Reply Wed 25 Apr, 2012 05:35 am
1058a. I watched a news program yesterday. Don't recall the network. It detailed how kids on Medicaid are unable to find a dentist, particularly in states like Florida. I suspect Texas is right behind, since our state government is hacking away at funding with a meat cleaver, so they can brag they are taking the country back from evil federal government. Some of the kids they highlighted died from infections, because nobody would treat them. This after I read an article on line the day before, that tells how America's poor are pretty much living in luxury. Forty some odd percent of the poor even own their homes, it said. The thrust, as in rapiers, being, there actually is no suffering.

cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 25 Apr, 2012 12:15 pm
That's because the likes of the Romneys have no clue about the poor and their sufferings.

Romney keeps telling Americans how he's going to increase jobs, and how Obama has failed, but doesn't provide any detail on how he's going to accomplish it, but the conservatives love his speeches and applaud him - from total ignorance.

There's no cure for stupid.
Reply Wed 25 Apr, 2012 01:17 pm
@cicerone imposter,
In the old days, the federal government stepped in when citizens' rights got abused. No more, it seems.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 05:43 am
1059a. Yesterday was hotter than normal. I got a bit overheated, working on a ladder, in full sun, replacing light fixtures. Not serious, but a bit early on to be suffering with it. One of those old fixtures had rusted nuts. I struggled to get it down.
1060a. I ordered moringa tree seeds. Going to cut down the fig and other smaller trees so I can grow a few. I will start some in pots and also put seeds in the ground. Whichever does best will be allowed to survive.
1061a. I know a number of good, ordinary, people, who are fervent Republicans. They think it's necessary to keep those deadbeats from getting their tax dollars. They think all ills stem from Democrat foibles. They don't see that, in effect, both parties are becoming mirror images. Us against them is what they think. So glad I disowned both parties.
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 08:36 am
1062a. I think Confucius had a point when he said that he who sits in middle of road gets run over by traffic going in both directions.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 03:06 pm
I am thinking along the lines of a helicopter.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 03:26 pm
Now there's a tree I've never heard of -


Me, I'd like to have a fig again - Ficus carica - wrong zone here.

Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 06:02 pm
My fig tree is lacking something. I never get any good figs off it. So, if I need the space, why not sacrifice it?
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 06:45 pm
You should first ask your nursery pro if there's something lacking that results in low fruit production - before you "remove it."
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 06:56 pm
@cicerone imposter,
The tree gets too warm, some winters and produces fruit before the final frost. Other times the birds get them all. One year they were doing well and soon to be ready to get picked, when it set in to raining every day. The excess water ruined the fruit. It's all a big tease.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 07:00 pm
We have an apricot tree in our back yard, and it produces enough fruit every year to satisfy our needs. Even have enough to give some away. I keep trimming back the tree every year, because it grows so fast.

The fruits are now coming out, and measure about a half an inch. Still a ways to go before they will be edible.
Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 07:05 pm
@cicerone imposter,
When I was a wee lad in California, I saw the place as a literal paradise. Wherever we lived, fruit and vegetables grew. Often there were great fruit and grape plants on vacant land and I gathered as much as I wanted most of the time.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2012 05:20 am
1062a. Too much bon and not enough mot.
1063a. It would be interesting to see what happens if a Republican gets elected president this time around. They traditionally bitch about finances but spend a lot more than Democrats. But, in the current climate, Romney would have to fight his own supporters to get enough money to run the government at all.
1064a. My friends are fighting back in Angry Birds, making me have to reclaim my crowns multiple times.
1065a. It hurts my belly just to contemplate the woman I read about, pregnant with nine babies.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2012 05:21 am
1066a. The story of the woman carrying nine babies was false.
1067a. The owners were here yesterday. I went in and cleaned the pool and then walked the property with them. They met our new lead man. Hopefully, next time they come, I will not be called on to show up. All the work we did refurbishing the model and the woman organizing it comes down with heat exhaustion.
1068a. Today is the end of April; yet, fools abound.
1069a. I started screening in the porch yesterday. I chose to use solar screen, partly because the late sun bores in on that portion of the house, but also because the dark screen will afford some privacy. Our door is in exact alignment with the one across the street. Any time we approach the front door simultaneously, our eyeballs will otherwise collide. The renovation work over there is nearing completion. Soon a family will occupy.
1070a. Punky the dog got attacked by some lice-like critters, but I got them off. She is doing much better.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 May, 2012 05:36 am
1071a. I am excited for the new rover coming to Mars in three months. It makes me nuts that we can't get to the local planets, but at least a good rover gives us a sort of hands on access.
1072a. I see George Hamilton is coming to town, for a stage production of some sort. What is that guy, about ninety?
1073a. I want to leave facebook, but my children post so many things that I don't want to miss.
1074a. Punky the dog has a deep hole in the yard and sleeps there in the day. She remains filthy, no matter how often I bathe her.
Reply Tue 1 May, 2012 07:11 am
You make me laugh when you talk about Punky. I can picture him digging and lying in that hole, seeking his own natural a/c.

