Edgar said- "I developed a patch of skin cancer the size and shape of the radio at the exact spot where it hung. My coworker insisted it was coincidence. I knew it wasn't. And, when I got my cell phone I eventually developed a habit of sticking it in my shirt pocket. Last week, a new patch of skin cancer evidenced itself at the exact spot where the phone stayed"
Yeah i've been saying for years that there's a possible danger of phones and radios triggering skin cancer and epilepsy or Alzheimers etc, i've researched it on the net but the consensus is that the evidence is "inconclusive".
And even if they knew it was dangerous, can we trust the government to tell us?
Incidentally speaking of Alzheimers, I saw in a TV science documentary some years ago pictures of autopsy microscope slides of victims brains containing tiny flecks of aluminium, presumably from aluminium cooking pots and pans, but no government warnings have ever been issued.
I gave up aluminium pots and pans from that moment on, and have used Teflon-coated type stuff ever since..