I Have A Friend That Is Black...

Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 07:50 am
JLNobody wrote:
Careful Bear, the Mexica used to tear the hearts from their sacrificial victims.

no polar bears south of the border.... :wink:
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 07:53 am
2PacksAday wrote:
Hmmm....I actually do observe the death of TuPac.

Quite often, and randomly throughout the year.

Will you stop now that you know it's moronic..... sub-moronic? Laughing
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 08:48 am
kelticwizard wrote:
Although I agree with RealJohnBoy about Martin Luther King Day being a minor holiday, my question is just how much of a major holiday does a day have to be for a real estate management company to schedule a special event for the clubhouse in lieu of the regularly weekly scheduled events there?

St Patrick's Day is not a banking holiday and people don't get it off from work, but if the real estate development company decided to hold a celebration in the clubhouse for St Patrick's Day complete with a corned beef and cabbage buffet, cake with green frosting, green beer and a small band playing Irish music for a couple of hours, would the housing development be better served by that or by the bridge club holding their weekly meeting?

Nobody gets St. Valentine's Day off either but if Squinney decided to schedule an even that evening for the development's schoolkids complete with a DJ playing smoochy songs, free candy and some other planned things for a few hours in the evening, would the development be better served by that or by the bridge club holding their meeting?

How about a costume party for Halloween night? Or an Italian buffet and celebration on Columbus Day? Not major holidays, but that doesn't mean the community wouldn't appreciate having some fun celebrating them.

Would the bridge club woman complain about a celebration of those holidays? I doubt it. If she did, she would realize the rest of the housing development would consider her a complete stick in the mud. But let an event for Martin Luther King be scheduled, and suddenly she starts talking about the how this holiday is not worth enough to hold an event that conflicts with her weekly bridge game.

this woman probably can't understand why there's a black history month either. That's how this kind of thing snowballs... they had a black history day but was that enough? NOOOOOOO.... So they got a black history week, was that enough? NOOOOOOOO... now it's black history month.... where does it end for God's sake? Where does it end?

I'm going to ask my black friends about this.... that's right... friends.... plural.... I'm enlightened.
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Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 10:43 am
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
2PacksAday wrote:
Hmmm....I actually do observe the death of TuPac.

Quite often, and randomly throughout the year.

Will you stop now that you know it's moronic..... sub-moronic? Laughing

No sir, I will not, I shall remain...sub, minor, major and quasi-moronic.

...Holla If You Hear Me...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 11:39 am
Bi-Polar Bear:

The funny and ironic thing here is that it was you who complained that I was trying to "bully in a passive aggressive manner" and implied that I was a dickless pussy" for doing so.

Well, it seems you have recovered from apparent anger long enough to realize that your racially benign banter wasn't having the desired effect. Thus, you (with the aid of your cohorts) have obviously switched tracks and endeavored to insult and anger via passive aggressive racist and ethnic bullying. I wonder if you will also think these are the actions of "dickless pussies," who find that their seclusion behind a monitor affords them more bravado they most likely rarely, if ever, exhibit in public? Most likely, you will not.

Non-Black(s) partaking in passive aggressive racist actions whist under cloak of anonymity? Somehow it does seems fitting, if not expected. And all this on a thread about Martin Luther King.
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Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 12:11 pm
You've come on here like a jerk and started picking a fight. Bear can handle himself, but I warn you, you won't get far on a2k with a bad attitude.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 12:16 pm
Mexica wrote:
Bi-Polar Bear:

The funny and ironic thing here is that it was you who complained that I was trying to "bully in a passive aggressive manner" and implied that I was a dickless pussy" for doing so.

Well, it seems you have recovered from apparent anger long enough to realize that your racially benign banter wasn't having the desired effect. Thus, you (with the aid of your cohorts) have obviously switched tracks and endeavored to insult and anger via passive aggressive racist and ethnic bullying. I wonder if you will also think these are the actions of "dickless pussies," who find that their seclusion behind a monitor affords them more bravado they most likely rarely, if ever, exhibit in public? Most likely, you will not.

