How long will christians take this???

Arella Mae
Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 10:50 pm

Your choice.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 10:52 pm
kate4christ03 wrote:
Yes shame on us for sticking by what we believe..........I wonder how many atheists and agnostics, throughout the yrs have come in here with openminds, examined their beliefs and ended up becoming religious?? Not many i bet.........

Dang Kate! I thought when I invited you to A2K I explained things! Geesh woman! Don't you know expecting to hear about God on the religion and spirituality forum is probably as insane as expecting to find out how to worm cats by visiting the pets threads? hehehehehe
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 11:47 pm
Arella Mae wrote:

Your choice.

Don't patronize me.

I choose to focus myself on this life, the people around me, my family. My choice the way I see it, and trust me, I've been looking, I choose correctly with my values. I choose to align myself with the wise not the fool.

The Bible wrote:
1corinthians 1:27 but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise,and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things that are mighty...

Which is characterized where in our world? It is only the desire of the fool to be accidentally right.

The Bible wrote:

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

You know this is probably to most quoted phrase in the bible. The things that always gets me is this. First the word "gave" as in "...he gave his only begotton son..." What was actually given that wasn't taken back? What sacrifice is actually desribed in this passage? It seems to me that Jesus's resurection kind of removes anything profound abuot this statement. Keep score, play the numbers, before and after, God would retain the same amount of Jesus. What was given? So if this passage is the contract God with man, it seems that it was voided a week after it was signed by God.

The next thing about this passage that bothers me is that yes Jesus suffered, but in the history of man, his suffering does not compare to that of the common man. But the common man is not the mayter. If this was the great act to bring salvation, it's simply not enough.

If every lash, if every strike, if every second on the cross was his predetermined, then there is nothing profound about this.

I worry about Christians that feel they have their sins atoned by this act. They'd never be on the cross to pay for their own sins.

Dang Kate! I thought when I invited you to A2K I explained things! Geesh woman! Don't you know expecting to hear about God on the religion and spirituality forum is probably as insane as expecting to find out how to worm cats by visiting the pets threads? hehehehehe

What is your expectation of people? There is plenty of discussion on God in the S&R threads. I'm not sure how anyone has failed to meet any rational expectation in tat matter. If you want to start a worming cats thread in the pets forum... what's stopping you? Same goes here. If you want to tlak about god, go make a thread. Ask a direct question, or make a statement about your beliefs. But be prepared to be critiqued. Anything else would be the true failure for the postrs in A2K.

BTW, nobody's belittling your words. You choose to post them, so if they don't hold any credibility with people here, you'd be better to find better words.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2007 11:50 pm
How come the Gospel of Mark is based on the Greek (pagan) 'Odyssey'?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Mar, 2007 12:01 am
kate4christ03 wrote:
Kate, I suspect that any lack of conversions to religiosity would be due to the quality of arguments put forward rather than lack of openmindedness

1corinthians 1:27 but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise,and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things that are mighty...

34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but [they are commanded] to be under obedience, as also saith the law.

35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

kate4christ03 wrote:
I don't know why you guys feel the need to always mock and belittle the religious beliefs held strongly by people in this forum...but i will say this and not say anymore on this subject...

This is a discussion forum not a praise the lord forum Why are you here if all you want to do is whine? If you want to trade scriptures we can do that. If you want to discuss scripture we can do that also.

kate4christ03 wrote:
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

Let's talk about that one.

"For God so loved the world"

Yes, we learned all about his love in the old testament. God had a list of about 600 things that really torqued him. The list included nearly everything that was pleasurable to man. Periodically God had severe tantrums and went about smiting, sometimes cities, sometimes nations, and once the entire planet.

"that he gave his only begotten son"

Let's look at that a little closer. He goes about this by impregnating a betrothed virgin which seems a particularly nasty thing to do in those days. Fast forward thirty years and son is going around preaching a whole new mantra for the son is not exactly a chip off the old block. "Give your money to the poor", he says. "This vengeance thing is all wrong. Can't we all just hold hands and get along?"

This new kind of talk is upsetting to the priests and they arrange to have him executed in a particularly horrific way.

