I am guilty of this.
VERY guilty.
My biggest example is my mother in law.
A self admitted anorexic, she is a little over 6 feet tall and about 110 lbs.
Always complaining of weight gain , she rarely eats.
Granted, for her this is a choice, but from seeing most of her family pictures, I am willing to bet there is some sort of shared metabolism gene there as well.
I am forever poking jokes about her lack of food, her lack of a butt, and lack of a body in general.
When I first met her, I would try to hug her. Now, I wont do it because she hurts.
( I also realized quickly that she doesnt like hugs ehh.. what ever )
She eats green stuff, and only green stuff.
She wont eat yellows ( corn squash, peppers etc .. )
She is an odd creature that woman.
But , no matter, here I sit in my stuffy , fully furnished brown skin laughing at , and staring at her as if she was some kind of freak show.
I see people do it to her in public as well.
She is very skinny. Abnormally skinny, and I am positive she is the butt of peoples jokes all around. I cant be the only one.
Im just more vicious about it.
I will never say it to her face.. but be damned if I dont stuff her plate with more food then she normally eats. Only to watch her throw it away.
Ian and I talk about her all the time when she isnt around. And all I resort to is how skinny she is and how she just needs to EAT something.
It is easy when the shoe is on the other foot.
Being the one to tease, I feel no remorse. ( Not for HER that is.. )
But, being the one who is teased, I feel I should take down the entire world so everyone knows what was done to me.
odd huh..