Reply Thu 23 Apr, 2009 09:50 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

Revel I could post all the stuff again to show you how wrong you are. But I simply don't have the energy to do that. Whether there was sufficient jsutification for the USA to invade Iraq is certainly open for debate. Whether sufficient justification was found once we got in there, I have no reservations of any kind that the invasion was far more humane than not invading.

I accept that you disagree. Lets just let it go at that. Okay?

And actually using the liberal argument, revel's argument, why send soldiers to die in Afghanistan? After all, the people directly responsible for 9/11 lived in this country, and most of them died on the airplanes. If Obama does not believe in the "Bush Doctrine," or if the libs do not believe in the "Bush Doctrine," we have no business in Afghanistan.

Whatever the arguments are, I just wish one thing, that the liberals would at least be consistent.
Reply Thu 23 Apr, 2009 09:51 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

AP Exclusive: Secret tally has 87,000 Iraqis dead
At least 87,215 Iraqis have been killed in violence since 2005, according to a previously undisclosed Iraqi government tally obtained by The Associated Press. Combined with tallies based on hospital sources and media reports since the beginning of the war and a review of available evidence by the AP, the figures show that more than 110,000 Iraqis have died in violence since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion.

And what is your tally for Afghanistan, ci? You need to complete the work you have going here, so don't leave out Afghanistan, or Pakistan, where Obama is still sending in drones, to kill and maim more people.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2009 10:02 am
If you wish a count for Afghanistan, look it up yourself. I'm not your gopher.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2009 11:30 am
And actually using the liberal argument, revel's argument, why send soldiers to die in Afghanistan? After all, the people directly responsible for 9/11 lived in this country, and most of them died on the airplanes. If Obama does not believe in the "Bush Doctrine," or if the libs do not believe in the "Bush Doctrine," we have no business in Afghanistan.

Whatever the arguments are, I just wish one thing, that the liberals would at least be consistent

Bin Laden was responsible for the events on 9/11; he was in Afghanistan, the Taliban refused to hand him over; so we invaded the country in order to fight the Taliban to get to Bin Laden and AQ. We didn't succeed so we decided to go fight where there were more clearer targets and went into Iraq who had nothing to do with 9/ll.

And now today more people are still dying in Iraq in sectarian fighting.

Back-to-back homicide bombings killed at least 60 people and injured more than 125 on Friday outside the most important Shiite shrine in Baghdad, police officials told Reuters.

The blasts are the latest in a series of high-profile attacks blamed on Sunni insurgents. On Thursday, nearly 80 people were killed in two homicide bombings in the deadliest day in Iraq in more than a year.

The bombers Friday detonated explosive belts within minutes of each other near the gates of the tomb of Imam Mousa al-Kazim, a prominent Shiite saint, located in the northern neighborhood of Kazimiyah, said a police official. Another police official said the bombers struck shortly before the start of Friday prayers as worshippers streamed in to the mosque " an important site for Shiite pilgrims.

About 90 people also were injured in the blast, said the same official.

Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to release the information.

What a useless tragic decision to invade Iraq was, why can not anyone from the pro-Bush camp at least admit that?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2009 03:49 pm

(1) Stop al-Qaeda from growing in Afghanistan and in Iraq;

(2) Remove al-Qaeda from Afghanistan and from Iraq;

(3) Replace the governments in Afghanistan and in Iraq with governments that will not tolerate/allow al-Qaeda to again obtain sanctuary in Afghanistan and in Iraq.

Before we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, al Qaeda and its affiliated middle-eastern mass murdering terrorist groups perpetrated the following mass murders of Americans:

1. 12/1992 -- murdered 241 Americans at US Marine Corps Headquarters in Beirut;
2. 02/1993 -- murdered 6 Americans at WTC in NYC;
3. 11/1995 -- murdered 5 Americans and 2 other civilians at Saudi National Guard Facility in Riyadh;
4. 06/1996 -- murdered 19 Americans at Khobar Towers in Dhahran;
5. 08/1998 -- murdered 12 Americans + 201 other civilians at American Embassy in Nairobi;
6. 08/1998 -- murdered 11 other civilians at American Embassy in Dar es Salaam;
7. 12/2000 -- murdered 17 Americans at Aden in the Destroyer Cole;
8. 09/2001 -- murdered about 1,500 Americans + about 1,500 other civilians at the WTC in NYC, at the Pentagon in D.C., and at a field in Pennsylvania;

Each and every one of those mass murders PLUS the failures of the Afgahnistan and Iraq governements to try to remove al-Qaeda from their countries, are reason enough to invade Afghanistan and Iraq to remove al-Qaeda from those countries.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 May, 2009 02:48 pm

One of the nicest stories of the week- In Kabul this week, there was a cricket match played, between an Afghan select team and an English village team.

