snood wrote:mysteryman wrote:Vietnamnurse wrote:Snood: You have heard of the term "Broken Glass Republican"? I saw it used on one of the right wing is supposed to mean that no matter what happens, you will cling to the party line and support its message. Denial is a big part of it even if it means crawling over broken glass.
That must be the repub version of the term "yellow dog democrat".
That means that you would vote for a yellow dog before you would a republican.
So,both parties have their die hard adherents,whats your point?
Well, I'm repeating myself, but I think her point was the same as mine - that you bushlickers are talking a lot less sh*t these days, because there is a lot less sh*t that people will buy anymore about this cretinous blathering sap of a president, and all the havoc he's reaped on our country.
When you have to resort to personal insults,it weakens your argument.
The reason most Bush supporters wont argue with you,IMHO,is because your mind is made up.
Answer this honestly,if you can...
Since 2002,have you or any other liberal,elected or not,had anything good to say about the Bush admin,its policies,or the country in general?
When unemployment dropped below 5%,many of you immediately said that people werent being counted,or that the jobs were low paying.
When the IRS reports that tax revenues are up,you immediately say that the "rich" still arent paying enough and that the tax breaks only favored the rich (which according to the dems is anyone making over $200,000).
No matter what the good news is,you and others immediately say "yeah but".
So,I ask again,since 2002,have you or any other liberal,elected or not,had anything good to say about the Bush admin,its policies,or the country in general?