None, paintings are in my view. To the side I have a narrow table with some landscape reference books and dictionaries. In the bookshelves holding up the door the computer sits on, I have telephone books, english usage books, a near useless albuquerque planting guide I bought when I first got here, and lots of paper and envelope and file folder stuff.
My treasury of present books to keep are sitting on shoe shelves, yes, shoe shelves, in my bedroom. Presently they are dusty, after a plumbing renewal effort.
In the storage room are books in containers, books I need to donate to the right place or sell - re italy or landscape architecture/architecture. Back in the computer room, a side wall has garage type shelving with my art books that I haven't been able to stand giving away or selling to a used book store.. I have bungie straps on the sides so books don't just sail out. Those books are a ballast, or is that word I want 'buttress'.