Setanta wrote:I was wondering myself if this tolerance resembled the tolerance shown the Moluccans a few years back . . .
setanta care to clarify your point? cause it seems mistargeted somehow. because
no, tolerance for foreigners/immigrants etc is at an ultimate low here, obviously, whether they be moluccans, turks, antillians or moroccans (especially moroccans), i thought that point would have been clear enough from my post.
hence my satirising about how, thanks to the icon Pim Fortuyn, tolerance for
gays has suddenly been hauled up onto the shield of dutch identity - its at least partly a pretty transparent move to use it against the muslim bogeyman.
(there are some valid points in their arguments as well, of course, about gay teachers in the big cities suddenly being afraid to come out for their sexual identity again, for example - but its the hypocrisy of it that gets to you)
blatham wrote:What an interesting digression! Tolerance for homosexuality a 'dutch tradition'! Wonderful! Clearly what the Republican Party needs is a vigorous and vocal Taliban presence within the US. Just imagine what the Republicans could claim about themselves!
Blatham, pretty much, huh? <grins>
Its an "invented tradition", obviously, but i guess, as invented traditions go - if theyre gonna come up some new pretentions about dutch culture's superiority, we're relatively lucky that its stuff like tolerance for gays and womens emancipation that they come up with ...
you gotta take the good where you can find it, i guess ... thats what i was being tongue-in-cheek about (hey, its been a frustrating year or two).
Sofia wrote:Why so anti-foreigner? I know you've talked about the difficulty getting in. But, why? Employment? Concern for influx of poor, ethnic? Non-gay? :wink:
oh, long story ... the political expression of xenophobia has gone up in waves, subsiding then increasing to a new high, ever since the seventies ... change is scary, and since the big cities are now 40-50% non-white the change since, say, 1975 (when only 5% was), has been drastic enough, so theres a lot of scared people ...
theres a new high whenever economic crisis hits (early 80s, early 90s), global politics resound at home (9/11), or some politician picks up on the topic and makes a homerun with it (the vvd in 94, the list fortuyn last year). the hysteria about asylum-seekers and family reunification has weighed in, too. More details, I'm sure, were in my
Netherlands thread.
(the new government has again adopted some new drastic measures on the reunification thing again, btw ... if you want to marry a girl/boy from abroad (your country of origin, for example), apart from all the other stuff also your partner-to-be has to learn dutch in his/her own country, by whatever means (s)he can find there, and pass a language test at the dutch embassy before (s)he is allowed to join you. <shakes head>.)
william henry, what in heavens name are you talking about with that avatar-stuff?