"and whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life"

But of course, this was all God's plan and the killing was just a not really type thing. All that blood and suffering stuff was necessary to make this loving God forgive the things that really torque him off. I guess you could call it an anger management maneuver. This forgiveness has a catch though. In order to be forgiven you first have to believe this lollapalooza of a story. What an evil wicked mind that God has.

kate4christ03 wrote:
You may not believe in Jesus but he believes and loves you so much that he willingly died for you.

"willingly"? Father why have you forsaken me...
"died"? If he arose in three days what does die mean?

kate4christ03 wrote:
...and if believing that makes me closedminded or foolish in your eyes then thats fine...i will gladly align myself with the Apostle paul who proclaimed boldy that he was a "Fool for Christ"
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 22 Mar, 2007 12:50 am
Diest TKO wrote:
Don't patronize me.

I wasn't patronizing you. I merely stated a fact.

I choose to focus myself on this life, the people around me, my family. My choice the way I see it, and trust me, I've been looking, I choose correctly with my values. I choose to align myself with the wise not the fool.

Hey, as long as you are willing to live with the consequences of your choices, I got no problem with it.

Which is characterized where in our world? It is only the desire of the fool to be accidentally right.

Who says it's an accident? What IF the Bible is true. What IF God really does exist? Then who believes what by accident? Two way street.

You know this is probably to most quoted phrase in the bible. The things that always gets me is this. First the word "gave" as in "...he gave his only begotton son..." What was actually given that wasn't taken back? What sacrifice is actually desribed in this passage? It seems to me that Jesus's resurection kind of removes anything profound abuot this statement. Keep score, play the numbers, before and after, God would retain the same amount of Jesus. What was given? So if this passage is the contract God with man, it seems that it was voided a week after it was signed by God.

I pray someday that it makes sense to you.

The next thing about this passage that bothers me is that yes Jesus suffered, but in the history of man, his suffering does not compare to that of the common man. But the common man is not the mayter. If this was the great act to bring salvation, it's simply not enough.

It was more than enough for me.

If every lash, if every strike, if every second on the cross was his predetermined, then there is nothing profound about this.

I worry about Christians that feel they have their sins atoned by this act. They'd never be on the cross to pay for their own sins.

Uh, that's the point. He died in our place.

What is your expectation of people? There is plenty of discussion on God in the S&R threads. I'm not sure how anyone has failed to meet any rational expectation in tat matter. If you want to start a worming cats thread in the pets forum... what's stopping you? Same goes here. If you want to tlak about god, go make a thread. Ask a direct question, or make a statement about your beliefs. But be prepared to be critiqued. Anything else would be the true failure for the postrs in A2K.

Uh, it was meant to be humorous. A few comments were made about people coming on the thread and talking about religion, God, (totally paraphrased here so don't quote me, please). I thought, Gee, I figured people would kind of expect to hear about God on a Religion and Spirituality Thread, how to worm a cat on the pets thread, how to fix a broken computer, etc.................. Get it?

BTW, nobody's belittling your words. You choose to post them, so if they don't hold any credibility with people here, you'd be better to find better words.

Oh, you mean words that agree with the way you believe? Be honest, those are the only words you'd accept as credible, aren't they? So, I will just accept being written off as uncredible by you and take no offense at it whatsoever. No harm. No foul.
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 22 Mar, 2007 12:52 am
Raul-7 wrote:
How come the Gospel of Mark is based on the Greek (pagan) 'Odyssey'?

It's not.
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Thu 22 Mar, 2007 01:31 am
Arella Mae wrote:
Diest TKO wrote:
Don't patronize me.

I wasn't patronizing you. I merely stated a fact.

Tread lightly. Your words are loaded.

I choose to focus myself on this life, the people around me, my family. My choice the way I see it, and trust me, I've been looking, I choose correctly with my values. I choose to align myself with the wise not the fool.

Hey, as long as you are willing to live with the consequences of your choices, I got no problem with it.

I've never had a problem with that. It's Christians that have fear of atonement in my experiance. They meet people without fear and to rationalize their own fear they try and make that person scared.


Which is characterized where in our world? It is only the desire of the fool to be accidentally right.

Who says it's an accident? What IF the Bible is true. What IF God really does exist? Then who believes what by accident? Two way street.

