hugs me and smiles up at me, I see that God is a father. I know there is a battle right now between creation science and evolution. And while i am not that knowledgable in science, I believe there is a God and he created all things.

I couldn't agree with you more here Kate. I should have clarifed my statement. From posting here on A2K, I have gotten kind of used to the proof meaning "empirical evidence" as I have often been reminded.

It is troubling to me that between the time of timberlandko's passing and the announcement of it on this forum that you two return after a long absence to resume in concert your mindless drivel without any sign that you have learned one iota from your interaction with him. What a squandered opportunity.

WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mesquite, I had no idea! I haven't been on this forum for a long time and quite frankly, I was deleting notices of topic replies the minute I saw it was from here. I can do a search and find out what happened but please, can you tell me?

I can't believe it! Crying or Very sad
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Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 11:40 am
You should turn off the notices feature. That would make a hell of a lot better sense.
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 11:42 am

Thank you for letting me know about Timber. I did a search and found the thread announcing his passing. I appreciate you letting me know.
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Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 11:46 am
Yes. In the profile section, toward the bottom of the page, there is a neat little button anyone can press that will turn off that pesky notices feature, if they really don't want to receive them.

That would be the thing to do.

...if you really don't want to receive them...

So easy.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 12:03 pm
It is troubling to me that between the time of timberlandko's passing and the announcement of it on this forum that you two return after a long absence to resume in concert your mindless drivel without any sign that you have learned one iota from your interaction with him. What a squandered opportunity.

pretty low mesquite........and while not really worthy of a response, I will say this...I read of Timber's passing when i came back on. And my heart goes out to his friends and family. The few times i conversed with Timber i learned... 1. not to be so quick to jump to assumptions (and he was very gracious when i did make that mistake) 2. he was always willing to help with any computer probs... But any interaction i had with him or anyone on here has not and will not change my relationship with Christ. And if you feel my views on God are "mindless drivel", don't respond.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 01:47 pm
kate4christ03 wrote:
It is troubling to me that between the time of timberlandko's passing and the announcement of it on this forum that you two return after a long absence to resume in concert your mindless drivel without any sign that you have learned one iota from your interaction with him. What a squandered opportunity.

pretty low mesquite........

Yes indeed.
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 02:23 pm
Arella Mae wrote:
Ask yourself a question, please. What good would a god be if that god HAD to prove himself to you? That god would be pretty useless I'd say. God is HIGHER than man not lower. My demanding proof of His existence would be the height of arrogance for me.

What good would he be? He'd infinitely more effective! God proving its own existance doesn't mean that God answers dares, but at bare minimum it should at least have a REAL presence, NOT an implied one. Why should man have to translate it's actions, why can't God speak for itself.


Until one can grasp with God ALL things are possible and really accept and believe that without that PROOF, then I don't think one can really know God. But, that's just my opinion. I believe that God CAN make a rock so heavy He can't lift it. How? The heck if I know how! I just know He can do it. Laughing

Sure. What good is infinite power in the univesre; ALL the power in the universe, what good is infinite knowledge; absolute perception and clarity, what good is infinte resourses if you are going to pick and choose. You may know he can make a rock, but it's meaning less unless he DOES it. If God gave man the ability to choose, he hasn't demonstrated "choice" in his actions, excluding the choice of inaction.


Seems to me even though all those miracles were performed and witnessed by so many, so many still don't believe. So, it seems, for some, there will never be enough proof.

Entertain the notion that these unnamed "miracles" have happend, and further that they are unexplainable by mans understanding. Does that mean that they were manifested by a being above the rules of the universe? Perhaps man's knowledge of natural law is still blossoming.

The world used to be flat.
The Sun used to orbit the Earth.
wait... they never were! We only accepted them as being such. The same goes for miracles. God recieves far too much credit for the amazing things that happen in our lives.


God does not make us do anything. We all have a free will and we make the choice between good and bad constantly. Blaming God for every bad thing or anything at all only goes so far. Yes, He allows things. He allows us to make mistakes. He allows murderers to murder, liars to lie, thiefs to steal, but He doesn't make them do it. We all have to take responsibility for the choices we make and our own actions.

You can't have your cake, and climb K-2. lol.

When good things happen in this world, it's God. When bad things happen, it's Man. Man does many great things without God.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 03:31 pm
Diest TKO wrote:
What good would he be? He'd infinitely more effective! God proving its own existance doesn't mean that God answers dares, but at bare minimum it should at least have a REAL presence, NOT an implied one. Why should man have to translate it's actions, why can't God speak for itself.

