O.J. tells how he did it.

Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 09:27 am
Chai Tea wrote:
CalamityJane wrote:
Thank you, happycat, that's exactly what I meant.

Still boils down to another cheap shot at americans and preceived superiority of people born elsewhere.

Making blanket statements about people because of their country is about as black and white as you can get.

It really makes me wonder why anyone bothers to move to America, I mean, we're all so black and white, sexually repressed, ignorant, obese and in all other ways inferior it's a wonder any of us manage to make it through the entire day.

I'm sure if OJ had lived in another more civilised land, all this would have been handled in an entirely different way, and everyone would have been satisfied with the results.

If you don't want people thinking you're superior to everyone that didn't have the good sense to be born elsewhere cj, stop making drive-by comments about how much better it is somewhere else. I've had the severe disadvantage of not having lived in a better country, but I have had the poor second place of having lived all over this repressed land.

When I moved to a new region, I had the grace to not tell the people I was now living with how much better it was in another area a thousand miles away. To put it in a vulgar american way, you don't **** where you eat. If I insisted on calling to their attention on a regular basis how superior another way of life was, I wouldn't have blamed them one bit if they had asked me why I bothered to lower myself to live with them.

Frankly Chai Tea, I don't know where you get off that I am expressing
my superiority towards Americans either in my previous post or in general for that matter. I certainly cannot control what people read into
my post, however, I am not responsible for your insecurities, Chai.
Growing up resp. coming from a different country means that I have
a comparison of the American way of life and the European joy de vivre - something you lack completely. To fault someone for having made
different cultural experiences, is actually quite ignorant on your part,
yet I fully accept your position, but so glad that I am not sharing it.

If you're really that insecure Chai Tea, just don't read my post, will you?
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 09:28 am
happycat wrote:
yes Bella....I'll live in my fantasy world.
The one where I had to help my friend in homicide get over having to attend an autopsy for a 6-month old infant that was beaten to death by it's father.
Or listen to him tell me how he had to go to a home to inform a mother that her 16 year old son had been shot to death on his way home from the store.

Yes, my fantasy world is so glorious.

the cool thing about living in a fantasy world is that you can change the fantasy at will....
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 09:30 am
Chai Tea wrote:
happycat wrote:
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
Thanks Happycat, you've even more solidly helped reinforce my belief that Armegeddon needs to come sooner, not later. :wink:

Tell me how I did that please. What was it that I, in my little blue voice, said that could make you want the world to end?


she's baaaaaaaaaack.......

How embarrassing is that? Just because she's disagreeing with you
and made a comment in my favor? Poor Chai!!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 09:30 am
happycat wrote:
yes Bella....I'll live in my fantasy world.
The one where I had to help my friend in homicide get over having to attend an autopsy for a 6-month old infant that was beaten to death by it's father.
Or listen to him tell me how he had to go to a home to inform a mother that her 16 year old son had been shot to death on his way home from the store.

Yes, my fantasy world is so glorious.

well, we just need to declare a "saint happycat day" don't we?

the air must be rare up there.

blanket statements? oh, you mean like the one about americans being so black and white?

Bella....you can get the next one. tag you're it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 09:32 am
Bella Dea wrote:
happycat wrote:
yes Bella....I'll live in my fantasy world.
The one where I had to help my friend in homicide get over having to attend an autopsy for a 6-month old infant that was beaten to death by it's father.
Or listen to him tell me how he had to go to a home to inform a mother that her 16 year old son had been shot to death on his way home from the store.

Yes, my fantasy world is so glorious.

What the hell does that have to do with police honor and ethics?

oh yeah, you wouldn't know because you won't bother to check out the links I provided you proving that this image you have of the police force being 99% pure is false.

I NEVER said they were 99% pure. How silly your arguments have become. Get out from behind your computer and walk the streets of a large city at 3am with no police cars in sight..... then come back and tell me how things are.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 09:37 am
CalamityJane wrote:
Chai Tea wrote:
happycat wrote:
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
Thanks Happycat, you've even more solidly helped reinforce my belief that Armegeddon needs to come sooner, not later. :wink:

Tell me how I did that please. What was it that I, in my little blue voice, said that could make you want the world to end?


she's baaaaaaaaaack.......

How embarrassing is that? Just because she's disagreeing with you
and made a comment in my favor? Poor Chai!!

so don't read my posts either cj....
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 09:37 am
Oh no! I love them!!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 09:40 am
well, as long as we're lying, I love yours too.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 09:40 am
Hmmmmm.... St. Happycat Day!! I like that! Do we give gifts, or just cards and flowers? Very Happy

My statment about America being black and white was admittedly a baby-blanket sized statement. Yet it's true, and you all know it.