Wht are you talking about? You still need to illustrate where in our world God "chooses to make the wise a fool." The only thing I've ever witness with fools and the wise is the fools declaration of invincible wisdom.

You know this is probably to most quoted phrase in the bible. The things that always gets me is this. First the word "gave" as in "...he gave his only begotton son..." What was actually given that wasn't taken back? What sacrifice is actually desribed in this passage? It seems to me that Jesus's resurection kind of removes anything profound abuot this statement. Keep score, play the numbers, before and after, God would retain the same amount of Jesus. What was given? So if this passage is the contract God with man, it seems that it was voided a week after it was signed by God.

I pray someday that it makes sense to you.

I hope you relaize someday that it doesn't make sence.


The next thing about this passage that bothers me is that yes Jesus suffered, but in the history of man, his suffering does not compare to that of the common man. But the common man is not the mayter. If this was the great act to bring salvation, it's simply not enough.

It was more than enough for me.

Wonderful, but your yet to come salvation is without context without the real suffering that man endures in thei world.


If every lash, if every strike, if every second on the cross was his predetermined, then there is nothing profound about this.

I worry about Christians that feel they have their sins atoned by this act. They'd never be on the cross to pay for their own sins.

Uh, that's the point. He died in our place.

I know what the point is, the problem is that there is nothing profound about it, we certainly still die.


BTW, nobody's belittling your words. You choose to post them, so if they don't hold any credibility with people here, you'd be better to find better words.

Oh, you mean words that agree with the way you believe? Be honest, those are the only words you'd accept as credible, aren't they? So, I will just accept being written off as uncredible by you and take no offense at it whatsoever. No harm. No foul.

I am unapologetically honest. I'm willing to accept many types of words as credible. If you posted the same words as your opinion, they'd have a great deal more credibility. You are flesh and blood person. I can ask you questions about what you believe etc. so far however, I have only seen you post what is the "truth." You beg your credibility to be questioned when you post that. No harm certainly, but you dance the line on foul.

BTW, if you are willing to be written off, I then assume that you aren't willing to defend your own words? Is this the fortitude of your truth?

I'm willing to discuss anything with you, but playing the "I'm taking my ball and going home" act is not going to get you far with me.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 22 Mar, 2007 01:42 am
Diest TKO,

There is an obvious miscommunication here somewhere. So, let me clear it up for you if I may?

1. It is my opinion and I believe that the Bible is the inerrant and inspired Word of God.

2. Being that, then God's word is 100% truth and why would I not believe the truth?

3. What you believe is your business. We are having a discussion. If you accept what I say, you accept it. If you don't, you don't. I do not think less of you in any way whether you believe what I tell you or not.

4. God's word does not need defending. Kate and I (maybe others but that I don't know) have given you what God's word says. If that's not good enough for you, well, then it just isn't. Since I believe that God is, and it is also my opinion, the ultimate authority on everything, why on earth would I give you anything else? :wink:
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Diest TKO
Reply Thu 22 Mar, 2007 01:54 am
So basically, your point 1 establishes you point 2. This only means that the bible is the truth because of your opinion, not because of God at all. Perhaps you misspoke. Reread.

Point 3 goes for me as wll, I think no less of others with different ideas. I thiink less of those who think that they must condesend upon me. So as I said, tread lightly.

God's word may not need defending, but God is yet to speak. If you want to claim the bible as god's word, then you beg the bible's credibility to be analysed. For instance, let's imagine that in the Bible is God's word. It would only follow that the one would wonder how much the Bible is man's word and thus requires defending. If you believe that the entire bible from beginnning to end is God's word, then you open up the notion that God's words are often contrary and thus i need of close inspection. It would be the reader's duty to amend in their mind how to translate a confusing messege. And the second Mand has to compose in their brian anything in this nature the word of God begins to be paraphrased.

You don't think that warrants a credibility check?
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 22 Mar, 2007 01:59 am
Diest TKO wrote:
So basically, your point 1 establishes you point 2. This only means that the bible is the truth because of your opinion, not because of God at all. Perhaps you misspoke. Reread.

Point 3 goes for me as wll, I think no less of others with different ideas. I thiink less of those who think that they must condesend upon me. So as I said, tread lightly.

