This dear diary thingie is great - I used to write a diary many many years ago, but then out of laziness I stopped. I think I shud start again - or maybe a weblog !!
Dear Diary,
Last day in Prague - fly back to London today evening - back to the real world.
Had a great Christmas party last night - did not drink much as was too busy dancing (mostly to Czech songs, but hey it was good music) came back to the hotel at 0300 in the morning (I literally had to drag my MD out of the party
) But feeling fine today morning - guess I am not as old as I think I am !!!
But it does seem that Czechs are hell bent on embarassing me in front of my MD. Last night, a memeber of the local staff was hell bent on dancing with me, and kept dragging me on the dance floor - and I kept running back !! Even the senior management in the branch commented on how friendly he is trying to become with me, and everyone was having a good laugh on my expense. The problem was he did not speak a word of English and I dont speak a word of Czech - so I could not even communicate to him that he was embarrassing me and he should stop it. I should have been getting irritated, but hey, it is nice to get attention !! My MD was verrrrrrrrry interested in a girl - who can only be described as drop dead gorgeous, but she did not give him even the time of the day !! Poor guy !!!
I hope I have a good flight !