Scrat wrote:Setanta - I am disagreeing with YOUR opinion, because YOU are the one who is here to have the debate.
No, i did not offer opinion. It is a fact that the Supremes overturned the Texas Sodomy statute. It is a fact that the basis given in the majority opinion is the Fourth Amendment. It is a fact that Justice O'Connor cites the Fourteenth Amendment.
Quote:That's not "disingenuous", it's REALITY.
No, it is not reality, read what i've already written above.
Quote:That you would rather whine about nonsensical issues like this than try to support your own position (and stop hiding behind the "they think so too!" defense) speaks volumes for your mettle.
I've done no whining--i've just pointed out that you are wrong about the constitutional issues and the Court's decisions--as you seem always to be--i've never seen you take a position on the constitution which would leave me to believe that you actually know what is written there; i've never seen you take a position on the Court which would lead me to believe that you read the opinions. I'm making no defense--i've no interest in defending what the Court has decided. There is no question of my "mettle" here, except in your feeble attempt to resort to
ad hominem now that your position is crumbling around your ears.
Quote:The only one being "disingenuous" here is you. You state your position and then act the coward when I challenge you to back it up.
Once again, i stated what the Court has used as the basis for the majority opinion, and you offered no challenge to me, because there is nothing in what i wrote to challenge, although you may certainly challenge Justice Kennedy's written opinion, if he'd take the time to listen to you. You are indeed being disingenuous, and it's getting worse, because you're trying to imply that i've made an argument, when i fact i've simply stated the Court's basis for its majority opinion. And, of course, you resort once again to
ad hominem by calling me a coward--because, of course, you have no argument against Justice Kennedy's opinion.