I assure you, sir, I am neither being patronizing, condescending or any other thing. I am being honest with you.

God's word may not need defending, but God is yet to speak. If you want to claim the bible as god's word, then you beg the bible's credibility to be analysed. For instance, let's imagine that in the Bible is God's word. It would only follow that the one would wonder how much the Bible is man's word and thus requires defending. If you believe that the entire bible from beginnning to end is God's word, then you open up the notion that God's words are often contrary and thus i need of close inspection. It would be the reader's duty to amend in their mind how to translate a confusing messege. And the second Mand has to compose in their brian anything in this nature the word of God begins to be paraphrased.

There are no contradictions in the Bible. There have been numerous threads on this subject and as far as my recollection goes, no one has accepted the explanations for the seeming contradictions.

You don't think that warrants a credibility check?

Honestly? No, I don't. But then, I don't require the proof that you seem to require.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Mar, 2007 06:53 am
Arella Mae wrote:
Raul-7 wrote:
How come the Gospel of Mark is based on the Greek (pagan) 'Odyssey'?

It's not.

Yes, it is.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Mar, 2007 08:31 am
Nope, sorry. You can't use the bible to prove or disprove something since the bible has not been proven to be true. All you can say is that something disagrees with what is written there. That was the point of quoting Maccoby, to show that someone that has studied it, disagrees. There are quite a few bible scholars out there that think it shouldn't be taken literally. No talking snake, no talking ass (except politicians) and no world-wide flood. I, for one, really don't know if Jesus existed. I'm pretty sure the God described in the bible doesn't. Can I prove it? No, no more that you can prove that he does. Belief does not equal proof. Nor does quoting verse.

This was not a discussion on proving the bible is true. This was not a discussion on faith. You made a statement about teachings in the bible, then quoted a "scholar" to prove your point. I dont care how many different beliefs or opinions come from people who have read the bible. If someone claims certain teachings are in the bible, and those teachings aren't there, then they are wrong. That was the point of our discussion.
And btw i can use scripture to prove my point. For you to say scripture has no relevance in this discussion would be like me making untrue claims about the teachings in the Koran, then telling a muslim he can't use scripture from the koran to disprove my claims....
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Mar, 2007 11:19 am
Eorl wrote:
Setanta wrote:
I'll second that--Mesquite, you are a low and vile realist, and in a decent, Christian nation, you'd be locked up.

I also agree with you that all of the Big Bird's efforts with the God squad have likely been wasted, because they don't come here to learn, or to examine their beliefs. They only come here to prate about the excellence of their spiritual understanding, to peddle their personal and particularist version of biblical exegesis, and to deplore the depravity of anyone who has the temerity to think differently than do they.

Wasted on the posters themselves perhaps, but not on all the readers of the thread. We've had a few spectacular changes of religious persuasion, and they are just the public ones. Some were very passionate theists, perhaps these guys are also testing their faith?

To be fair, I doubt timber's departure is related to these guys returning. I think they deserve the benefit of the doubt.

I hadn't subscribed to the claim that these jokers showed up again when the Big Bird departed, although the timing is ironic. Despite the whining from the imaginary friend crowd about how they don't get to come here and preach to their favorite choir--it is just because others who don't post here may read that i take the time to point out the foolishness of what the god squad posts. It's kind of hilarious--they want to spout their propaganda, and be left alone to do so, precisely because they hope to hook the unwary. No wonder they piss, moan and whine about not being left to do so without negative comment.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Mar, 2007 11:22 am
kate4christ03 wrote:
This was not a discussion on proving the bible is true. This was not a discussion on faith.

No, what i was, originally, was a less than completely literate teen complaining about anyone daring to show disrespect to his imaginary friend superstition.

It is always hilarious, though, to see those who insist upon their own pecurliar exegesis complaining if someone else quotes scripture to them.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Mar, 2007 11:48 am
Arella Mae wrote:
There are no contradictions in the Bible.