Non-Black(s) partaking in passive aggressive racist actions whist under cloak of anonymity? Somehow it does seems fitting, if not expected. And all this on a thread about Martin Luther King.

Well Mexica you have it all figured out. I'm a racist, an internet coward and you're a f*cking geen-yus.

I did not imply that you are a dickless pussy. I stated unequivocably that the way you came blazing in here looking for a fight where there was none made you appear that way. I stand by it. Let it go buddy, you don't know what the f*ck you're on about. You're sure not worth a pissing contest. Bear out.
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Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 12:19 pm
Mexica wrote:
Non-Black(s) partaking in passive aggressive racist actions whist under cloak of anonymity? Somehow it does seems fitting, if not expected. And all this on a thread about Martin Luther King.

What "passive agressive racist actions" are you blathering about?

And BPB is one of the least anonymous posters on this site. Which you might know if you had a clue.

What you perceive as posters coming to the aid of BPB is really little more than a natural reaction to your acting like a jerk for no apparent reason.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 12:22 pm
wait Tico.... you mean you're not coming to my aid? After this guy practically made me cry? Well...... that hurts. A lot. Crying or Very sad

I thought after the cigar episode we had a special connection. Laughing
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 12:33 pm
I say let the matter drop.... I'm going to ride my bike.
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Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 12:42 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
wait Tico.... you mean you're not coming to my aid? After this guy practically made me cry? Well...... that hurts. A lot. Crying or Very sad

Nope ... you're on your own, dude.

I thought after the cigar episode we had a special connection. Laughing

Well that was a tender moment ......................
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 01:06 pm
You know, I was about to reply to each of your posts (all of you who decided to join in). But suffice it to say, I too stand by my posts, and I do see that many here have come the defense of Bi-Polar Bear it would be foolish to say otherwise. What is claiming that he, "is one of the least anonymous posters on this site" (but anonymous none the less), if not a defense? Of course I didn't mean to imply that I think (or thought) he cannot (could not)"handle himself."

But I am willing to let it drop; let's see if you all are.

By the way Bi-Polar Bear, what kind of bike do you ride? Road or mountain?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 01:25 pm
Mexica wrote:
... What is claiming that he, "is one of the least anonymous posters on this site" (but anonymous none the less), if not a defense? ...

Call it coming to his defense if you want, it matters so very little to me.

... (but anonymous none the less) ...

Um, actually, not anonymous at all. -- Well, it might appear that way to a newbie, such as yourself. But, as I said, you don't know any better.


But I'm willing to let it drop as well.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 02:26 pm
Today is... Monday, January first in the year 2007.

(Just marking this day in history re: Tico and Bear) Very Happy
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 02:35 pm
squinney wrote:
Today is... Monday, January first in the year 2007.

(Just marking this day in history re: Tico and Bear) Very Happy

uh honey..... today is Jan. 8th.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 02:43 pm
Yeah, that's what I meant. I just got so excited about this "first"...

If not Martin Luther, then certainly Rodney King would be very proud.
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Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 02:58 pm
squinney wrote:
Yeah, that's what I meant. I just got so excited about this "first"...

If not Martin Luther, then certainly Rodney King would be very proud.

And if not, I have little doubt that, if he were alive, former Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett would be proud too. Razz
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 03:46 pm
Mexica wrote:
squinney wrote:
Yeah, that's what I meant. I just got so excited about this "first"...

If not Martin Luther, then certainly Rodney King would be very proud.

And if not, I have little doubt that, if he were alive, former Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett would be proud too. Razz

Right along with the KKK & White Citizens Council.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 03:51 pm
LoneStarMadam wrote:
Mexica wrote:
squinney wrote:
Yeah, that's what I meant. I just got so excited about this "first"...

If not Martin Luther, then certainly Rodney King would be very proud.

And if not, I have little doubt that, if he were alive, former Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett would be proud too. Razz

Right along with the KKK & White Citizens Council.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 04:00 pm
That was a reference to the fact that Tico and Bear rarely agree on anything. This time they did, and came together in a "can't we all just get along" kinda way.

Do we have a second person on A2K now with reading/ reference comprehension defecits?

Lord help me and say it isn't so. Very Happy
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