Reply Fri 12 Aug, 2011 05:26 am
201a. I think I am a bit tired of the residents helping me do my job. I always tell them they are not allowed. But, two times this week they plowed in anyway. Both times the distraction made the job twice as hard as it need be. I think they want to help an old man, but they don't help at all by helping me.
202a. I think these 100+ days are taking their toll on the lawn at the apartments. Despite my best watering efforts, the grass is dying in patches. The grounds crew's riding lawn mower doesn't help. The deadest spots are often shaped like runs from those wheels.
203a. I think I forgot to set the alarm for this morning.
204a. I think mrs edgarblythe will again brave the elements to walk in the park this morning.
205a. I think I will concentrate on getting done early today, to set up a long weekend.
Reply Fri 12 Aug, 2011 08:33 am
edgarblythe wrote:

205a. I think I will concentrate on getting done early today, to set up a long weekend.

I think that's a terrific idea. I think I will do the same. Thanks, edgar!
Reply Fri 12 Aug, 2011 01:48 pm
The pleasure is all mine.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 07:19 am
206a. I think donuts and coffee, taken with my normals supplements this morning, is a pleasant way to cheat myself of real nutrition.
207a. I think my personal program for health must be working for me. I have plenty of strength and energy and I can work in the 100+ degree weather for hours without ill effect. In previous years I have had to go home early, due to heat exhaustion. Also, I have not detected any internal symptoms for a pretty long while. (This program is hard to write down, because it evolves with my understanding and the ability to supply it).
208a. I think the coming TV series called Terra Nova will be high on my list of shows to be checked out.
209a. I think Rick Perry well may be the Republican nominee to face Obama. He is very nearly a teabagger, in my opinion.
210a. I think the newest Lone Ranger movie project, with Johnny Depp as Tonto, may be dead.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2011 07:17 am
211a. I think they may be coming to take me away ha ha.
212a. I think Punky may need a new squeaky chicken. The old one lost its voice.
213a. I think my son will be living in Louisiana for a good while.
214a. I think I am ready for some bacon and eggs this morning. We buy the lower sodium bacon. It tastes just as salty to me.
215a. I think the bird feeder I just put in the yard may end up attracting more squirrels.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Aug, 2011 04:56 am
216a. I think the bird feeder I mentioned will begin to attract birds, but so far not one detected visitor. I probably should also put some water out there.
217a. I think I detect a disturbing trend at the local supermarket (am I the only one using that word these days?). The cheap, popular items we have been buying are being taken from the shelves, to be replaced by products costing much more. I first discovered it when the lower priced dog treats were replaced. Saturday it was the dish detergent. Where will it end?
218a. I think I will pay greatly for accidentally leaving the water running in the back yard. Two to three hours of steady gushing. Likely I will get penalized by the water company.
219a. I think I have found a third party to investigate (site called Americans Elect 2012). I do want to vote, but I want to make a statement when and if I do.
220a. I think my new HP printer is about to get a lot of work to do.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2011 04:45 am
221a. I think I need more bricks and rocks. I drop them strategically in the yard to control Punky's digging. I don't intend hindering it, mind you. I just want for her to not undermine the porch steps or dig up all the banana trees.
222a. I think often how I miss certain individuals I have known just by turning on my computer. Many a2kers, but others as well.
223a. I think I need new work pants.
224a. I think, thankfully, I no longer can distinguish among the philosophers.
225a. I think Alley Oop's latest adventure is a terribly botched plot and unworthy of V T Hamlin's characters.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2011 04:38 am
226a. I think it's past time to wind down the war in Afghanistan.
227a. I think if it sounds too good to be true, a politician must have said it.
228a. I think my work partner has slight of hand syndrome. He can put his tiny hands into garbage disposers to clean them. I need special tools to do that.
229a. I think Tim Allen's upcoming TV series may be funny and worth a peek, now and then. I can't see myself watching the new Two and a Half Men, when it will star an actor from a show I have spent years avoiding.
230a. I think I have lost my Social Security card. It is not in anybody's hands, but it will be a bit of a pain to replace.
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2011 04:40 am
My dog ate my Social Security Card when I was like 23 years old. DO I really need it? I memorized my numbers and how hard is it to fake a card like that?
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2011 04:48 am
I don't know but what my wife will need it, in the event I don't survive my death.
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2011 04:51 am
I have it memorized and so does she. The govt. made it the number of my A/C license, to make sure it has potential to get spread around. I don't let anybody see it long enough to commit any numbers to memory.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2011 05:01 am
231a. I think the pressure dome over Texas may last, giving us drought through winter. So says a weatherman on local TV. I have no choice but to believe him.
232a. I think the people supporting Rick Perry don't want to hear that he would like to take away their Social Security checks. He says it is a states rights issue. Well, they are steadily chopping away any state entitlement help in Texas, if that gives anybody a hint as to where his sympathies lie.
233a. I think the watermelon I bought on Saturday will be all gone today. This 100+ weather has me eating it in great quantities.
234a. I think I would like a thread in which we swap James Joyce quotes and analyze words he used. Definitions of some of those words are hard to find.
235a. I think I would like to take up painting, again. If I did just one canvas, I know I would keep at it. Can't seem to get on it, though.
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2011 10:02 am
I didn't know you paint, EBlythe. I'm saying that in the present tense..
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2011 12:22 pm
When I was young I wanted to be an artist. Everybody bypassed my work to marvel at Sam's art. Eventually I lost the drive. But it would be fun to give it a shot in my mature years.
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2011 12:23 pm
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Aug, 2011 05:00 am
236a. I think Rick Perry's arrogance ought to get a comeuppance in the national spotlight.
237a. I think originating a good, original title, short enough to please a publisher, is one hell of a brain exercise.
238a. I think if the sun don't fry my brain today, it will not be from lack of trying. Local weatherman says the drought could stay with us through winter or beyond.
239a. I think pulled pork has become my favorite meat. At least this month it has.
240a. I think I feel like the Light Brigade, some mornings.
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2011 05:44 am
241a. I think the owners, who live in California, do not understand the situation in Tomball. They are spending great amounts of cash upgrading the landscaping in the middle of our longest and hottest drought ever. It would be a challenge to keep all the new plants alive in the best of times. But we have to be on the verge of the kind of sever water restrictions that keep us from watering every day.
242a. I think of new book titles, but always find I am too late. It's a real brain teaser, all right.
243a. I think my wife will be back shortly with the donuts. Not calling her short, but I am a few inches taller.
244a. I think I need to clean out my PC area. I got so many papers and junk that I can't find things.
245a. I think my neighbor is a bit miffed that I told him I can't support any of his favorite politicians.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2011 07:23 am
Edgar, I might be able to help you with thought 137. If you're interested, why not send me a PM?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2011 11:57 pm
You can get a replacement social security card; it's relatively easy.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 05:10 am
246a. I think I shall get dressed, shortly. Duty calls. The owners visit us today.
247a. I think that when my trees all die I will try to move. There will be no way I can pay to cut them down.
248a. I think gus reads much more on these threads than we know.
249a. I think on how we buy bottled water these days. When I was a child we had a bucket with a dipper hung on it. We all drank from the same dipper. Never got sick, with all those germs.
250a. I think rockhead is much loved. I hope to see him more on the boards.

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