Believe it or not, George 'The Tan' is only a spritely 72 yrs. Actually, when you look at his pix, he looks like a healthy 55-60. I just now learned that he's been around since the early-50s but I became aware of him around 1962. He's been around long enough (and celebrity enough) to have dated one of LBJ's bird-daughters. This makes it seem like he'd be much older.

"Beginning in the fall of 2011, Hamilton will star as "Georges" for the national tour of the Tony-winning revival of La Cage aux Folles."

However, where Georgy fell down in the public eye is this nasty issue:

"Hamilton had a well known social relationship with Imelda Marcos, the wife of former Philippines president Ferdinand Marcos. It was later revealed that he also had business ties to the Marcoses. In 1990, Hamilton was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal fraud and racketeering case against the Marcoses involving looting Philippine government funds"
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 05:30 am
1075a. I cannot sit in my easy chair but that Punky first nuzzles my hand and then backs up for me to scratch her just before the tail. She will often stand there for about fifteen minutes. If she is lying down when I get up and return, she has to get another scratch before lying back down. As a result, I wash my hands perhaps twenty times a day.
1076a. I mentioned that I am putting up solar screen around the porch. I began my work having just a bare deck, so I have first to complete the framework. I may get some screen up today, but the lattice for the bottom and the trim will have to wait a bit longer.
1077a. Also, I got my moringa seeds yesterday. I plan to grow two full size trees. I am debating the worth of growing some more, which would be kept to a very low height and constantly harvested. I mean, how much of the seeds and leaves could one man use?
1078a. I am glad gunga clued me in that at least one moon in the solar system is actually an artificial construct of an alien race. It explains why I feel watched if I am in a space with no view- obstructing cover. Klatu, if you are watching: Peace out, bro.
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 11:39 am
You're going to have to open a farmers market in front of your home to get "rid" of all those fruits. Mr. Green 2 Cents
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 03:53 pm
Ed, what do you do with the moringa leaves (pulp?)?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 05:05 pm
The entire plant can be useful, although the roots are considered a risk if one does not know how to deal with them. I became interested after reading about the seeds being a help to one's cirulation. Did not realize the uses that people derive. Below is some stuff you might want to glance over.

* Experts agree Moringa leaf powder could virtually wipe out malnutrition. The countries with the highest rates of malnutrition are almost all the same countries where Moringa grows best-exactly where it is needed the most.
* Moringa leaves, gram for gram, contain 7 times the amount of Vitamin C in oranges, 4 times the Vitamin A in carrots, 4 times the calcium in milk, 3 times the potassium in bananas, 2 times the protein in yoghurt, and an entire multivitamin complex of Vitamin A through Zinc, all the essential ammino acids plus arginine and histidine, two essential amino acids for infants.
* Other attributes of the moringa tree include (take a deep breath): cooking oil, high protein animal fodder, disease prevention, ointment, fertilizer, insecticide, herbicide, lubricant, dye, plant growth enhancers, food condiment, honey production and honey clarifier, cosmetic grade oil, wind barrier and erosion control, biogas production.
* The list of illnesses thus far that have been proven to benefit from Moringa include: anemia, anxiety, asthma, blackheads, blood impurities, blood pressure, bronchitis, cholera, colitis, conjunctivitis, diabetes, diarrhea, dysentery, eye and ear infections, fever, gonorrhea, intestinal worms, jaundice, malaria, inflammation of joints, respiratory disorders, scurvy, skin infections, stomach ulcers, tuberculosis, tumors. And this is the short list.
* Moringa seeds contain a cationic polyelectrolyte that has proved efficient in water treatment as a substitute for aluminum sulphate and other flocculents.
* And, moringa seeds are being used in the prevention and treatment of AIDS with good results. A study from the 1990′s indicated that there was a connection between forms of malnutrition and the likelihood of contracting AIDS. More recently, information is surfacing about the use of the seeds in directly improving the health of AIDS and HIV infected persons.