Now, ask yourself another question. Who are YOU to define what God SHOULD BE and DO? He's God. You ain't. :wink:

Sure. What good is infinite power in the univesre; ALL the power in the universe, what good is infinite knowledge; absolute perception and clarity, what good is infinte resourses if you are going to pick and choose. You may know he can make a rock, but it's meaning less unless he DOES it. If God gave man the ability to choose, he hasn't demonstrated "choice" in his actions, excluding the choice of inaction.

Did you know that when He created Adam and Eve they were perfect? PERECT! They made the choice to sin. We make that choice. But He started the human race out perfect. So, let me see, you would have God make everything perfect? Hmmm, you want to be a robot, do you?

Entertain the notion that these unnamed "miracles" have happend, and further that they are unexplainable by mans understanding. Does that mean that they were manifested by a being above the rules of the universe? Perhaps man's knowledge of natural law is still blossoming.

If you think they are unnamed then you lead me to believe you don't even read the Bible. The Bible DOES name them.

The world used to be flat.
The Sun used to orbit the Earth.
wait... they never were! We only accepted them as being such. The same goes for miracles. God recieves far too much credit for the amazing things that happen in our lives.

All I can tell you is to ask God for the truth. He'll give it to you if you honestly and diligently seek it from Him. If you don't, well, the day you stand before Him and He asks you why you don't believe, make it easy on Him, just give Him the link to A2K! :wink:

You can't have your cake, and climb K-2. lol.

When good things happen in this world, it's God. When bad things happen, it's Man. Man does many great things without God.

The Bible says, "Without Faith, it's impossible to please God."
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 03:43 pm
real life wrote:
Yes indeed.

That's one. Do we have a second?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 03:47 pm
I'll second that--Mesquite, you are a low and vile realist, and in a decent, Christian nation, you'd be locked up.

I also agree with you that all of the Big Bird's efforts with the God squad have likely been wasted, because they don't come here to learn, or to examine their beliefs. They only come here to prate about the excellence of their spiritual understanding, to peddle their personal and particularist version of biblical exegesis, and to deplore the depravity of anyone who has the temerity to think differently than do they.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 04:05 pm
I also agree with you that all of the Big Bird's efforts with the God squad have likely been wasted, because they don't come here to learn, or to examine their beliefs. They only come here to prate about the excellence of their spiritual understanding, to peddle their personal and particularist version of biblical exegesis, and to deplore the depravity of anyone who has the temerity to think differently than do they.

Yes shame on us for sticking by what we believe..........I wonder how many atheists and agnostics, throughout the yrs have come in here with openminds, examined their beliefs and ended up becoming religious?? Not many i bet.........
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 04:38 pm
Kate, I suspect that any lack of conversions to religiosity would be due to the quality of arguments put forward rather than lack of openmindedness.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 04:47 pm
Setanta, here is a little something for the doggy.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 04:58 pm
kate4christ03 wrote:
Yes shame on us for sticking by what we believe..........

No, shame on you for coming here with closed minds.

I wonder how many atheists and agnostics, throughout the yrs have come in here with openminds, examined their beliefs and ended up becoming religious?? Not many i bet.........

Yes, it would be unlikely, in view of the likelihood that agnostics and atheists have come to their separate conclusions because of the paucity of evidence in religious hysteria, and the ludicrous nature of the imaginary friend superstitions which are offered to them.
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 05:14 pm
Arella Mae wrote:
Diest TKO wrote:
What good would he be? He'd infinitely more effective! God proving its own existance doesn't mean that God answers dares, but at bare minimum it should at least have a REAL presence, NOT an implied one. Why should man have to translate it's actions, why can't God speak for itself.

Now, ask yourself another question. Who are YOU to define what God SHOULD BE and DO? He's God. You ain't. :wink: [/color]

The kitten shows its claws. Snappy! If this is true, I suppose I can't tell my boss when they're not doing their job. I could never be critical ov anyone "above" me. The fundamental concept of "God," isn't written by me, I just feel that the way Christians a promoting God is a gross overstatement of what it does. I'm not god, but I am real. :wink:


Sure. What good is infinite power in the univesre; ALL the power in the universe, what good is infinite knowledge; absolute perception and clarity, what good is infinte resourses if you are going to pick and choose. You may know he can make a rock, but it's meaning less unless he DOES it. If God gave man the ability to choose, he hasn't demonstrated "choice" in his actions, excluding the choice of inaction.

Did you know that when He created Adam and Eve they were perfect? PERECT! They made the choice to sin. We make that choice. But He started the human race out perfect. So, let me see, you would have God make everything perfect? Hmmm, you want to be a robot, do you?

While being a totally awesome robot has been a fantacy of mine since childhood, no I plan on making myself into a robot by non-god means.

