Seconding the rocking chair!
We had a (beech? maple?) IKEA crib, pine IKEA convertable changing table (hey, that's something else I heartily recommend, non-convertible changing tables are useless as soon as the kid's out of diapers, ours we're using as a bookshelf now, will finish typing this then go see if IKEA still has something like that, probably); white bumpers for the crib; hand-made B+W images of insects mobile (man she loved that thing); an Edmund Dulac scanned + printed + ironed on to white cotton duck quilt wallhanging, alphabet doggerel, multi-colored; huge insect (butterfly, dragonfly) Chinese rice paper kites, multi-colored; and other stuff, I don't remember.
Except that there was NO rocking chair, which I regretted mightily.
Mostly it was great fun to assemble and think about, though. :-D
OK, checked IKEA. My changing table isn't carried anymore, evidently. This is close-ish, in concept, but not nearly so cool:
Some of the top part comes off, leaving a regular cabinet. (Mine is wood and just shelves, no doors.)
Maybe the online selections are limited, they don't show many options and I think I remember there being more options in the store.