Brandon9000 wrote:I'm cherry picking President Bush quotes about the same way that you are.
Yep, but contrary to you, I'm not propagating a specific theory as to why the Bush administration decided to invade a souvereign nation.
Brandon9000 wrote:I think that he clearly indicated that Iraq had to be stopped before it developed an arsenal of really serious WMD.
I think he and other administration officials also clearly indicated that Iraq was already in possession of really serious WMD.
The problem for your very personal theory is that some of the reasons Bush gave for the invasion of Iraq clearly contradict some other reasons Bush gave for the invasion of Iraq.
Brandon9000 wrote:As for my stated reasons why the invasion of Iraq was necessary being "very personal," that's exactly correct.
I'm glad to see that we are in agreement. Seriously.
Brandon9000 wrote:It sounds like you don't believe tht posters on the Politics forum have a right to give their opinions, when, in fact, that's one of the purposes of the forum.
No, I absolutely believe that posters have a right to give their opinions, as ridiculous and baseless as some of them occasionally seem to be.
Brandon9000 wrote:Indeed, I have, just as you say, stated my opinion as to why the invasion of Iraq was the correct decision based on what was known then.
Actually, you should amend that to "was known be me then". Otherwise you're passing it off as ex cathedra, and not merely as your very personal theory.
Brandon9000 wrote:If you want to dispute my opinion, then you must first address it.
I don't want to dispute your opinion. That would be quite pointless. I merely wanted you to acknowledge that your statements about the reasons the Bush administration had for going to war cannot be reliably backed up by the sum of statements from the Bush administration prior to the invasion.
You did that, and I'm happy we agree on that matter.