Good for you Mapleleaf!!! You might consider the Chicago gathering of A2K people??
Husk, have you figured out travel, housing and food costs? I use to live on the South side of Chicago. I often walked by the Museum of Science and Industry...never went in...sad.
Which thread carries the discussion about the trip?
Dear Diary
This year we did the usual on Christmas eve which is go to my suegra's house (mother in law) where my wife's other close relatives gathered: two sisters, one with her husband a skycap at the airport, and their two well behaved kids and the other sister divorced from a bodyguard and gofer for the biggest narcotrafiker brothers in Cali. That one has two teenage children a boy and a girl neither of which are the pride of the family. The girl got knocked up at seventeen and had her two year old in tow. The evening was spent watching the child misbehave while at least three women yelled different commands at him simultaneously. My wife accused me later of not enjoying myself and said we left too early (we left at midnight). Anyway this year I was relieved of the really onerous obligation of attending New Years Eve there since the mother and sisters dispersed to other locations. For the last two years that has been a truly torturous experience since the custom in that neighborhood is for every dwelling to set it's speaker volume at maximum blaring deafening salsa while a continuous barrage of fireworks explodes in the street. This goes on with out relief from early evening till seven or eight in the morning. (In the US the poor buy the fanciest car they can get credit for. In Colombia it's the biggest stereo system.) Anyhow this year we spent New Years peacefully at home up on the mountain with a bottle of Champaign and following the custom of eating grapes for luck in the new year.
"Un prospero año nuevo" to all.
Mapleleaf wrote:Husk, have you figured out travel, housing and food costs? I use to live on the South side of Chicago. I often walked by the Museum of Science and Industry...never went in...sad.
Which thread carries the discussion about the trip?
here it is
May 6th, in Chicago
I don't think I'll be going due to limited vacation mostly. I'm hoping by then my health would not be an issue.
Dear Diary,
How are ya doing old fellow/girl? Since my accidental fall, I've had to eat a lot of humble pie. I started out having to have others help me go to the restroom; I didn't know cleaning your self could be such a chore. Then I discovered all kinds of ways to get paper to the proper spot. Tonight, my back muscles worked and I was able to take care of myself. Wonderful!
I am far from independent, but I believe I will eventually be able to drive again. My approach to yard work will have to change; I've had to hire someone to do the heavy digging and carrying. But the old mind is in good shape; so, I can plan and such.
In February, my daughter and her husband will motor South from Cincinnati and spend a week. Last year this time, she was here to help with her daddy; during that period, I was in the hospital for surgery and recovery.....a LONG 17 days, followed by three months of dialysis. I must say; it gives me some perspective on Husker's ordeal. Being solely dependent on others, is not the natural state of man. Consider the work of Steven Hawkins, a man trapped in his body....amazing!
Maple.... sorry, I don't know what happened. But, you sound like you're on the mend - hope that continues to be the case!
Hello there! What are you doing this days?
I'm still a nanny and still caring for my sickly little animals. I applied to a master's program for elementery education, but have yet to hear back from the university. I have to move by June and I will end my current job, such as it is, next fall some time. I'm still pretty much the same, but things around me seem to keep changing around - what's up with that? <grin>.
Being real careful today just called into say I'm working from home - I'm freezing cold and real tired - so I say those are warning sign to save me energy and keep leg elevated.
<crossing fingers, etc. for Husker>
Hang in there, big fella.
I'll be out of pocket the next couple of days. I'm going to an overnight leadership retreat...leaving early tomorrow a.m. I have to spend today preparing.
I don't want to come back here to bad news that you're in the hospital again. So take care of yourself and take it easy, okay?
hey but the good news is that I'm on my way over the 62 day average - Nov. 15 too today is over 62 days!!
As our 37 year old would say, COOL.
Dear Diary,
Sudden shifts in one's life patterns can be an opportunity to see if something else works...some other habit, attitude...
I am a compulsive-obsessive depressed individual. Three years ago, a doctor prescribed some pills that turned me around. Instead of flitting from job to job (non-finished), I felt at ease in pursuing and finishing a set of tasks that had gone incomplete for two years. I put together, by hand, a metal trailer I had bought from China. There were other things.
Gee Whiz...I lost two pretty good paragraphs...don't think I can get that punch again.
Anyway I had a three month illiness and found my O-C issues back where I started. Now, after two years of major health issues, I appear to have a new attitude. There's a new carpet, someone hired to help around the house and yard, a new doctor who looks me in the eye and talks with me. Who knows, I may squeeze out some extra quality years.
Mapleleaf I think you might. And did you really assemble a trailer you bought from China, like to tow behind your car? That's impressive and I can't even imagine where you found it!
May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face.
Dear Diary Yikes!
This morning my wife who gets up later than I do heard a light plop on the bedroom floor. She sat up in bed and saw one of these wriggling around. It had been crawling along a ceiling rafter. A few feet further over and it would have fallen right on the bed. I'm told these produce a viciously painfull bite. Now how will we sleep tonight???!!!