cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 06:37 am
On using the same dipper to drink water was a common practice when we worked out in the fields. We all used the same dipper to drink water - and lots of it, because you never want to get dehydrated in the hot sun. We also took a lot of salt tablets.

Maybe, that's the reason why I love potato chips so much in my old age with my high blood pressure. Laughing
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 08:12 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Another time, we used a 5 gallon glass bottle for water. I went to tilt it to pour myself a drink and busted it. It shattered on the ground, beneath the great fig tree we lived under. I was puzzled when nobody blamed and punished me over that.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2011 05:04 am
251a. I think the owners were pretty gracious yesterday, at the job site. Sometimes I feel like a race horse that lashes itself.
252a. I think the wine I had yesterday is a bit more potent than I am used to.
253a. I think for Libya the struggle is only beginning.
254a. I think that in another week or two, the heat will moderate here. Can't say if it will rain. I see Florida may have a storm in its future.
255a. I think my new printer was designed for a lap top, because it came with a carrying bag and it easily closes up.
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2011 09:21 am
That wine must've been really potent, because some can reach close to 20%. However, as a regular consumer of wine (usually with dinner), I can down a couple of glasses - no matter the alcohol content. Don't need alcohol every day...
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2011 02:17 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I have a bit of red wine most week ends. Occasionally a beer with dinner. I'm a reformed alcoholic.
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2011 02:26 pm
edgarblythe wrote:

I have a bit of red wine most week ends. Occasionally a beer with dinner. I'm a reformed alcoholic.

