old europe wrote:mysteryman wrote:I notice none of the Bush bashers have yet answered my question,so I will ask it again...
IF the war in Iraq is an "illegal war",like the left likes to claim,what court has ruled such?
What court,with authority to rule on US actions,has ruled that the war in Iraq is illegal?
And,can any of you provide a linkto that ruling?
Let me answer your question with another question in response: is every action a nation takes completely legal until a court rules otherwise? For example, was the Iran-Iraq war legal? Was the North Korean attack on South Korea legal, because no court ruled otherwise? Was the Bosnian genocide legal? Did Russia have the right to invade Afghanistan?
Or does a violation of an international treaty to which the nation is party not matter because no court rules on it? Does Iran have the right to produce nuclear weapons in violation of UN resolutions? Does Syria have the right to invade Israel?
Please cite the UN resolution forbidding or condemning the US invasion of Iraq. We can cite--what was it fourteen?--UN resolutions making requirements of which Iraq refused to comply.
Would you have approved another 12 years of sanctions condemning another 50,000 Iraqis, including a majority of children, to death via starvation and neglect? It was perfectly legal to do that. Was it the right thing to do while Saddam, the UN officials and their buddies enriched themselves on the Oil for Food bllions?
And no, we didn't invade Iraq for those reasons. Our reasons were included in those 14 resolutions and that was also our authority to act. And it was those 14 resolutions that prevented the UN from saying no, we couldn't do that.
But once we were in there and saw the viscious cruelty of Saddam's regime and the devastation the sanctions had brought onto the people, right or wrong, that's why we have stayed. That and the very real possibility of the influence of a democratic government in the Middle East. The Iraqi people deserved better and if you Lefties will just get behind the effort and help, they'll have better from now on. Force us to pull out, and they'll be worse off than before.