Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2011 05:19 am
149a. I think I better shop today, seeing tomorrow is mrs edgarblythe's birthday.

Happy birthday, mrs edgarblythe! Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 05:02 am
156a. I think the Texans will play well this year.
157a. I think there is something strange at play here. Why are folks so outraged over red light cameras? There is one heck of a fight going on over them, in Houston.
158a. I think my wife's birthday could have been perfect yesterday - all went well, until she parked to run in the store. A couple of minutes later she found somebody had hit the car and took off. The bumper looks awful.
159a. I think my new work shoes are too heavy. Must be the steel toes, since they look like my old ones - which are light.
160a. I think I should stop procrastinating and install a water filter on the house. I would buy a lot less bottled water if I do that.
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 11:24 am
edgarblythe wrote:
158a. I think my wife's birthday could have been perfect yesterday - all went well, until she parked to run in the store. A couple of minutes later she found somebody had hit the car and took off. The bumper looks awful.

Ah, I'm sorry to read this! It's always something, isn't it?

Happy birthday to your wife, inspite of this incident. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Aug, 2011 04:54 am
161a. I think I am going to be a great grandfather.
162a. I think I am a bit surprised over the likes and dislikes expressed in the thread about which fruits one does not like. I like pretty much all fruits, seeds and nuts and the like.
163a. I think Punky the dog may resist being fed medicine orally, but she seems to enjoy the attention.
164a. I think rockhead's computer is an old poot for giving out like that.
165a. I think the story of a second Earth moon, that crashed into the far side of the moon we look at at night, is interesting. I need to look up a description of the evidence that lead them to so speculate.
Dave World
Reply Thu 4 Aug, 2011 07:00 pm
10. I think green is not a primary color, even though I have read that it is one.

There are two types of primary colors. The primary colors of pigment are red, blue and yellow. The primary colors of light are red, blue and green. Mix the pigments blue and yellow, you get green. Mix red and green light and you get yellow. But, being an amateur astronomer, I'm sure that you know our sun is spectral class G, or greenish.
Reply Thu 4 Aug, 2011 07:30 pm
@Dave World,
a wise frog once said, "it ain't easy being green"

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 4 Aug, 2011 10:25 pm
How about darian?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Aug, 2011 04:36 am
A child's name, CI?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Aug, 2011 04:55 am
166a. I think the blue of night is about to meet the gold of day.
167a. I think Gandhi dancers lay the tracks for peace.
168a. I think rolling blackouts may be the order of the day in these parts.
169a. I think Teaparty members are properly called teabaggers.
170a. I think I finally understand how to text on my phone. Idea
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Aug, 2011 08:17 am
171a. I think this posted by BVT on facebook is a hoot.
Dear United States; Don't worry about your credit rating. You can get a pre approved card to help rebuild. You should be getting a notification and invitation from Orchard Bank any day now.
172a. I think the local donut shop beats Dunkin any time.
173a. I think my dog ought to be bald by now, the way she keeps shedding - but she's not.
174a. I think "That was weawy awfuwwy good weg of wamb" has to be my favorite line from a cartoon. (uttered by Elmer Fudd).
175a. I think people with ugly voices often make some of the best recorded songs.

My spell checker just went into cardiac arrest -
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Aug, 2011 09:34 am
I think that last post was one of edgar's funniest on this thread

I think its wise to be wary of anyone who gets all their news from Fox, and the whole US Army keeps tuned to Fox almost exclusively

I think the excitement and hopefulness of having my first counselor job interview coming up more than balances the anxiety about it

I think that not only might I not be happy if I hadn't married my wife, but I might not even really know what it feels like to be happy

Reply Sat 6 Aug, 2011 11:53 am
In this day when so many marriages fall apart early, I am extremely happy that yours is holding together.
Reply Sat 6 Aug, 2011 12:19 pm
Thanks, edgar. We both know that it doesn't just happen naturally -that we have to work at it. But we both know that it's something worth fighting to keep going. I am constantly grateful for my good fortune in finding her.

And that's about enough schmaltz outta me. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2011 07:24 am
176a. I think Gov. Perry's night of prayer was not offensive to me, in that he used religion to gather his followers. It gives us a view of how he hopes to attract his votes. The politics behind it riles me something terrible. That man would be GW Bush incarnate, should he be elected.
177a. I think Lucille Ball's hundredth birthday was noteworthy, simply because she still attracts enough audience to continue in reruns forever.
178a. I think Tiger Woods plays at a lower level of performance as a result of the hostility he encounters these days. His entire life he was practically worshipped, sending him to higher levels of achievement, until the news shattered his public and personal persona.
179a. I think it interesting how many books are still being sold in the places I shop. Hopefully, they will get through these rough times and continue to be available.
180a. I think Rowan Atkinson ought to have stuck with his Mini.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2011 04:55 am
181a. I think this week will be a trying one. At least a hundred degrees each day and a schedule requiring me to be out of doors while moving fast.
182a. I think my morning coffee went entirely too fast. But I can't drink any more.
183a. I think my seventieth birthday will be on the fast track from now until it arrives. Time moves at an accelerating pace.
184a. I think my best gift on father's day was from a certain young person I was unsure about. It was a card saying "I love you."
185a. I think I am ready to return to my regular diet, after a weekend of eating all wrong and counter to my program.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2011 04:51 am
186a. I think Sheb Wooley said it best, when he said, "Mr People Eater don't eat me."
187a. I think the drama of Boida flipping her mattress is more compelling than a Maupassant short story.
188a. I think my electric bill will do me in before it gets better.
189a. I think philosophers make it much too complicated.
190a. I think Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is pretty good. I just saw it in its entirety for the first time last Saturday.
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2011 01:25 pm
Thanks for the kudos, edgar. The mattress flip did have its moments.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2011 02:57 pm
Love that about Roberta and Maupassant..

I think Tiger Woods bulked up too much and lost his flow; now somewhat more lithe, he's having trouble getting it back.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2011 04:49 am
191a. I think might as well put weed killer instead of water. Certain areas are dying out, no matter how much I water them. And across the street from my home a tall pine is very dead. Where is a lovely tropical storm when you need one?
192a. I think Wisconsin loses.
193a. I think Doris Day's come back as a recording artist will be interesting to watch.
194a. I think the weather is moderating in the northern half of the nation.
195a. I think the drive to work will be more pleasant with my new CD of old songs to listen to.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Aug, 2011 04:58 am
196a. I think I will accomplish much this day. Or not.
197a. I think it an oddity that an air conditioner does not put cold air into a house. It only removes hot air. How does that happen?
198a. I think my spontaneous poem about the pterodactyl is worthy of a post here:

The pterodactyl

The pterodactyl
Can be rather docile;
A quiet contemplater is he.
Wise pterodactyl;
He lives on his rock pile,
Shunning bustle and community;
Polishing his claws,
Humming without pause,
Often slipping into dormancy.

The pterodactyl
Is wholly without guile;
A solitary wisher is he.
Round pterodactyl,
Fat his chosen life style;
A monumental fisher is he.
Allows men to breathe ;
They taste most un-fishlike, you see.

199a. I think the Mars rovers are a fulfilment of many sci-fi stories I read in my youth. I hope the remaining rover goes on for another ten years.
200a. I think I ought to have purchased that thick volume of Roald Dahl's short stories the other day.
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