Something to focus on (once their eyes can focus) is always good when you need baby to stay still.
Yes, rocking chair! Not necessarily one of those glider rockers that they sell at the baby stores. (Something comfy for mama while holding baby; take something baby sized and make sure you have a handy armrest.)
Something comfy for daddy is nice, too....
I like a changing table, 'cause it's easier to change the pad if things get messy.
Are you planning on keeping the baby in bed? They have nice, hard-sided nests for when baby is tiny. Then long bolsters that strap to the side of the bed for when baby is bigger.
I think it is impossible to overestimate how tired you will be for the first month or so.
Anything that makes it easier to get a little rest is worth it, IMO.
Here's a baby hint, take it or leave it as you wish: context is very important for babies. If you follow the same routine, as much as possible, everytime you put the baby to sleep then things will go much easier. Same room, same chair, same songs, same position, etc.
This won't be necessary at first, as newborns sleep a LOT. But as the baby's sleep pattern gets established.... (And you can start singing and reading to the baby now; songs, rhythms, etc. heard in the womb are very soothing to babies.)
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