Foxfyre wrote:I'm just waiting for the trollers, spammers, and exercises in futility to get tired of their more assinine stupidity and let the conservatives have the thread back to discuss conservative issues. But that doesn't seem likely to happen since the troll and spammer threads are so boring as this one has become. We have to make allowances for some liberals needing to fill their empty lives and the only way they seem to be able to do that is by being rude, insensitive, bigoted, prejudiced, and sometimes hateful. It makes them feel important if they spout their intolerance and deny somebody else a forum to discuss anything other than liberal nonsense.
But geez, if we conservatives appreciate tolerance and inclusiveness as much as some liberals don't, we have to understand how some liberals are. So enjoy the thread as long as you need it folks. Conservatives understand how it is with you. It's okay.
Mr Bush has impressed the world with his calm stewardship of the responsibilities of his office, his grasp of the issues and even of his native language, with the use of his country's unparalleled military might to ensure unity and prosperity for his country and peace for the wider world, with the relatively small number of innocents he has maimed and bombed to death, and left us all happy and grateful for the day he was chosen to lead us forward.
We give grateful thanks too, for his colleagues Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Gonzales and Libby (for Cheney)
Is that better Foxy?