What's that mean? You jumped off the wagon willingly? I guess it all has to do with what got you on the wagon in the first place... (unless you were just being facetious)
0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2011 02:37 pm
I mean, I bought a six pack every time I got through working. And if I ran out before bed time I got some more. This went on for perhaps ten years. When I decided enough was enough, it took three years to break free from the addiction. Today, I could be in a room full of friends and/or family, and they, partying and drinking, and stick to coffee or tea. I have a few drinks now on most week ends. But not always. I don't have to have it.
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 04:52 am
256a. I think the Carolinas seem likely to get a storm that we actually need right here in Texas. Hope nobody gets hurt by it.
257a. I think Libya will be the most interesting country that disposes of its leader, because they may be tearing down the entire governmental structure before they start building.
258a. I think Jerry Leiber wrote so many songs that were a part of my youth and early manhood that I will miss him more than most songwriters who have died.
259a. I think our search for a replacement squeaky chicken for Punky the dog was only semi-successful. My wife found one with a similar, plaintive, squawk, and she loved it. Only thing, this one had (had) nibbly toes. It still squawks, but not so forcefully.
260a. I think the traffic will be more of a challenge, now that school is back in session.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Aug, 2011 04:57 am
261a. I think the end times may be near (being facetious). Our hottest weather of the year is expected on the weekend, plus they are saying our drought could actually intensify next year. The only way it could be worse would be to have zero rain for the duration.
262a. I think I have turned some kind of corner, re my health, state of mind and ability to carry on my functions at work. I am performing at a level I have not seen in about five or six years.
263a. I think the shower I installed a year or two back is already in need of replacement. Expensive proposition.
264a. I think I need to put out a bird bath, to go along with the bird feeder.
265a. I think I will have eggs, instead of the usual cereal for breakfast.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2011 04:40 am
266a. I think the bald cypress near the front porch is totally stressed. I watered it for over an hour and then we had a surprise thunderstorm yesterday evening. Maybe it can survive, but I am doubtful.
267a. I think it odd, this one work order I had yesterday. The resident called the after hours number to report something not cooling. The message was garbled and we guessed it was for the refrigerator. I smelled the refrigerator food the moment I walked in. Turns out they had allowed the food in the freezer compartment to cover all the vent holes. It all was thawed or thawing. I rearranged the food and considered the work order completed. Two hours later, the resident called to report her A/C still was not cooling. I went back and ended up replacing a capacitor on the condenser.
268a. I think blueveinedthrobber's CIRKUS DVD is pretty neat. Very professionally packaged, too.
269a. I think they will soon be finishing with the road project that runs by my neighborhood. We are driving on new pavement most of the way, now.
270a. I think I need for my mechanic to work on the switch on my truck. It's getting very hard to turn the key.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 04:37 am
271a. I think I am torn between regret and relief that the storm will be hitting the east coast. We need that rain, but certainly not the destruction.
272a. I think the writers of Lost may meet with failure when their new series, based on fairy tales, gets started. I could be wrong, but it seems the concept is overworked these days.
273a. I think my blender is due to be replaced. It still works, but it is weakening.
274a. I think I have become thoroughly saturated, watermelon-wise. As dehydrated as I get I can't eat as much as before.
275a. I think seeing my grand kids on facebook is an interesting exercise. I gain little insights about their thought processes.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Aug, 2011 08:00 am
276a. I think about friends and others in the path of the storm. Be careful. Be safe.
277a. I think we may break the heat record today. I plan to stay inside with the A/C challenging the grid.
278a. I think I may soon have an added work partner. Perfect, if all goes according to plan. We have been hiring temps to fill in, but too often they send us people not interested in doing good work.
279a. I think I may have to draw up plans to cut down the bald cypress, without any help. It's pretty big, but I feel equal to the task.
280a. I think the bird feeder was a great gesture. And the makeshift bird bath. The wildlife around here is really suffering. I don't mind that a squirrel raids the feeder. I intend looking for food sold specifically for squirrels.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 28 Aug, 2011 07:17 am
281a I think we are on track to equal yesterday's temp of 108. They are predicting rain near the end of the week.
281a I think the storm will be on my mind all week, also.
282a I think the people who are ill will be in my thoughts this day and most.
283a I think the trees on the property across the street will be gone today. Most of them were cut down yesterday.
284a I think the Texans football team will be better this year.
285a I think today should be quiet and restful. I don't have any projects in mind, yet.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 04:44 am
286a. I think the heat wave may end by Friday. Rain is forecast, along with temperatures nearing 92 degrees. Today is said to be 105 ...
287a. I think I will be okay this morning. I had some trash in my eye yesterday. It was difficult to function with just one eye and the other eye and my nose dribbling nonstop.
288a. I think my fear of water moccasin snakes has changed into careful respect. One had every right to strike my wife or myself yester-evening, but chose instead to get away as fast as it could go. - We had almost walked on it while strolling in the park. In fact, mrs edgarblythe bumped against it with her shoe.
289a. I think the trees going down across the street fit some sort of pattern, but I can't figure out what the cutters are up to.
290a. I think I better check the air in my tires and the fluids in my truck today.
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 05:49 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
288a. I think my fear of water moccasin snakes has changed into careful respect. One had every right to strike my wife or myself yester-evening, but chose instead to get away as fast as it could go. - We had almost walked on it while strolling in the park. In fact, mrs edgarblythe bumped against it with her shoe.

That sounds pretty scary! Are they very poisonous?
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 06:01 pm
Oh yes. These snakes have the potential to kill.
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 07:19 pm
Are they everywhere?
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 07:28 pm
No, they like to be near water.
When the city did lots of drainage work near my job, their activity sent a few our way. The snakes came through the pipe in the retainer pond, I think. I had to kill one of them. It was near an apartment that housed children. When I happened on the snake, it went into a small patch of weeds and tried to hide. In fact, all it wanted was to mind its own business. But its instinct for hiding made it easy to kill. I called on the radio for help and a worker came with a shovel, or something and we beat it to death.
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 08:45 pm
Wow, there's a lot of potential for serious harm. I would assume your local hospitals would have anti-venom for this kind of incident.
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 08:48 pm
I think I read that anti venom is in very short supply. Don't take my word for it. I seem to recall a few articles about that.
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