And successfully concluded. The Afghanistan team won.


A very heartwarming story, I thought.
Reply Sat 2 May, 2009 05:38 pm
Indeed, McTag, indeed!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 May, 2009 07:21 am
I guess June 30th is Obama's make or break time concerning Iraq. Will he listen to Iraq and do what they want or will he make excuses and ignore the will of Iraqis making Iraq basically a US occupied country with a phony Iraqi government. Or will the Iraqi government in the end back down with excuses?

No extension of US pullback date

No matter when the US pulls back and eventually withdraws, Iraq is going to be a precarious country with opportunities for potential violent blow ups.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 5 May, 2009 10:39 am
revel, No outside military can control the on-going conflict between the Shia and Sunni that's been going on for over one thousand years. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't understand human nature.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 May, 2009 03:25 pm
When and if the Iraq Government asks the USA to withdraw from Iraq, the USA must withdraw from Iraq.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 5 May, 2009 04:01 pm
What's taken them so long? We were uninvited "guests" to their country, and ended up killing over 100,000 innocent Iraqi citizens. No welcome mat there.
Reply Wed 6 May, 2009 06:22 pm
@cicerone imposter,

More than 80,000 of those more than 100,00 innocent Iraqi citizens killed were killed by al-Qaeda, other terrorists, and non-innocent Iraqi citizens.

Documented civilian deaths from violence

91,856 " 100,278
Deaths per day from suicide attacks and vehicle bombs (now includes non-vehicle suicide attacks)
Deaths per day from gunfire / executions
Weekly graph Monthly table

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Jan 3 568 1035 1430 2806 742 275
Feb 2 604 1201 1449 2536 1007 343
Mar 3976 957 786 1789 2614 1538 408
Apr 3437 1256 1025 1590 2436 1260 304
May 545 619 1226 2103 2769 759
Jun 593 833 1215 2426 2086 669
Jul 650 762 1444 3159 2536 583
Aug 790 823 2165 2743 2325 591
Sep 553 943 1330 2408 1221 535
Oct 493 947 1201 2924 1185 527
Nov 478 1533 1208 2969 1043 472
Dec 529 906 996 2662 903 521
[YEARLY..... 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009]
TOTALS:: 12,049 10,751 14,832 27,652 24,460 9,204 1,330
Reply Wed 6 May, 2009 09:47 pm
More than 80,000 of those more than 100,00 innocent Iraqi citizens killed were killed by al-Qaeda, other terrorists, and non-innocent Iraqi citizens.

Of which they weren't doing before we invaded thereby tearing the fabric of their country apart with no real plan on to avoid those foreseeable problems.

Moreover, they want us to leave by a certain date regardless of how many are getting killed and regardless of who is doing the killing.
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 6 May, 2009 09:54 pm
You really are ignorant; the Iraqis want us out of their country.
A Modest Proposal

An Iraqi Vote on Troop Withdrawal

By Michael Collins

Over the years, we've seen various "exit strategies" proposed for withdrawal from Iraq. The best proposal was made by a Baghdad man on his way to a demonstration just a few days after that city fell. A U.S. reporter asked what should happen now. The man turned to the reporter and said, "Thank you for getting rid of Saddam. Now please leave our country."

That advice was probably the best input that United States policy makers ever received (if they even noticed). It was freely offered and no one died in the process.

Why not give democracy a chance?

The Iraqis have a right to a direct vote on the options for U.S. troop withdrawal.

The ballot would be simple.

Should U.S. troops leave Iraq? Yes No

If you answered Yes, how soon should they leave?

Immediately __ 6 months __ 12 months__ 18 months__

Iraqis have wanted the U.S. out of their country almost from day one. Various surveys show that a solid majority of citizens want coalition troops to leave within a year. In 2004, 86% of Iraqis wanted U.S. troops out - 41% immediately and 46% after a new government was established. At the start of 2006, 94% of all Iraqis supported their government setting a timeline for U.S. withdrawal from immediate departure to a timed departure over two years. A few months later, even a poll by the U.S. Department of State showed nearly 70% of citizens wanted U.S. occupation to end.