What's the matter? Someone comes on the board and stirs things up a bit by disagreeing with the old guard and suddenly all hackles are up?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 09:41 am
nah....this forum as needed a good stir up for a while now saint happy cat.
0 Replies
Bella Dea
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 09:43 am
happycat wrote:

I NEVER said they were 99% pure. How silly your arguments have become. Get out from behind your computer and walk the streets of a large city at 3am with no police cars in sight..... then come back and tell me how things are.

No, but you sure seem to think that I should bolster up and give respect to police force as a whole. I won't. Not with police brutality on the rise.

Should I also include in my respect the ones who do the things I listed in my post, which you still haven't read because god forbid your happy world gets disrupted with the truth.

And how do you know I don't live in one of those "areas" you speak of?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 09:44 am
Chai Tea wrote:
nah....this forum as needed a good stir up for a while now saint happy cat.

>>>>>>>>>sprinkling holy cat pee to all<<<<<<<<<<<
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 09:45 am
happycat wrote:
Chai Tea wrote:
nah....this forum as needed a good stir up for a while now saint happy cat.

>>>>>>>>>sprinkling holy cat pee to all<<<<<<<<<<<

Laughing THAT was a good'un! Cool
0 Replies
Bella Dea
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 09:47 am
happycat wrote:

My statment about America being black and white was admittedly a baby-blanket sized statement. Yet it's true, and you all know it.

So it's ok to make a little prejudiced comment, just not a big one?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 09:54 am
Bella Dea wrote:
happycat wrote:

My statment about America being black and white was admittedly a baby-blanket sized statement. Yet it's true, and you all know it.

So it's ok to make a little prejudiced comment, just not a big one?

Dr. Chai can take this one Bella...

Yes, it is OK to make a small prejudiced comment, at least more ok than a big one. This is based on the same principle that you can tell a culture how ignorant and backwards they are, if it is done with the disclaimer that you are simply sharing your world wide experience, and are in fact broadening our horizons by pointing out our inferior ways.

Would anyone like some fat flavored pork rinds? It'll get your energy up for your bi-annual sexual intercourse.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 09:54 am
Bella Dea wrote:
happycat wrote:

I NEVER said they were 99% pure. How silly your arguments have become. Get out from behind your computer and walk the streets of a large city at 3am with no police cars in sight..... then come back and tell me how things are.

No, but you sure seem to think that I should bolster up and give respect to police force as a whole. I won't. Not with police brutality on the rise.

Should I also include in my respect the ones who do the things I listed in my post, which you still haven't read because god forbid your happy world gets disrupted with the truth.

And how do you know I don't live in one of those "areas" you speak of?

St. Happycat is sleepy and bored with Bella.

Bella....why don't you go spend your lunch hour at the nearest large city Central Bookiing & Intake Center. Remember to keep your cool and don't get scared or intimidated - even though you may be verbally abused and have your life threatened. Remember, all those big tattooed gangsta drug addicts are really just pussycats and probably won't really hurt you should they get out from behind those bars. Oh yeah....they're all wrongfully accused.
It's the COPS that are the bad guys.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 09:59 am
I'm not ducking out on this conversation.....but I have stuff to do.
I like you all....even you Bella. Razz

Remember to wash off that holy cat pee - it starts to stink after awhile!

0 Replies
Bella Dea
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 10:16 am
happycat wrote:

St. Happycat is sleepy and bored with Bella.

Bella....why don't you go spend your lunch hour at the nearest large city Central Bookiing & Intake Center. Remember to keep your cool and don't get scared or intimidated - even though you may be verbally abused and have your life threatened. Remember, all those big tattooed gangsta drug addicts are really just pussycats and probably won't really hurt you should they get out from behind those bars. Oh yeah....they're all wrongfully accused.
It's the COPS that are the bad guys.


Does a drug dealer deserve to have his head beaten in by a cop for doing nothing? Or the "gangsta thug" who might deserve to be behind bars but you think also deserves to be tasered even if he isn't resisting arrest?

Hm. Yeah. Last I checked, they were still human beings.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 10:33 am
Dammit! A four-way cat fight breaks out on my thread and I missed it!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 10:36 am
Kicky, just a few alley cats wanted to live up to the Aristocats Wink
0 Replies

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