So why isn’t the Gates Foundation or the Center for Disease Control talking about this or doing more studies to refine how Moringa could be used? I don’t know exactly. I’m forwarding this blog post to several organizations reputed to deal expressly with finding a cure for AIDS or treating AIDS. Maybe using something as simple and plain ugly as a native tree seed to help end one of the planets most vile pan-demics (outside of hunger) is just not, well, very flashy. Maybe it’s because it wouldn’t cost much to underwrite the growing of these amazing tree shrubs for clinics, schools, orphanages or as plantations of commercial enterprises. Maybe it’s because these other folks didn’t know about it first. But now you will.

By far the most inspiring introduction to Moringa is through the Trees for Life website, a forum for all types of scientific trials, papers, studies that have been done or need to be done. It’s public access and it’s free.

On the Moringa News network you can join a free forum of many years duration that covers everything about Moringa that you can possibly want to know with contacts to some of the most notable names in humanitarian research and appropriate technology and development. Like my friends, Hank and Tomi, most of the folks on the network are doers and sharers. Some are entrepeneurs and those in developing areas are encouraged to look at the economic benefits of growing Moringa. Many are humanitarian workers seeking practical solutions to problems they face. A few are marketing products already developed with Moringa leaf powder or oil. (I use both and I highly recommend the powder as a nutritional supplement.)

Yet when I look at the leaves of Moringa oleifera in photos or in front of me I see something else. I see answers, solutions to so many issues. And the cost is practically nothing. No, the Moringa isn’t very flashy or romantic or complicated. For many who have suffered for years from malnutrition, they did not know that this tree which was growing in their backyards or along a path was even edible. That information had been lost to them until someone from the outside informed them of its many benefits and taught them how to use it. Sadly, it was right under their noses all along and they did not realize how it could have helped them.

Maybe that’s what keeps big money research companies from looking into Moringa more closely: it’s too common. It won’t cost alot to grow. It doesn’t take much care. It doesn’t require high inputs of organic nutrients or water, in fact, it prefers to live on scarcity. Nearly all parts of the tree can be utilized and it grows very fast. And the abundance of its benefits is truly miraculous.

My hope for next year on World AIDS Day? That those with all the millions of dollars will put that money into finding simpler solutions from something that is right in plain sight if they’ll look up from the electron microscopes, out the boardroom windows or away from computer-generated models long enough to see that just over there in the distance may be at least part of the solution they’ve dreamed of all along.

[This begins a long but not exhaustive list of articles and research on Moringa. It is to assist you in seeing the many benefits, encourage you to do more research as well as generate conversations between you and any non-profits, humanitarian organizations, foundations, research institutions or clergy with whom you are connected. The Earth has provided us with an amazing plant to assist us in ending so many aspects of suffering--if we are willing.]

Moringa Book produced by Trees For Life International

“THE MORINGA TREE, MORINGA OLEIFERA, IS CALLED MOTHER’S BEST FRIEND.” Amaranth to Zai Holes; Ideas for Growing Food Under Difficult Conditions: Meitzner, Laura and Martin Price, copyright 1996 by Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization, Inc. All rights reserved.

The possible role of Moringa oleifera in HIV/AIDS supportive treatment. Burger DJ, Fuglie L, Herzig JW; International Conference on AIDS. Int Conf AIDS. 2002 Jul 7-12; 14: abstract no. F12423.University, Stellenbosch, South Africa

The challenge of HIV/AIDS: Where does agroforestry fit in? Marcela Villarreal and Christine Holding Anyonge, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; Brent Swallow and Freddie Kwesiga, World Agroforestry Centre

Moringa oleifera: a food plant with multiple medicinal uses: Farooq Anwar, Sajid Latif, Muhammad Ashraf, Anwarul Hassan Gilani. (Various research institutions in Pakistan.)