Polls in 2007 and 2008 conducted by a variety of organizations demonstrate that a majority of Iraqis want foreign troops to leave.
Reply Thu 7 May, 2009 06:36 pm
revel wrote:
Of which they weren't doing before we invaded thereby tearing the fabric of their country apart with no real plan on to avoid those foreseeable problems.

Yes, they (i.e., the Saddam Gang) were in fact "doing before we invaded" Iraq.

IRAQ (Calculated from Iraq Population and Vital Statistics furnished by Britannica Books of the Year)

..Total Population.Annual Deaths.Non-Violent Death.Violent Deaths
2002 24,002,000 144,012 128,987 15,025
2001 23,332,000 144,658 125,386 19,272
2000 22,676,000 145,126 121,861 23,265
1999 22,427,000 165,960 120,523 45,437
1998 21,722,000 182,465 116,734 65,731
1997 22,219,000 208,859 119,405 89,453
1996 21,422,000 222,789 115,122 107,667
1995 20,413,000 206,171 109,700 96,472
1994 19,869,000 194,716 106,776 87,940
1993 19,435,000 158,395 104,444 53,951
1992 18,838,000 122,447 101,236 21,211
1991 18,317,000 128,219 98,436 29,783
1990 17,754,000 133,155 95,410 37,745
1989 17,215,000 137,720 92,514 45,206
1988 16,630,000 136,366 89,370 46,996
1987 16,476,000 138,398 88,542 49,856
1986 15,946,000 137,136 85,694 51,442
1985 15,676,000 136,381 84,243 52,138
1984 15,358,000 133,615 82,534 51,081
1983 15,040,000 130,848 80,825 50,023
1982 14,722,000 128,081 79,116 48,965
1981 14,404,000 125,315 77,407 47,908
1980 14,086,000 122,548 75,698 46,850
1979 13,768,000 119,782 73,989 45,792
TOTALS...........4,054,530 2,792,459 1,266,069
Reply Thu 7 May, 2009 06:40 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
You really are ignorant; the Iraqis want us out of their country.
If that's true, and the Iraqis government agrees that's true, then, Obama, let's get out!
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 7 May, 2009 06:42 pm
ican, You're too stupid to even have a decent discussion with. Bush started this illegal war, and whatever Obama does will be criticized by conservatives - as with all issues/problems that started with Bush.

It's a wonder you can see the traffic in front of you.
Reply Thu 7 May, 2009 11:29 pm
@cicerone imposter,

ican, You're too stupid to even have a decent discussion with. Bush started this illegal war, and whatever Obama does will be criticized by conservatives - as with all issues/problems that started with Bush.

It's a wonder you can see the traffic in front of you.

This is quite correct.

Ican is an incredible dunderhead.

Sorry, but there it is.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 May, 2009 02:32 am
ican711nm wrote:

cicerone imposter wrote:
You really are ignorant; the Iraqis want us out of their country.
If that's true, and the Iraqis government agrees that's true, then, Obama, let's get out!

have all of you... ****. i don't even know what to call people like you anymore, you're so far out in left field. so to speak.

Iraq Government Wants U.S. Troops Out by June 30

Monday, May 04, 2009

BAGHDAD -- Iraq's government Monday ruled out allowing U.S. combat troops to remain in Iraqi cities after the June 30 deadline for their withdrawal, despite concern that Iraqi forces cannot cope with the security challenge following a resurgence of bombings in recent weeks.

Asking U.S. forces to stay in the cities, including volatile Mosul in the north, would be embarrassing for Iraq's prime minister, who has staked his political future on claims that the country has turned the corner in the war against Sunni and Shiite extremists.

The departure of heavily armed combat troops from bases inside the cities is important psychologically to many Iraqis, who are eager to regain control of their country after six years of war and U.S. military occupation.

i mean, for ****'s sake... it's even on Fox News. and has been for a year or so..


Reply Fri 8 May, 2009 06:00 am
Saddam may have been killing Iraqis before our invasion, but the Shiites, Sunnis and the Kurds were not in an eternal violent fight amongst themselves before the invasion. This problem was predicted by intelligence before the war but was ignored by those with visions of parades thrown in our honor. My point is that it seems the Iraqis traded one hell for another regardless of whether the second hell is of their own making, our invading didn't make anything much better and in some instances worse in terms of the instability of the government and lack of decent comforts of daily living.

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