LoneStarMadam wrote:nimh I said at least some liberals, you decide which camp you're in, I just read & watch & decide who I think is holier than thou.
Oh, I'm more than a liberal - I'm a leftist.
But in those two posts, you sure seemed to automatically classify Phoenix as a liberal - which was rather silly, considering her political views and voting record.
The issue in the background here, of course, is that your definition of liberal appears to be, "anyone who criticizes me". O'Bill, Phoenix - all you need is a sign or two that someone doesnt go along with your talk radio-style political bashing games and - presto - they must be liberals.
Typical, really. If you're not with us, you're against us. If you dont support the Bush line on Iraq, you're supporting the terrorists. "Which
camp are you in?", indeed - in your world, there's just "ours" and "theirs".
This mindset, of course, is exactly what had you guys lose the elections; it ended up the perfect way to repell independent voters who'd still gone Bush in 00 or 04 - like Phoenix and O'Bill, for example.
As a leftwinger I'd say, keep up the good work. Get your Brownback, Hunter, Rice or Romney nominated in '08, and end up a bitter minority.