In the five pages I have read of this thread-pages 1 & 2, and the last three-nobody has mentioned the key ingredient of this supposed "breakthrough".
This Log Cabin Republican initiative is backed by the
New York Republican Party.
Which may not have a lot in common on this issue with the
rest of the Republican Party nationwide.
Look how the Republicans are going after Kerry for the fact that he is from Massachusetts. The Republicans are trying to sell the nation on the idea that the Northeast is a separate place from the rest of America, while the "real" people live in the West, (except for the Coast) and the South-which just happen to be Republican strongholds.
If Kerry had come from New York, does anyone think that the Republicans would
not be mentioning New York with the same snide tones that they now reserve for Massachusetts?
Fact is, the Republicans will probably tolerate this kind of thing from a Northeast state because they will take anything they can get from the place. It is not in their stronghold region, so if they have to "give" a little in their core beliefs in order to pick up possible Senators and Representatives from the state-well, that's politics.
But perhaps my analysis is wrong. Sofia-can you please tell me some important
national Republican figures from outside the Northeast region who have endorsed this intiative? Anything from Cheney, for instance, or any Cabinet secretaries? How about the head of RNC, Marc Racicot-any word from him?