From the Moringa Network documents list:

Experts on nutritional benefits of Moringa: www.tfljournal.org/article.php/20051201124931586

The Moringa tree, a local solution to malnutrition? (pdf 501Kb) Lowell Fuglie

Litterature review on Moringa oleifera (pdf 559 Kb) John A. Parotta

Moringa seed and pumice as alternative natural materials for drinking water treatment (PDF, 2 Mb!!!) Kebreab A. Ghebremichael

Illustrated brochure on water treatment with Moringa (PDF, 117 Kb) Lowell Fuglie et Caroline Olivier

The multipurpose Moringa stenopetala tree in Ethiopia (PDF, 232 Kb) Dr Yalemtsehay Mekonnen

Potential of Moringa as a food supplement for urban Africans (in French, 106 kb) Armelle de Saint Sauveur

The food crisis: Moringa’s Green Superfoods Revolution Armelle de Saint Sauveur et Mélanie Broin

Baby formulas enriched in Moringa leaf powder (PDF 39 Kb) Mélanie Broin

Nutriments provided by 30g of Moringa leaf powder Mélanie Broin

Rural nutrition intervention with indigenous plant foods – a case study of vitamin A deficiency in Malawi (PDF 174 Kb) Suresh Chandra Babu, 2000

The Moringa tree, a local solution to malnutrition? (pdf 501Kb) Lowell Fuglie

Poster “Moringa leaves are good for your children’s health” (PDF 307 Kb) Guy A. Zohoun, N.W. Mahougnon (ACFD Bénin), A. de St Sauveur (PROPAGE).

Moringa oleifera, potentially a new source of oleic acid-type oil for Malaisia (word, 88 Ko) Mohamed, A.S. et al., 2003

Abstracts on the role of Moringa leaf powder against malnutrition (PDF 59 Ko) Niambar VS, Girija V, etc.

Moringa leaf production techniques in family farming systems (in French) (PDF, 441 Kb) Armelle de Saint Sauveur

Suggested cultural practices for Moringa (PDF 196 Ko) M.C. Palada and L.C. Chang

The use of Moringa oleifera as a natural coagulant for water and wastewater treatment (Word, 464 kb) Folkard, G; Sutherland J.

Papers published by Dr Muyibi on water treatment with Moringa oleifera since 2002 (Word, 30kb) Dr. Suleyman Aremu Muyibi

Application of processed Moringa oleifera seeds in drinking water treatment (Power point, 329Kb) Dr. Suleyman Aremu Muyibi

“He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything.“- Arabian Proverb

Source: outrageousgardens.com/can-moringa-change-the-face-of-aids/

Moringa Science

Moringa oleifera: Research and Scientific Publications
by A. Kweku Andoh, Ph. D.
The North Scale Institute

And he showed me a pure river of water of life...; in the midst of the street of it and on either side of the river, was there a Tree of Life which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month; & the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

And there shall be no more curse.

Revelations 22:1...2..3....

Moringa oleifera, the Miracle Tree of Hope,com-monly known as Nebedaye, is being used throughout Africa for HIV/AIDS Nutritional Therapy and for malnutrition in women and children. It grows in all parts of the tropics from the rain forest to the desert. All parts are edible and are used as medicine.

Leaves can substitute for meat, soy or dairy products because:

¨ Nebedaye leaf is a complete protein containing all the essential amino acids

¨ Oz per oz leaves contain more Vitamin A than carrots

¨ More Calcium than milk

¨ More Iron than spinach

¨ Contains vitamins, A,B's, C, E and minerals, including Selenium and Zinc

¨ Lowers blood sugar levels in Diabetes

¨ Lowers blood pressure in Hypertension

Seeds of Moringa oleifera purify water and was used by Moses during the Exodus.
Exodus 15:20-25

Scientific studies conducted in major universities throughout the world support the efficacy of the use of Moringa oleifera, Nebedaye, for treating the following conditions and dysfunctions: {Numbered references follow}

Anti-diarrhea: 1, 11, 20, 23
Anti-inflammatory: 1, 7, 11, 20, 21
Anti-microbial: 1, 9, 21
Anti-spasmodic: 11, 14, 15, 16
Birth Control: 1, 2, 15, 21
Blindness: 23
Candidiasis: (Thrush): 9, 23
Cancer: 1, 10, 21
Chronic Fatigue (Epstein-Barr virus): 1, 17
Diabetes: 12. 21, 23
Diuretic: 1, 11, 12, 20, 23
Epilepsy: 1, 23
Epstein-Barr virus: 1, 17
Gastrointestinal motility: 1, 15
Hepatitis: 4, 5
HIV-AIDS: 3, 6 — See also studies A—P
Hypertension: 1, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21
Lupus: 7
Malnutrition: 18, 23 — See also studies A — P
Prostate Enlargement, Prostate Cancer: 24, See also studies M — P
Rheumatism 1, 7
Tumors: 1, 10, 21, 23
Ulcers (Gastric & Skin): 1, 23
Water Purification: 22, 23


