vstrong wrote: pleaded for a second chance, forgave cheating, threw my self-esteem and pride aside, etc, etc. and she still doesn't see that I'm a new man and could lover her and she doesnt know if she can love me back.. I have killed her with kindness and everything.
If you had asked how to get rid of her while leaving
her self esteem intact; that's the course I'd recommend. Respect your SELF for the love of good, or why in the world should she? Look back on what I wrote about even footing and acting like a man. Not only are you putting up a false front, but you're doing yourself a disservice on top of it... whether you're hoping to reconcile or not. Repeat after me. I DESERVE BETTER. Repeat it until you believe it and then don't settle until something better presents itself, whether it be her or not. It's entirely possible life's scary unknowns will make her realize how good she had it... and that could be a growing up, rather than greedy thing... but not the way you're behaving. You are reinforcing the idea that what she's doing is OK with your self-defeating, pride obliterating, whimpering and begging. At best, you're inviting her to use you some more. There is nothing attractive nor to fall in love with there.
Conversely; if you start believing in yourself and behaving like you do care about YOU... then she'll be forced to decide if she does too. Try to have the strength to believe and say something like this: I'm sorry, and I do love you, but I don't want to live like this and I won't. Maybe sometime in the future it will be right for us, but NOT NOW.