Would I ake everything perfect? Hmmm... Well you did just argue that perfect was the original plan right? It doesn't matter if I want it anyway, I'm just pointing out that it is an abitrary choice for a god to make to punish everyone by being inactive. Adam and Eve make have been perfect, but the tree, the fruit, and the serpent obviously weren't. I question how Perfect the original plan you propose actually was, assuming of course (because you have to) that adam and eve existed.


Entertain the notion that these unnamed "miracles" have happend, and further that they are unexplainable by mans understanding. Does that mean that they were manifested by a being above the rules of the universe? Perhaps man's knowledge of natural law is still blossoming.

If you think they are unnamed then you lead me to believe you don't even read the Bible. The Bible DOES name them.

So then because the Bible's miracles are written down, I then assume that any relgions mircles that are documented are also credible? If I saw Mary's likiness in a potato chip, I'd still eat it.


The world used to be flat.
The Sun used to orbit the Earth.
wait... they never were! We only accepted them as being such. The same goes for miracles. God recieves far too much credit for the amazing things that happen in our lives.

All I can tell you is to ask God for the truth. He'll give it to you if you honestly and diligently seek it from Him. If you don't, well, the day you stand before Him and He asks you why you don't believe, make it easy on Him, just give Him the link to A2K! :wink:

I can ask myself thank you. I can look around, I can observe. I can do plenty myself while waiting for your God to get off his coffee break. And given that I stand before him, I won't post a link to A2k, I'll post a link to Earth.


You can't have your cake, and climb K-2. lol.

When good things happen in this world, it's God. When bad things happen, it's Man. Man does many great things without God.

The Bible says, "Without Faith, it's impossible to please God."[/color]

Who said anything about pleasing God. Maybe I want to do great things for my fellow man to please them. Maybe I don't care about pleasing anyone. I am drawn to help people, but not for some need to please god. It's simply not a goal of mine. God is NOT concerned with pleasing me (based on his actions), I will continue to keep my old motivation, I don't need faith for strength, I believe in myself.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 10:00 pm
Kate, I suspect that any lack of conversions to religiosity would be due to the quality of arguments put forward rather than lack of openmindedness

1corinthians 1:27 but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise,and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things that are mighty...

I don't know why you guys feel the need to always mock and belittle the religious beliefs held strongly by people in this forum...but i will say this and not say anymore on this subject...

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

You may not believe in Jesus but he believes and loves you so much that he willingly died for you.

...and if believing that makes me closedminded or foolish in your eyes then thats fine...i will gladly align myself with the Apostle paul who proclaimed boldy that he was a "Fool for Christ"
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 10:33 pm
kate4christ03 wrote:
What's the point? All you are going to do is what you have already done; wave your book and say "The bible contradicts everything in that article." You dismissed a Talmudic scholar saying that he must not have read the bible. You are not looking for a discussion on this, so yeah, I'm going to the next topic.

if you remember correctly u began this convo by making outrageous claims about the teachings of christianity and you pasted an article to give those opinions credence. All i have done is counter those claims by showing that the bible (which was supposedly used by that "scholar") contradicts what he said. You are going to the next topic bc you have nothing. Those "opinions" on christianity that you gave are false. And when the debate is on teachings in the bible, I have every right to use the bible to prove or disprove something that is being discussed.

Nope, sorry. You can't use the bible to prove or disprove something since the bible has not been proven to be true. All you can say is that something disagrees with what is written there. That was the point of quoting Maccoby, to show that someone that has studied it, disagrees. There are quite a few bible scholars out there that think it shouldn't be taken literally. No talking snake, no talking ass (except politicians) and no world-wide flood.

I, for one, really don't know if Jesus existed. I'm pretty sure the God described in the bible doesn't. Can I prove it? No, no more that you can prove that he does. Belief does not equal proof. Nor does quoting verse.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 10:42 pm
Setanta wrote:
I'll second that--Mesquite, you are a low and vile realist, and in a decent, Christian nation, you'd be locked up.

I also agree with you that all of the Big Bird's efforts with the God squad have likely been wasted, because they don't come here to learn, or to examine their beliefs. They only come here to prate about the excellence of their spiritual understanding, to peddle their personal and particularist version of biblical exegesis, and to deplore the depravity of anyone who has the temerity to think differently than do they.

Wasted on the posters themselves perhaps, but not on all the readers of the thread. We've had a few spectacular changes of religious persuasion, and they are just the public ones. Some were very passionate theists, perhaps these guys are also testing their faith?

To be fair, I doubt timber's departure is related to these guys returning. I think they deserve the benefit of the doubt.
0 Replies

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