1. Chemistry and Pharmacology of Moringa oleifera Lam and M. concanensis Nimo. Jadhav, S L et al, Indian Drugs 37(3) Mar 2000

2. Anti-fertility Profile of the Aqueous Extract of Moringa oleifera Roots. Journal of Ethno-pharmacology, 22 (1988) 51-62

3. A Prospective Study of Dietary intake and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome in HIV-Sero-positive Homosexual Men. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, 1993 Aug 6(: 949-58

4. Adsorption of the Cyanobacterial Hepatotoxin Microcystin-LR by a low Cost Activated Carbon from the Seed Husks of the Pan-tropical Tree, Moringa oleifera. Warhurst, A M et al; Science Total Environ 1997 Nov 27; 207(2-3): 207-211

5. Evaluation of Hematological and Hepatorenal Functions of Methanolic Extract of Moringa oleifera Lam. Root Treated Mice. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 1999 Jun; 37(6):612-614

6. HIV Infection and Severe Malnutrition: A Clinical Epidemiology Study in Burkina Faso. Prazuk, T et al.Groupe d’Etudes Epidemiologiques et Prophylactiques, Villeneuve St Georges, France

7. Oils of Moringa oleifera and Moringa drouhardii. Delaveau, P et al. Plant Medicine Phytother (1980) 14(10), 29-33

8. Isolation & Structure Elucidation of New Nitrile and Mustard Oil Glycosides from Moringa oleifera and their Effect on Blood Pressure. Faizi, S et al. Journal of Natural Products (1994) 57(9) 1256-1261

9. Preliminary Studies of the Antifungal Activities of some Medical Plants Against Basidiobolus and some other Pathogenic Fungi. Nwosu, MO et al. Mycoses 1995 May-June; 38 (5-6): 191-5

10. An Anti-tumor Promoter from Moringa oleifera. Guevara, AP et al. Mutation Research 1999 Apr 6; 440(2) 181-8

11. Measurement of Sympatholytic Activity of Moringa oleifera. Hameed- Un-Nisa et al. New Trends in Natural Products Chemistry [ International Symposium on Natural Products Chemistry] 6th (1998) 269-77; Harwood Amsterdam

12. The Major Constituents of the Acetone Fraction of Ethiopian Moringa stenopetala Leaves. Asres, Kaleab; Mansoura Journal of Pharmacological Science (1995), 11(1) 55-64

13. Novel Hypotensive Agents, Niazimin A, Niazimin B, Niazicin A and Niazicin B from Moringa oleifera: Isolation of First Naturally Occurring Carbamates. Shaheen Faizi et al. HEJ Research Institute, Pakistan. Journal of Chemical Society of Perkin Trans. 1994 Pg 3035-3040

14. Pharmacological Studies of Moringa pterygosperma. Siddiqi et al; Pakistan Journal of Science and Industrial Research (1968), 11(3), 268-72

15. Pharmacological Studies on Hypotensive and Spasmolytic Activities in Pure Compounds of Moringa oleifera. Gilani et al. Phytotherapeutic Research (1994), 8(2), 87-91

16. Hypotensive Constituents from Pods of Moringa oleifera. Faizi, Shaheen et al. Plant Medicine (1998), 64(3) 225-28

17. Niaziminin, a Thiocarbarnate from Leaves of Moringa oleifera Holds a Strict Structural Requirement for Inhibition of Tumor Promoter-induced Epstein-Barr Virus Activation. Murakami et all, Kyoto University, Japan. Plant Medicine (1998), 64(4), 319-323

18. Rural Nutrition Interventions with Indigenous Plant Foods: A case Study of Vitamin Deficiency in Malawi. Babu, Suresh Chandra. International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC. Biotechnoloyg, Agronomy and Soc. Environ. (200), 4(3), 169-179