No contradictions? That's because every bit of the Bible requires interpretation. You choose to read it very creatively, which allows you to avoid any contradictions.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Mar, 2007 12:32 pm
It is always hilarious, though, to see those who insist upon their own pecurliar exegesis complaining if someone else quotes scripture to them

I never once complained about anyone quoting scripture to make a point. I would love for pauligirl to give scripture proving her points; that there are two types of Christianity (Christ's and paul's), that paul was never accepted by the apostles, and that the ending of the law was solely in paul's hands. All i was given was an article by an atheist ex-christian. He never gives any outside accredited sources for his views. His only reference is the bible, and yet nothing he says lines up with it.

No bait involved, i asked you for your source so that we could judge whether or not that source was reliable. You failed to provide a source. Your entry can therefore be dismissed as unreliable.

This was from your conversation with arella. You two were debating muslim scripture and the importance of having a reliable source for comparing scriptures etc. I find it ironic that in your discussion you gave objection to her citing text from a christian source to prove something in the koran. yet when i find it preposterous to use an athiest site to do an exegesis of christian scriptures, you accuse me of complaining...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Mar, 2007 02:55 pm
echi wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:
There are no contradictions in the Bible.

No contradictions? That's because every bit of the Bible requires interpretation. You choose to read it very creatively, which allows you to avoid any contradictions.

It's also not true. Look, for example, at the genealogies given for the alleged Jesus--and then sit back for some wonderful entertainment when the imaginary friend crowd start making claims about why the two don't coincide.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Mar, 2007 03:07 pm
kate4christ03 wrote:
It is always hilarious, though, to see those who insist upon their own pecurliar exegesis complaining if someone else quotes scripture to them

I never once complained about anyone quoting scripture to make a point. I would love for pauligirl to give scripture proving her points; that there are two types of Christianity (Christ's and paul's), that paul was never accepted by the apostles, and that the ending of the law was solely in paul's hands. All i was given was an article by an atheist ex-christian. He never gives any outside accredited sources for his views. His only reference is the bible, and yet nothing he says lines up with it.

In fact, i referred to Pauligirl's quote of Maccoby, an Orthodox Jew, commenting as a Talmudic scholar--so you are lying when you say all you were given was "an atheist ex-christian." The remarks about Paul came from that talmudic scholar, so the fact that it was found at an atheist site has no bearing on whether or not the material was genuine.

No bait involved, i asked you for your source so that we could judge whether or not that source was reliable. You failed to provide a source. Your entry can therefore be dismissed as unreliable.

This was from your conversation with arella. You two were debating muslim scripture and the importance of having a reliable source for comparing scriptures etc. I find it ironic that in your discussion you gave objection to her citing text from a christian source to prove something in the koran. yet when i find it preposterous to use an athiest site to do an exegesis of christian scriptures, you accuse me of complaining...

Pauligirl's reference was to a talmudic scholar, whose work is accessible, and can be reviewed. Unless an until MOAN provides a link for the material she quoted, there is no way to know if the translation upon which the claim rests is reliable. I did not say that her source was unreliable, i simply pointed out that we cannot know if the source is not given. I don't read Arabic, and i suspect that MOAN does not either. There are two points which you are ignoring (no surprise)--the first is that i pointed out that MOAN had left out Sura 2 ayat 190, which puts the entire subsequent passage in the context of self-defense. The second is that when i challenged her claim, i provided my source, and the translation upon which it relied. Unless and until she ponies up to the same extent, there is no reason for anyone to assume her quote is reliable, because the source is not known. Even if the source proved to be reliable, it does not alter that she failed to quote the preceding ayat in that Sura, which makes clear the self-defense context.

I'm never surprised, though, that fervent religious types to don't effectively understand distinctions and similarities, since they rely upon such superstitious nonsense in the first place, and revert to twisted, tortured versions of the language to justify their exegesis.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Mar, 2007 03:37 pm
ok my mistake in stating he was an "athiest ex-christian" but i stand by the rest of what i wrote and No suprise you don't even respond. Once again, You stated
It is always hilarious, though, to see those who insist upon their own pecurliar exegesis complaining if someone else quotes scripture to them

and once again i will say that i would gladly welcome scripture in any debate. ANd i haven't complained about anyone using scripture. I would love to see scripture given for the claims on biblical teachings that maccoby and pauli make. Maccoby never gives scripture reference for anything he wrote in his article. So please tell me why i should believe someone summar on teachings in the bible, eventhough they can't produce scriptures for those "supposed" teachings.
0 Replies

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