19. Bioavailability trials of Beta-carotene from Fresh and Dehydrated Leaves of Moringa oleifera in a Rat Model. Nambiear et al. Plant Food and Human Nutrition. (Dordrecht, Neth.) 2001, 56(1), 83-95

20. Measurement of the Sympatholytic Activity in Moringa oleifera. Lubna Hameed-Un_Nisa. New Trends in Natural Products Chemistry (1998) 269-276; Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam

21. Bioactive Compounds from the Leaves and Pods of Moringa oleifera. Shaheen Faizi et al. New Trends in Natural Products Chemistry (1998) 175-183

22. New Uses of Moringa Studied in Nicaragua. Fuglie, L., ECHO Development Notes, pg 68

23. Hypoglycemic Effect of Moringa stenopetal Aqueous Extract in Rabbits. Makonnen, E., et al. Phytotherapy Research

24. The Miracle Tree — Moringa oleifera: Natural Nutrition for the Tropics. Fuglie, L.; 1999, Church World Service, Dakar, Senegal

25. Vitamin E & Selenium in the Protection from and Prevention of Prostate Enlargement & Prostate Cancer. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN television News Broadcasts, 24 July, 2001

Studies in the Role of Malnutrition in the Progression of HIV Infection to full-blown Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome in the United States and in Africa

A. A Prospective Study of Dietary Intake and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrom in HIV-Seropositive Homosexual Men. Abrams, B et al. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficeincy Sybndrome, 1993. Aug ; 6(: 949-58

B. HIV Infection and Severe Malnutrition: A Clinical and Epidemiological Study in Burkina Faso. Prazuck, T, et al. AIDS 1993 Jan: 7(1):103-8

C. Mother –to-Child Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type1, Report from the Nairobi Study. Datta, P et al. Journal of Infectious Disease 1994 Nov; 170(5):1134-40

D. Nutritional Status and Dietary Intakes in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-infected Outpatients in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, 1995. Castetbon, K. et al. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1997 Feb; 51(2):81-6

E. Breastfeeding by HIV-1-infected Women and Outcome in their InfantsL A Cohort Study from Durban, South Africa. Bobat, R et al AIDS 1997 Nov; 11(13): 1627-33

F. Micronutrient Supplementation in the AIDS Diarrhea-Wasting Syndrome in Zambia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Kelly, P, et al. AIDS 1999 Mar 11; 13(4): 495-500

G. Nutritional Status of HIV-1 Seropositive Patients in the Free State Province of South Africa: Anthropometric and Deitary Profile. Dannhouser, A et al. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1999 Mar; 53(3): 165-73

H. Nutritional Status of Adult Inpatients in Bujumbura, Burundi (Impact of HIV Infection). Niyongabo, T et al. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1999 Jul; 53(7): 579-82

I. HIV and AIDS in Africa: Impact on Mother and Child Health. Van de Perre, P. European Journal of Medical Research 1999 Aug 25; 4(:341-4

J. Dietary Micronutrient Intake and Risk of Progression to AIDS in Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1(HIV-1)-infected Homosexual Men. Tang, AM et al, American Journal of Epidemiology, 1993 Dec 1; 138(11):937-51

K. Nutritional Assessment in Intravenous Drug Users with HIV/AIDS. Smit E. et al, Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 2000 Oct 1; 25 Supp l 1:S62-9

L. Selected Vitamins in HIV Infection: A Review. Tang, AM et al. AIDS Patient Care STDS 1998 Apr; 12(4): 263-73

M. Selenium and HIV Infection. Constans, J et al. Nutrition, 1999 15(9): 719-20

N. Selenium and Interleukins in Persons Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1. Baum, MK, et al. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2000; 182 (Suppl 1) 869-73

O. The Importance of Selenium to Human Health. Raymond, M, The Lancet, Vol. 356, July 15, 2000; pg 233-240

Source: www.mamamoringa.com/moringa_science.html

Video Testimonies from The Moringa Miracle

The Mindwanderers contribution to mankind.Moringa, tree of life. Read about how Moringa could help in fighting AIDS / HIV. Diabetes. Malnutrition. Dyssentry, Cancer , Kidney , Migraines, arthritis, depression and a lot more…….

If you think a simple answer to complex health problems can’t possibly be found in one source-much less a natural source? Think again. Moringa oleifera, a.k.a. the “Miracle Tree,” could be just what the doctor ordered.


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